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can someone recommend me a clan?


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there is this clan called [TF] (The Faction).

Im am still struggling to get in it for the past 3 months :(

hopefully chaos will recruit me and/or you soon

Heres the site:


just go to forums and request to join :wink:

:idea: Also there is this other big famous clan thats cool called [KFC].

They dont really like me much,But they dont ban me from their server nomore :). Register at their forums: http://www.kfc.wojjie.net/forum

TIP: If you are looking for a clan,look at the clans section here in the MTA forum.They show some more clans and how to join :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

honestly, there are many great clans out there, i reccomend you decide which one to join AFTER actually meeting a few in person ingame. The major factor is will you get along with the current members or not. Get the game, play in the servers, then decide if you want to join a clan and which one.

I'm locking this topic because this isn't really the purpose of the gangs section.

Hope to see you ingame soon.

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