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Some help please


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here u go

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{
 if ($3 == !in) {
   var %in = $mta.ingame($1)
   mta.say $1 There $iif(%in == 1,is,are) %in $iif(%in == 1,player,players) in game.
 elseif ($3 == !out) {
   var %out = $mta.outgame($1)
   mta.say $1 There $iif(%in == 1,is,are) %out $iif(%in == 1,player,players) out game.
 elseif ($3 == !list) {
   if ($4 == in) {
     var %aa = 0,%in
     while (%aa <= $mta.maxplayers($1)) {
       if ($mta.status($1,%aa) == 2) {
         if (!%in) %in = $mta.name($1,%aa)
         else %in = %in $+ , $mta.name($1,%aa)
       !inc %aa
     mta.say $1 $iif(%in,Players In-game: %in,There are currently no players In-game)
   elseif ($4 == out) {
     var %aa = 0,%out
     while (%aa <= $mta.maxplayers($1)) {
       if ($mta.status($1,%aa) == 1) {
         if (!%out) %out = $mta.name($1,%aa)
         else %out = %out $+ , $mta.name($1,%aa)
       !inc %aa
     mta.say $1 $iif(%out,Players Out-game: %out,There are currently no players Out-game)
alias mta.ingame {
 var %a = 0,%b = 0
 while (%a <= $mta.maxplayers($1)) { 
   if ($mta.status($1,%a) == 2) %b = %b + 1
   !inc %a
 !return %b
alias mta.outgame { 
 var %a = 0,%b = 0 
 while (%a <= $mta.maxplayers($1)) { 
   if ($mta.status($1,%a) == 1) %b = %b + 1
   !inc %a
 !return %b

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Thanks Master, also could someone help me with my current RPG,

   else {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) bought the $mta.vehicle($1,$2) for $ $+ 15000!
     !writeini RPG2.ini car $mta.name($1,$2) $mta.vehicle($1,$2)
     !writeini RPG2.ini status $mta.vehicle($1,$2) o
     !writeini RPG2.ini cash $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(RPG2.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),cash)) - 15000)

It says [XW]MoPhEaD bought the 34 for $15000!, how do i make it say the vehicle name?

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Thanks Master, also could someone help me with my current RPG,

   else {
     mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) bought the $mta.vehicle($1,$2) for $ $+ 15000!
     !writeini RPG2.ini car $mta.name($1,$2) $mta.vehicle($1,$2)
     !writeini RPG2.ini status $mta.vehicle($1,$2) o
     !writeini RPG2.ini cash $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($readini(RPG2.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),cash)) - 15000)

It says [XW]MoPhEaD bought the 34 for $15000!, how do i make it say the vehicle name?

U sure thats urs ? i think its from jax's second edition of rpg script.

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