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Eai pessoal, bom queria a ajuda de voçes mais uma vez, eu criei uma Windons for panel mission,porem não sei como add a missião no painel e vou lhes mostrar aki em baixo

I wanted to add a mission to windows gui that I created, but I do not know how to do it, could I do it for myself, or hollow out how?

Gui Windons Client

GUIEditor = {
    gridlist = {},
    window = {},
    button = {}
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,

    missionwindow = guiCreateWindow(558, 242, 257, 319, "Zombie", false)
    guiWindowSetSizable(missionwindow, false)
	guiSetVisible(missionwindow, false)
    GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(9, 21, 238, 253, false, missionwindow)
    guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Missions", 0.9)
    fistmiss = guiGridListAddRow(GUIEditor.gridlist[1])
    guiGridListSetItemText(fistmiss, 0, 1, "Transportation Weapons", false, false)
	AcceptButton = guiCreateButton(9, 284, 76, 25, "ACCEPT", false, missionwindow)
    guiSetProperty(AcceptButton, "NormalTextColour", "FED6D800")
    ExitButton = guiCreateButton(173, 284, 74, 25, "EXIT", false, missionwindow)
    guiSetProperty(ExitButton, "NormalTextColour", "FE29D900")
    AbandonButton = guiCreateButton(91, 284, 76, 25, "ABANDON", false, missionwindow)
    guiSetProperty(AbandonButton, "NormalTextColour", "FEDA0000")    
--if you want add Marker# {},
Mark = {
{-2404.00000, -598.00000, 132},
local Marker1 = createMarker(-2404.00000, -598.00000, 132, "cylinder", 1.5, 250,250,0)

for k,v in ipairs (Mark) do
z = v[3] -1
Marker = createMarker ( v[1], v[2], z, "cylinder", 1.5,  255, 255, 0, 255 )
addEventHandler('onClientMarkerHit', Marker,
    function ( hitPlayer )
        if ( hitPlayer == localPlayer ) then
            guiSetVisible (missionwindow, true )
            showCursor( true )

addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), 
function(button, state, absoluteX, absoluteY)
local me = not guiGetVisible(missionwindow)
	if ( source == ExitButton ) then
		guiSetVisible(missionwindow,me )
		showCursor( me )

Esta aki e a mission que quero add a RowList para ACEPTED and DECLINED


Mfim = createMarker ( 858.41198730469, -583.17816162109, 18.150485992432 -1, "cylinder", 2, 0 ,255 ,0, 255)

Bfim = createBlipAttachedTo ( Mfim, 19 )
setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, root, false )

veh = {}
function incio (source)
if fistmiss (source, AcceptButton) then
if veh[source] and isElement( veh[source] ) then destroyElement ( veh[source] )
veh[source] = nil
x,y,z = getElementPosition(source)
Trabalho = true
veh[source] = createVehicle(514,290.74652099609, 2041.4344482422, 18.340299606323,0,0,270)
setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, source, true )
warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, veh[source] )
 outputChatBox ("#ffff00Take this Flag Card without leaving the vehicle !",source,0,0,0,true )
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Minicio, incio ) 

function fim (source)
if veh[source] and isElement(veh[source]) then
destroyElement (veh[source])
setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, source, false )
outputChatBox("#00ff00você Ganhou $10000 Pela Entrega,Parabéns!",source,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",Mfim ,fim)

function sair (source)
if (veh[source]) and isElement(veh[source]) then
setElementVisibleTo ( Bfim, source, false )
destroyElement (veh[source])
outputChatBox("#ff0000Você Perdeu o Trabalho Ao Sair Do Veículo", source ,0,0,0,true)
addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", getRootElement(), sair )

Se puderem me ajudar com isso ficaria muito grato a vcs

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