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[HELP] Heal request

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Hello, I made a script that makes player able to make a request to heal others but I couldn't get my script to work properly.

function findPlayer( namepart ) 
    local player = getPlayerFromName( namepart ) 
    if player then 
        return player 
    for _,player in pairs( getElementsByType 'player' ) do 
        if string.find( string.gsub( getPlayerName( player ):lower( ),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "" ), namepart:lower( ), 1, true ) then 
            return player 
    return false 

addCommandHandler( 'heal', function( source,_,player ) 
    local find = findPlayer( player ) 
    if find then	    
    	    setElementData(find,"healrequest", "pending")
      		outputChatBox("The doctor is willing to heal you. Do you accept?", find)
      outputChatBox("Player not found!", source, 255, 0, 0)

function acceptHeal()
  local requestStatus = getElementData(source, "healrequest")
  if (requestStatus == "pending") then
  	setElementData(source,"healrequest", "unpending")
    setElementHealth(source, 100)
    outputChatBox("You have been healed by the doctor.", player)
    outputChatBox("You have no pending request.", player)
addCommandHandler("aheal", acceptHeal)

the part with if requestStatus doesn't work, it just outputs all the time that the player has no pending request.

How could I fix that and also make players unable to heal themselves?

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function acceptHeal()
  local requestStatus = getElementData(player, "healrequest")
  if (requestStatus == "pending") then
  	setElementData(player,"healrequest", nil) -- delete it!
    setElementHealth(player, 100)
    outputChatBox("You have been healed by the doctor.", player)
    outputChatBox("You have no pending request.", player)
addCommandHandler("aheal", acceptHeal)


Wrong named variables. addCommandHandler doesn't have the pre-defined source variable.

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16 minutes ago, IIYAMA said:

function acceptHeal()
  local requestStatus = getElementData(player, "healrequest")
  if (requestStatus == "pending") then
  	setElementData(player,"healrequest", nil) -- delete it!
    setElementHealth(player, 100)
    outputChatBox("You have been healed by the doctor.", player)
    outputChatBox("You have no pending request.", player)
addCommandHandler("aheal", acceptHeal)


Wrong named variables. addCommandHandler doesn't have the pre-defined source variable.


Actually I still get the "no pending request" thing, it says bad argument at getElementData, element expected, got nil


Edited by Galactix
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