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VC Startup

Guest Somniis

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I know this is not directly related to MTA, but, it prohibits MTA from starting VC.

The problem is that the VC CD checker doesn't do its job. I put in the Play CD, cancel the window that pops up showing the contents (for some reason it doesn't autoplay) and click on the shortcut on my desktop. Now, the cursor changes to a CD spinning and I expect it to be checking the CD. Low and behold, it does not. The game never starts up this way and I had to download a no-cd crack just to play it. This changes the executable, and thus MTA won't run this way either. Have any of you had this problem? Any advice or suggestions at all?

(yes, I have contacted Rockstar about this - many moons ago. They didn't reply with anything helpful.)

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I`ve had the problem before also. The way i solved my problem was to download the v0.1 no-cd crack (the crack without the patch of course) then i inserted my VC CD into my computer and then MTA loaded, i still use the method now as it did solve my problem.

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