damnet007 Posted November 11, 2005 Share Posted November 11, 2005 hi ppl im very new to scripting and i dont know how to do it (lol) but i found this taxi script and a few others: http://mtascripts.mta-euleague.com/scripts.html but i cant get the taxi script to work! is anything wrong with it? please help! Link to comment
XaVeR Posted November 11, 2005 Share Posted November 11, 2005 't work tell mi thing it hve to work now but i dont tested it if it didn't work tell me i will try to correct it on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($mta.name($1,$2) == %admin) { if ($3 == !allow) { if ($4 != $null) { if ($readini(Taxi.ini, Taxi, $4) == $null) { if ($readini(Taxi.ini, Reg, $4) != $null) { writeini "Taxi.ini" Taxi $4 1 mta.say $1 Taxi Driver $4 Authorised. } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Registration >> Invalid Registration Name. } } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Registration >> Already Authorised. } } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Registration >> No name given. } } elseif ($3 == !new) { mta.say $1 New Registrants: $readini(Taxi.ini, New, New) } } if ($3 == !taxi) { set %caller $mta.name($1,$2) set %area $mta.area($1,$2) mta.taxicall $1- mta.taxidrivers $1- mta.msg $1 $2 Taxi Drivers Notified >> %shout } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.pm:{ if ($3 == reg) { if ($4 != $null) { if ($readini(Taxi.ini, Reg, $mta.name($1,$2)) == $null) { writeini "Taxi.ini" Reg $mta.name($1,$2) $4 mta.msg $1 $2 Registered >> Taxi Driver >> Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - Password: $4 .timer 1 1 mta.msg $1 $2 To login >> /msg login writeini "Taxi.ini" New New $readini(Taxi.ini, New, New) $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , } else { if (%member [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == on) { writeini "Taxi.ini" Reg $mta.name($1,$2) $4 mta.msg $1 $2 Password Changed >> Taxi Driver >> Name: $mta.name($1,$2) - Password: $4 } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Password Change >> Denied! (Not logged In) } } } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Registration >> Error, /msg reg } } elseif ($3 == login) { if (%member [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != on) { if ($readini(Taxi.ini, Taxi, $mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) { if ($readini(Taxi.ini, Reg, $mta.name($1,$2)) == $4) { .timerkick off set %member [ $+ [ $2 ] ] on mta.say $1 Taxi Driver >> $mta.name($1,$2) Clocked in! } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Login >> Denied (Incorrect Password) } } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Registration >> Unconfirmed by %admin } } else { mta.msg $1 $2 Login >> Already Logged in. } } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:{ mta.msg $1 $2 Server is Runnin Taxi Driver! .timer 1 1 mta.msg $1 $2 /msg reg to register... set %member [ $+ [ $2 ] ] off if ($mta.name($1,$2) == %admin) { .timer 1 1 set %member [ $+ [ $2 ] ] on mta.say $1 Taxi Driver (Admin) >> $mta.name($1,$2) Clocked in! } elseif ($readini(Taxi.ini, Taxi, $mta.name($1,$2)) == 1) { mta.msg $1 $2 Taxi Driver >> 30 secs to login. .timerkick 1 30 mta.kick $1 $2 } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{ set %member [ $+ [ $2 ] ] off } alias mta.taxidrivers { set %shout $null set %playerid 0 while ( $mta.maxplayers($1) > %playerid ) { if (%member [ $+ [ %playerid ] ] == on) && ($mta.name($1, %playerid) !isin %shout) && ($mta.name($1,$2) != Unknown) { set %shout %shout $mta.name($1, %playerid) $+ , } %playerid = %playerid + 1 } unset %playerid } alias mta.taxicall { set %playerid 0 while ( $mta.maxplayers($1) > %playerid ) { if (%member [ $+ [ %playerid ] ] == on) { mta.msg $1 %playerid Taxicall >> Name: %caller - Area: %area } %playerid = %playerid + 1 } unset %playerid } alias menu { if ($dialog(menu)) !dialog -v menu else !dialog -md menu menu } dialog menu { title Taxi Driver - Admin Name size -1 -1 180 49 option dbu edit "Admin name", 1, 66 20 55 15 text "Add ur MTA nick here, and click OK.", 2, 65 2 63 15 button "OK", 3, 140 19 38 12 button "Cancel", 4, 140 36 38 12 } on *:DIALOG:menu:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 4) { !dialog -x menu menu } if ($did == 3) { !dialog -ma menu2 menu2 set %admin $did(menu2, 1) } } on *:DIALOG:menu2:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 2) { !dialog -x menu2 menu2 !dialog -x menu menu } } dialog menu2 { title Taxi Driver... size -1 -1 105 56 option dbu text "Set Admin name!", 1, 7 4 87 20 button "OK", 2, 14 32 80 21 } on *:LOAD:menu Link to comment
damnet007 Posted November 11, 2005 Author Share Posted November 11, 2005 thanx a lot m8, but what commands do i use to register ppl / call for taxi, etc? thanx Link to comment
andeh Posted November 11, 2005 Share Posted November 11, 2005 that looks poorly made tbh i can see about two mistakes just looking at it quickly. Link to comment
Shib Posted November 12, 2005 Share Posted November 12, 2005 Like he said, he's in a rush Andy, so their may be errors, whereas he said he would correct any, flid. Link to comment
MeanpantheR Posted November 12, 2005 Share Posted November 12, 2005 that looks poorly made tbh i can see about two mistakes just looking at it quickly. then you make one for him Link to comment
damnet007 Posted November 12, 2005 Author Share Posted November 12, 2005 ok testing now... i loaded the script and it asked for admin name, so i entered it... when i try to log in after registering as taxi driver i get this: PM from Admin: Registration >> Unconfirmed by Set Admin name! PM from Admin: You are already logged in. then when some1 types !taxi it says: PM from Admin: Taxi Drivers Notified >> but no taxi driver is notified. Link to comment
Guest Posted November 12, 2005 Share Posted November 12, 2005 (edited) Basic taxi script...Informs all where you are and you cant call a taxi if you are ingame. Download here --> http://www.mta-xe.com/upload/store/Taxi-Scripts.mrc *blue-print by master* (I did make most of it myself) (Pretty simple) OR on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !taxi) { if ($mta.status($1,$2) == 2) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) needs a Taxi at $mta.area($1,$2) else mta.msg $1 $2 Error - You need to be ingame to call for a taxi! } if ($3 == !info) mta.say $1 Taxi Scripts By > [XE]Tommis } Edited November 12, 2005 by Guest Link to comment
lil Toady Posted November 12, 2005 Share Posted November 12, 2005 on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !taxi) { if ($mta.status($1,$2) == 2) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) needs a Taxi at $mta.area($1,$2) else mta.msg $1 $2 Error - You need to be ingame to call for a taxi! } if ($3 == !info) mta.say $1 Taxi Scripts By > [XE]Tommis } ahh.. alwayz thought that i made this lil piece of shit scripty tommis here i've just made better one for you on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ if ($3 == !taxi) { if ($mta.status($1,$2) != 2) mta.msg $1 $2 You need to be in game to call a taxi! else { var %a = 0,%b while (%a < $mta.maxplayers($1)) { if ($taxi.driver($1,%a) == 1) { mta.msg $1 %a $mta.name($1,$2) needs a taxi at $mta.area($1,$2) if (!%b) %b = $mta.name($1,%a) else %b = %b $+ , $mta.name($1,%a) } !inc %a } if (%b) mta.msg $1 $2 Taxi Drivers: %b Notified. else mta.msg $1 $2 There are no Taxi Drivers in Server. } } elseif ($3 == !drivers) { var %a = 0,%b while (%a < $mta.maxplayers($1)) { if ($taxi.driver($1,%a) == 1) { if (!%b) %b = $mta.name($1,%a) else %b = %b $+ , $mta.name($1,%a) } !inc %a } if (%b) mta.say $1 Taxi Drivers in Server: %b else mta.say $1 There are no Taxi Drivers in Server. } elseif ($3 == !help) mta.msg $1 $2 Taxi Script Commands: !taxi, !drivers, '/msg taxi on/off' } on *:SIGNAL:mta.pm:{ if ($3 == taxi) { if ($4 == on) { !writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ taxi.ini" Drivers $mta.name($1,$2) 1 mta.msg $1 $2 You are now a taxi Driver. (to stop being a driver do /msg taxi off) } elseif ($4 == off) { !remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ taxi.ini" Drivers $mta.name($1,$2) mta.msg $1 $2 You are not a taxi Driver any more. } else mta.msg $1 $2 Error - Syntax: /msg taxi on/off } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{ if ($taxi.driver($1,$2) == 1) !remini " $+ $scriptdir $+ taxi.ini" Drivers $mta.name($1,$2) } alias taxi.driver !return $readini($scriptdir $+ taxi.ini,Drivers,$mta.name($1,$2)) Commands: !taxi, !drivers, '/msg taxi on/off' Link to comment
damnet007 Posted November 12, 2005 Author Share Posted November 12, 2005 cheers m8 thanx a lot! Link to comment
field33 Posted May 21, 2006 Share Posted May 21, 2006 Last script = Good script. Really good script... Link to comment
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