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Add/Remove ACL user


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I made a panel for add a thing to a group in ACL..

I want by a click of a button the player get added to that group and buy a click he get removed.. any ideas?

My problem is to check if the player is already in that ACL group, what I want to do:

button named: Buy Donator

if he already got Donator then the button will be disabled with guiSetProperty but the thing is I need to know if the players isObjectInACLGroup but didn't work for me.. Any help please


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I used:

function isPlayerDonator(plr)
    accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr))
    if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user."..accName, aclGetGroup("Donator")) then
        return true
        return false
addEvent("isPlayerDonator", true)
addEventHandler("isPlayerDonator", root, isPlayerDonator)

but I didn't know how to write in client side, if isPlayerDonator == true then if == false then... Any tips?

Edited by SSKE
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you can't use simple "return" to return a value from a server-sided function to a client-side one, but instead you need to triggerClientEvent with a value.
Actually, you don't even need those 'if' statements.

addEvent("isPlayerDonator", true)
addEventHandler("isPlayerDonator", root, function()
  triggerClientEvent("isPlayerDonatorAnswer", client, isObjectInACLGroup("user."..tostring(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(plr))), aclGetGroup("Donator"))


Edited by Pirulax
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Because I'm making as with a click of a button the player get added to donator ACL Group, and if the player is already in the donate acl group i want to disable the button 

I made a panel with a button which I want from it with a click of a button it add a player in the donator acl group, but I want if the player already in that acl group the button will be disable so he don't repress it, that's why I need to check if the player already in the Donator acl group or not and use it in Client Side so I can use guiSetProperty


Edited by SSKE
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