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[XE] - Xtreme Elites - LOCKED


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nice poll 200% retarded is perfect for him :wink:


And guys just an update his Rated R picture was provided by some of his fans so do check it out same link , also got link in my signature . If u are his fan put the link in ur signatures too and let the world know.

Oh by the way R stands for Retarded .


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l0fl^^ im not his fan :D

Oh sorry if that i offended u i thought calling his fan was a good thing :lol::lol: but i was mistaken i am sorry for that ... Suggest me something (word) that wont offend u (i guess Fan aint the word) .

Oh i noticed ur signature its a drive to save mta planet from Rated "R" kids..

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howdy :D

hope miquel that makes u happier.

And i am worried that Ceoz might have gone for a brain surgery . Probably doctors still operating and trying to find out where is his brain ( ofcourse they dont know that his skull was filled with gas, so probably a new Ceoz will return (hopefully cured ) and if not hold on to something cause we all gonaa be flying on Airlines Retardness (aka Ceoz) worse than before. Hope doctors find something good to fill his empty skull with.

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Ceoz Airline: Flight 666 :lol:

U think they gonna find anything? doctors propobly huntin down the squirell that stole coez brain thinkin its a nut :)

Oh did u mean the squirell that took his peanut sized brain thinking its a nut and while running farted like anything to keep ceoz thinking that he still has something in his head.

I wonder if the doctors fainted or somthing cause after that many years the fart must have turned into a nasty bomb. :lol::lol:

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