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[TUT] Install MTA:SA server with one command - Auto Installer for Ubuntu 14.04 & Higher

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Hello guys,

I have made Auto Installer to install MTA:SA server with one command. Normally it takes much time to install MTA:SA server, but this auto-installer will install the MTA:SA server with just one command!

This auto installer was tested on Ubuntu 14.04, and it must work on higher versions too.

Download this file:

wget http://mrtechdaily.com/mtasaserver.sh


Set the permissions for this file:

chmod +x mtasaserver.sh


Run the file:



Now you must wait sometime for it to install. After it is installed, you will get all the instructions about starting server and other information.

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On 7/29/2018 at 21:55, TAPL said:

The version that i have posted will install all the important libraries, if someone with no Linux knowledge tries to install with the auto-installer you mentioned, he might be missing some important libraries, whereas this is a complete solution for that person to simply use that command on Ubuntu Operating system, and you are done! Moreover further instructions are given on how to start server etc.

Edited by Lampard1
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