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Ceoz u can writ that if u want,but PCP won 2/1 because we are nice,normally is 3/0,so cya and never come back ask war,ur teammate and u are just whinner and "n00bs",so it's my last post i wouldn't spam ect,so cya and just don't think ur team is a good team. :arrow:


2-1 XE gg :)

(you saw Tommis stats 1round, and 2 round we killed ya all on TDM)

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Ceoz u can writ that if u want,but PCP won 2/1 because we are nice,normally is 3/0,so cya and never come back ask war,ur teammate and u are just whinner and "n00bs",so it's my last post i wouldn't spam ect,so cya and just don't think ur team is a good team. :arrow:


2-1 XE gg :)

(you saw Tommis stats 1round, and 2 round we killed ya all on TDM)

pfff CeoZ we owned u again ( we won all 5 gws with XE) it was 3:0 coz u were pausing in TDM. That was last gw with your n00bish clan. kkthxdie.

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Ceoz u can writ that if u want,but PCP won 2/1 because we are nice,normally is 3/0,so cya and never come back ask war,ur teammate and u are just whinner and "n00bs",so it's my last post i wouldn't spam ect,so cya and just don't think ur team is a good team. :arrow:


2-1 XE gg :)

(you saw Tommis stats 1round, and 2 round we killed ya all on TDM)

pfff CeoZ we owned u again ( we won all 5 gws with XE) it was 3:0 coz u were pausing in TDM. That was last gw with your n00bish clan. kkthxdie.

nicely said :D

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sure all.. btw:

heh CeoZ you obviously got beat, jsut by looking at your previous scores with =PCP= it would be unlikely you won, especially by asking me to play on msn, =PCP= is a well respected clan most people apart from yoursefl and shooter aka tommis and smith.

no i didnt asked you, and i used a hon player in first round else not :?

btw should i also post, when you asked me twice to join XE, and i sayd no?

im not a noob like you Silent, and all hates you!!

and XE no the real result, soo i dont care about the dreaming PCP.......

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Hey,PCP proove themself since long time,we are fairplay and winner team ( :lol: ) and we never take parts in conflicts,but this time u and ur teammates was so shitty,and really idiots.Same Furiouz (without include u in conflicts) see Cosmo was always in base,and ur players respawned and come attack PCP.

So if u the leader can't have power in your own players,just stop XE,or find good teammates.

Cya PCP won one more time,and for the last vs u ! :twisted::arrow:

And sorry about my english ( :oops: )

Edited by Guest
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Hey,PCP proove themself since long time,we are fairplay and winner team ( :lol: ) and we never take parts in conflicts,but this time u and ur teammates was so shitty,and really idiots.Same Furiouz (without include u in conflicts) see Cosmo was always in base,and ur players respawned and come attack PCP.

So if u the leader can't have power in your own players,just stop XE,or find good teammates.

Cya PCP won one more time,and for the last vs u ! :twisted::arrow:

And sorry about my english ( :oops: )

1) your honoury player for PCP, so shh u!

2) we played fair all the other times you won, 4 times i think, but this time (5 time) did we win, and when we win cant PCP take it :S

3) CosmO wasnt in the base.. and we dont care about cosmo was in base, Tommis killed CosmO after that.. ( you saw hes stats )

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2) My MTA:MA map seemed to show 1 player of PCP, which happened to be Cosmo, was still in their base, as I said as well in the server, I find it quite sad to 'win' a match when the enemy is 'out of base' (mostly just a few steps) anyway...

3) Lol? If I recall right there were 2 or 3 PCP left vs Tommis, I've been watching my client and can't remember any PCP died after the "OMG ITS 1v1" bs...

Last but not least, if you wanna win because of the rules, PCP actually won, simply because Snoopy respawned first round and drove up to the base, second round Ganja respawned and drove up to PCP's base...

I believe one of the rules is "No respawns", am I right?

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2) My MTA:MA map seemed to show 1 player of PCP, which happened to be Cosmo, was still in their base, as I said as well in the server, I find it quite sad to 'win' a match when the enemy is 'out of base' (mostly just a few steps) anyway...

3) Lol? If I recall right there were 2 or 3 PCP left vs Tommis, I've been watching my client and can't remember any PCP died after the "OMG ITS 1v1" bs...

Last but not least, if you wanna win because of the rules, PCP actually won, simply because Snoopy respawned first round and drove up to the base, second round Ganja respawned and drove up to PCP's base...

I believe one of the rules is "No respawns", am I right?

lmao you saw Tommis stats no deaths, soo if he didnt kill any1 after it and didnt die, must CosmO have left the base :S

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