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File contains error


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I get this warning when I start the server.



However, the script does not give any warning when I restart.



A piece of meta file:

<file src="vehicles/hydra.txd" model="520" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="9D60B2426BD06906FF668CC78DDEF454" />
<file src="vehicles/hydra.dff" model="520" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="83956D16EE135A4ED9D999356FC35AB9" />

<file src="vehicles/police_ls.txd" model="596" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="BB64BB19AEDCFF050FF2C52E7BCE047B" />
<file src="vehicles/police_ls.dff" model="596" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="E2615D05517676E57933F88534F9369D" />
<file src="vehicles/police_sf.txd" model="597" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="852BC925A5CF23B1EA8AEE7CED081B27" />
<file src="vehicles/police_sf.dff" model="597" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="B12ABF1DEEC97EB890178391DCC11078" />
<file src="vehicles/police_lv.txd" model="598" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="691F2085DBE959AF8AFEFBE6601A3789" />
<file src="vehicles/police_lv.dff" model="598" download="false" class="vehicle" md5_src="19C31217F8713F5ABF3EEC41917488FB" />



What is the reason of this?

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9 hours ago, KINGKHAN said:

Replace the files name like policesf.Dff instead of police_sf.dff

Don't work.


2 hours ago, koragg said:

The .dff file is corrupted. Try another mod.

But dff file is work, it was replaced to GTA's vehicle.

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19 hours ago, Uçar said:

Don't work.


But dff file is work, it was replaced to GTA's vehicle.

Try with another one just to see if the same error will appear. If it doesn't the dff has something that MTA doesn't like. If the same error appears even on another dff then I have no clue.

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MTA raises that error when the DFF's headers don't add up, indicating some data integrity error (possible file corruption). Perhaps these mods do work, but they share similarities (corrupted header) with mods that crash the client, so that's why they get blocked.

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