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Bad argument @ 'getElementType'

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Bad argument @ 'getElementType' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]

-- Player to Vehicle
-- Original Script
function glue()
	local player = getLocalPlayer()
	if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) then
		local vehicle = getPedContactElement(player)
		if vehicle and getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then
			local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player)
			local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(vehicle)
			local sx = px - vx
			local sy = py - vy
			local sz = pz - vz
			local rotpX = 0
			local rotpY = 0
			local rotpZ = getPedRotation(player)
			local rotvX,rotvY,rotvZ = getElementRotation(vehicle)
			local t = math.rad(rotvX)
			local p = math.rad(rotvY)
			local f = math.rad(rotvZ)
			local ct = math.cos(t)
			local st = math.sin(t)
			local cp = math.cos(p)
			local sp = math.sin(p)
			local cf = math.cos(f)
			local sf = math.sin(f)
			local z = ct*cp*sz + (sf*st*cp + cf*sp)*sx + (-cf*st*cp + sf*sp)*sy
			local x = -ct*sp*sz + (-sf*st*sp + cf*cp)*sx + (cf*st*sp + sf*cp)*sy
			local y = st*sz - sf*ct*sx + cf*ct*sy
			local rotX = rotpX - rotvX
			local rotY = rotpY - rotvY
			local rotZ = rotpZ - rotvZ
			local slot = getPedWeaponSlot(player)
			--outputDebugString("gluing ".. getPlayerName(player) .." to " .. getVehicleName(vehicle) .. "(offset: "..tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)..","..tostring(z).."; rotation:"..tostring(rotX)..","..tostring(rotY)..","..tostring(rotZ)..")")
			triggerServerEvent("gluePlayer", player, slot, vehicle, x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ)
		elseif getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then
			local object = vehicle
			local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player)
			local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(object)
			local sx = px - vx
			local sy = py - vy
			local sz = pz - vz
			local rotpX = 0
			local rotpY = 0
			local rotpZ = getPedRotation(player)
			local rotvX,rotvY,rotvZ = getElementRotation(object)
			local t = math.rad(rotvX)
			local p = math.rad(rotvY)
			local f = math.rad(rotvZ)
			local ct = math.cos(t)
			local st = math.sin(t)
			local cp = math.cos(p)
			local sp = math.sin(p)
			local cf = math.cos(f)
			local sf = math.sin(f)
			local z = ct*cp*sz + (sf*st*cp + cf*sp)*sx + (-cf*st*cp + sf*sp)*sy
			local x = -ct*sp*sz + (-sf*st*sp + cf*cp)*sx + (cf*st*sp + sf*cp)*sy
			local y = st*sz - sf*ct*sx + cf*ct*sy
			local rotX = rotpX - rotvX
			local rotY = rotpY - rotvY
			local rotZ = rotpZ - rotvZ
			local slot = getPedWeaponSlot(player)
			--outputDebugString("gluing ".. getPlayerName(player) .." to " .. getVehicleName(vehicle) .. "(offset: "..tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)..","..tostring(z).."; rotation:"..tostring(rotX)..","..tostring(rotY)..","..tostring(rotZ)..")")
			triggerServerEvent("gluePlayer", player, slot, vehicle, x, y, z, rotX, rotY, rotZ)


function unglue ()
	local player = getLocalPlayer()
	triggerServerEvent("ungluePlayer", player)



-- Vehicle to Vehicle // Auto con Auto
function gluev()
	-- viendo si funciona
	local outString
	outputDebugString("glue vehicle")
	local thePlayer = getLocalPlayer()
	local myVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer)
	if myVehicle then
		local attachMe, attachedTo

		outputDebugString("my vehicle")
		local vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle")
		local closest, cdist = nil, 100
		local mx,my,mz = getElementPosition(myVehicle)
		for k,v in ipairs(vehicles) do
			if isElementStreamedIn(v) and v ~= myVehicle then
				local x,y,z = getElementPosition(v)
				local tmpdist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,mx,my,mz)
				if tmpdist < cdist then
					cdist = tmpdist
					closest = v
		end -- final de los autos
function resourceStartNotify ( resourcename )
	-- if the started resource is this one
	if ( resourcename == getThisResource() ) then
		-- send an info debug message as a notification
		outputDebugString ( "Resource " .. getResourceName(resourcename) .. " loaded." )
addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), resourceStartNotify )
		-- distancia minima
		if cdist > 5 or cdist == nil then
			return false
		-- comprobando si esta en helicoptero
		local vtype = getElementModel(myVehicle)
		if vtype == (487 or 548 or 425 or 417 or 488 or 497 or 563 or 447 or 469) then
			attachMe = closest
			attachedTo = myVehicle
		else -- si no esta
			attachMe = myVehicle
			attachedTo = closest
		end	-- fin comprobacion
		local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(attachedTo)
		local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(attachMe)
		local sx = px - vx
		local sy = py - vy
		local sz = pz - vz
		local rotpX, rotpY, rotpZ = getElementRotation(attachedTo)
		local rotvX, rotvY, rotvZ = getElementRotation(attachMe)
		local t = math.rad(rotvX)
		local p = math.rad(rotvY)
		local f = math.rad(rotvZ)
		local ct = math.cos(t)
		local st = math.sin(t)
		local cp = math.cos(p)
		local sp = math.sin(p)
		local cf = math.cos(f)
		local sf = math.sin(f)
		local z = ct*cp*sz + (sf*st*cp + cf*sp)*sx + (-cf*st*cp + sf*sp)*sy
		local x = -ct*sp*sz + (-sf*st*sp + cf*cp)*sx + (cf*st*sp + sf*cp)*sy
		local y = st*sz - sf*ct*sx + cf*ct*sy
		local rotX = rotpX - rotvX
		local rotY = rotpY - rotvY
		local rotZ = rotpZ - rotvZ		
		triggerServerEvent("glueVehicle", attachMe, attachedTo, x*-1, y*-1, z*-1, rotX, rotY, rotZ)

	else -- else no myvehicle
	end -- end if myvehicle


function ungluev ()
	local player = getLocalPlayer()
	local myVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
	local vtype = getElementModel(myVehicle)
	if vtype == (487 or 548 or 425 or 417 or 488 or 497 or 563 or 447 or 469) then
		local attached = getAttachedElements(myVehicle)
		for k,v in ipairs(attached) do
			if getElementType(v) == "vehicle" then
				myVehicle = v
	triggerServerEvent("unglueVehicle", myVehicle)




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Me responde uma coisa, esses erros que você posta aqui são mensagens aleatórias que você recebe no server?

Sobre o erro, faça uma checagem (assim como na linha 7) assim:

elseif vehicle and getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then -- linha 48
if v and getElementType(v) == "vehicle" then -- linha 213

Se esse valor booleano não for true, não vai reportar erros, caso contrário, use um isElement na condição.

Edited by DNL291
  • Thanks 1
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27 minutes ago, DNL291 said:

Me responde uma coisa, esses erros que você posta aqui são mensagens aleatórias que você recebe no server?

Sobre o erro, faça uma checagem (assim como na linha 7) assim:

elseif vehicle and getElementType(vehicle) == "vehicle" then -- linha 48if v and getElementType(v) == "vehicle" then -- linha 213

Se esse valor booleano não for true, não vai reportar erros, caso contrário, use um isElement na condição.

Sim, são todos resources da net a grande maioria contendo erros.

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