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Sugiro que use este colorPicker:


function table.copy(theTable)
	local t = {}
	for k, v in pairs(theTable) do
		if type(v) == "table" then
			t[k] = table.copy(theTable)
			t[k] = v
	return t

colorPicker = {
	default = {
		x = 0,
		y = 0,
		width = 200,
		height = 20,
		buttonWidth = .38,
		testWidth = .6,
		testHeight = 1,
		relative = false,
		value = "#ff0000ff",
		selectWindow =
			width = 350,
			height = 430,
			paletteX = 18,
			paletteY = 30,
			luminanceOffset = 10,
			luminanceWidth = 15,
			alphaOffset = 25 + 17,
			alphaWidth = 15,
			rgbX = 265,
			rgbY = 300,
			rgbWidth = 50,
			rgbHeight = 21,
			hslX = 190,
			hslY = 300,
			hslWidth = 50,
			hslHeight = 21,
			historyX = 18,
			historyY = 300,
			historyWidth = 140,
			historyHeight = 80,
			noteX = 18,
			noteY = 378,
			ra1X = 18,
			ra1Y = 398,
			ra2X = 88,
			ra2Y = 398,
			ra3X = 168,
			ra3Y = 398
	constructor = function( info )
		info = info or colorPicker.default
		colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(info.value)
		colorPicker.buttonWidth = info.width * colorPicker.default.buttonWidth

		local offset = 1 --px
		local height = 10
		--local sizeX, sizeY = guiGetSize(info.parent, false)
		if not sizeX then
			sizeX, sizeY = guiGetScreenSize()
		if info.relative then
			offset = offset / sizeX
			height = height / sizeY
		colorPicker.GUI = {}
		colorPicker.children = {}
		-- Create the color selection window
		local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
		colorPicker.selectWindow = info.selectWindow
		colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow = guiCreateWindow(screenW - info.selectWindow.width - 5, 5,
		                                        info.selectWindow.width, info.selectWindow.height, "Escolha a cor (clique fora da janela para fechar)", false)
		guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		guiWindowSetSizable(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)

		colorPicker.GUI.palette = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
		                                        256, 256, "colorpicker/palette.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.GUI.alphaBar = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
		                                         colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth, 255, "colorpicker/alpha.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false

		-- Create the RGB and HSL edit boxes
		colorPicker.children.R = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[1] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.R, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelR = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3,
		                                 10, 20, "R", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelR, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.G = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[2] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.G, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelG = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight,
		                                 10, 20, "G", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelG, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.B = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[3] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.B, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelB = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2,
		                                 10, 20, "B", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelB, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.A = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[4] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.A, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelA = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX - 25, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3,
		                                 50, 20, "Alpha", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelA, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255)

		colorPicker.children.H = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.H, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelH = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3,
		                                 10, 20, "H", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelH, "default-bold-small")
		colorPicker.children.S = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.S, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelS = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight,
		                                 10, 20, "S", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelS, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.L = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.L, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelL = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2,
		                                 10, 20, "L", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelL, "default-bold-small")

		-- Create the color history
		if not colorHistory then
			colorHistory = {}
			for i=1,9 do
				colorHistory[i] = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }

		colorPicker.GUI.historyLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.historyX, info.selectWindow.historyY,
		                                       150, 15, "Cores usadas recentemente:", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.noteX, info.selectWindow.noteY,
		                                       190, 15, "Clique fora desta janela para fechar.", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont( colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel, "default-small" )
		checkColor1 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra1X, info.selectWindow.ra1Y,
												70, 15, "Cor 1", true, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		checkColor2 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra2X, info.selectWindow.ra2Y,
												70, 15, "Cor 2", true, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	forceNaturalAndRange = function()
		local inputText = guiGetText( source )
		if not tonumber( inputText ) then
			local changedText = string.gsub( inputText, "[^%d]", "" )
			if changedText ~= inputText then
				guiSetText(source, changedText)
		local inputNumber = tonumber(guiGetText( source ))
		if inputNumber then
			local clampedNumber = inputNumber
			clampedNumber = math.max(clampedNumber, 0)
			clampedNumber = math.min(clampedNumber, 255)
			if clampedNumber ~= inputNumber then
				guiSetText(source, tostring(clampedNumber))
	setValue = function( value )
		colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(value)

		local avoidRecursion = colorPicker.avoidRecursion
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = avoidRecursion

		return true
	selectionManualInputRGB = function()
		if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			local r, g, b, a = 	tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.R)),
			if not r or not g or not b or not a then
				colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
			colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
			colorPicker.setValue({r, g, b, a})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	selectionManualInputHSL = function()
		if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			local h, s, l = tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.H)),
			if not h or not s or not l then
				colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
			colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = h / 255, s / 255, l / 256
			local r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
			colorPicker.setValue({r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, colorPicker.value[4]})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	updateSelectionWindowEdits = function()
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.R, tostring(colorPicker.value[1]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.G, tostring(colorPicker.value[2]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.B, tostring(colorPicker.value[3]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.A, tostring(colorPicker.value[4]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.H, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255)))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.S, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255)))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.L, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.l * 256)))
--This is where the color updates every time you click the palette or presets!
	updateTempColors = function()
		local r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], colorPicker.value[4]
		return r, g, b
	openSelect = function( currentColor )
		if colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end
		colorPicker.currentColor = currentColor
		--local r, g, b, a = tempColors[currentColor].r, tempColors[currentColor].g, tempColors[currentColor].b, tempColors[currentColor].a
		--colorPicker.setValue( { r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255 } )

		guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, true)
		addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue)
		addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor)

		colorPicker.isSelectOpen = true
		colorPicker.pickingColor = false
		colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false
		colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false
		colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255)
	closeSelect = function()
		if not colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end
		colorPicker.currentColor = nil

		guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue)
		removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor)

		colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false

		closedColorPicker(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3])
	addCurrentColorToHistory = function()
		-- First look up in color history to check if the
		-- current color is already present there
		for i=1,9 do
			local color = colorHistory[i]
			if color[1] == colorPicker.value[1] and
			   color[2] == colorPicker.value[2] and
			   color[3] == colorPicker.value[3] and
			   color[4] == colorPicker.value[4]

		-- Pop the last color and insert the new value
		table.insert(colorHistory, 1, table.copy(colorPicker.value))
	updateSelectedValue = function()
		if not guiGetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) then return end

		local r, g, b, a

		-- Check for color changes
		local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		local paletteX, paletteY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY
		local luminanceX, luminanceY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset, paletteY
		local alphaX, alphaY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset - 1, paletteY
		--Wont work until I get the actual mouse working
		local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition()
		local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()

		cursorX = cursorX * screenW
		cursorY = cursorY * screenH

		if colorPicker.pickingColor then
			if cursorX < paletteX then cursorX = paletteX
			elseif cursorX > paletteX + 255 then cursorX = paletteX + 255 end
			if cursorY < paletteY then cursorY = paletteY
			elseif cursorY > paletteY + 255 then cursorY = paletteY + 255 end

			setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

			colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s  = (cursorX - paletteX) / 255, (255 - cursorY + paletteY) / 255
			r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
			a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
		elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then
			if cursorY < luminanceY then cursorY = luminanceY
			elseif cursorY > luminanceY + 256 then cursorY = luminanceY + 256 end

			setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

			colorPicker.l = (256 - cursorY + luminanceY) / 256
			r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
			a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
		elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then
			if cursorY < alphaY then cursorY = alphaY
			elseif cursorY > alphaY + 255 then cursorY = alphaY + 255 end

			setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			colorPicker.setValue({colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], cursorY - alphaY})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
			r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255
			r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255
		-- Draw the lines pointing to the current selected color
		local x = paletteX + (colorPicker.h * 255)
		local y = paletteY + ((1 - colorPicker.s) * 255)
		local color = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255)

		dxDrawLine(x - 12, y, x - 2, y, color, 3, true)
		dxDrawLine(x + 2, y, x + 12, y, color, 3, true)
		dxDrawLine(x, y - 12, x, y - 2, color, 3, true)
		dxDrawLine(x, y + 2, x, y + 12, color, 3, true)

		-- Draw the luminance for this color
		local i
		for i=0,256 do
			local _r, _g, _b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, (256 - i) / 256)
			local color = tocolor(_r * 255, _g * 255, _b * 255, 255)
			dxDrawRectangle(luminanceX, luminanceY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth, 1, color, true)

		-- Draw the luminance position marker
		local arrowX = luminanceX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 4
		local arrowY = luminanceY + ((1 - colorPicker.l) * 256)
		dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true)

		-- Draw the alpha for this color
		for i=0,255 do
			local color = tocolor(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], i)
			dxDrawRectangle(alphaX, alphaY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 1, 1, color, true)

		-- Draw the alpha position marker
		arrowX = alphaX + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 4
		arrowY = alphaY + colorPicker.value[4]
		dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true)

		-- Draw the recently used colors
		local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3
		local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3
		for i=1,3 do
		  for j=1,3 do
		  	local color = colorHistory[j + ((i - 1) * 3)]
		  	local x = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + ((boxWidth + 5) * (j-1))
			local y = wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + 30 + ((boxHeight + 5) * (i-1))
			dxDrawRectangle(x, y, boxWidth, boxHeight, tocolor(unpack(color)), true)
	isCursorInArea = function( cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY )
		if cursorX < minX or cursorX > maxX or
		   cursorY < minY or cursorY > maxY
			return false
		return true
	pickColor = function( button, state, cursorX, cursorY )
		if button ~= "left" then return end

		local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		local ww, wh = guiGetSize(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)

		local isOutsideWindow = not colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, wx, wy, wx+ww, wy+wh)

		local minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX,
		                               wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
					       wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255,
					       wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY + 255
		local isInPalette = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

		minX, maxX = maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset,
		             maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 12
		maxY = maxY + 1
		local isInLuminance = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
		maxY = maxY - 1

		minX, maxX = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset,
		             wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 12
		local isInAlpha = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

		minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX,
		                         wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY,
					 wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth,
					 wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight
		local isInHistory = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

		if state == "down" then
			if isOutsideWindow then
			elseif isInPalette then
				colorPicker.pickingColor = true
			elseif isInLuminance then
				colorPicker.pickingLuminance = true
			elseif isInAlpha then
				colorPicker.pickingAlpha = true
			elseif isInHistory then
				colorPicker.pickHistory(cursorX - minX, cursorY - minY)
		elseif state == "up" then
			if colorPicker.pickingColor then
				colorPicker.pickingColor = false
			elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then
				colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false
			elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then
				colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false
	pickHistory = function( cursorX, cursorY)
		local relX = cursorX
		local relY = cursorY - 25

		if relX < 0 or relY < 0 then return end

		local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3
		local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3

		local modX = relX % (boxWidth + 5)
		local modY = relY % (boxHeight + 5)

		if modX > boxWidth or modY > boxHeight then return end

		local j = math.floor(relX / (boxWidth + 5))
		local i = math.floor(relY / (boxHeight + 5))
		local box = j + 1 + i * 3

		if box < 1 or box > #colorHistory then return end
		local color = colorHistory[box]
		colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255)
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	convertColorToTable = function( color )
		local result

		if type(color) == "string" then
			result = {getColorFromString(color)}
		elseif type(color) == "number" then
			local str
			if color > 0xFFFFFF then
				-- RGBA color
				str = "#" .. string.format("%08X", color)
				-- RGB color
				str = "#" .. string.format("%06X", color)
			result = {getColorFromString(str)}
		elseif type(color) == "table" then
			result = color
			result = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }

		local checkValue = function(value)
		                     if not value then return 255 end
				     value = math.floor(tonumber(value))
		                     if value < 0 then return 0
		                     elseif value > 255 then return 255
		                     else return value end
		result[1] = checkValue(result[1])
		result[2] = checkValue(result[2])
		result[3] = checkValue(result[3])
		result[4] = checkValue(result[4])

		return result
	hsl2rgb = function(h, s, l)
		local m2
		if l < 0.5 then
			m2 = l * (s + 1)
			m2 = (l + s) - (l * s)
		local m1 = l * 2 - m2

		local hue2rgb = function(m1, m2, h)
			if h < 0 then h = h + 1
			elseif h > 1 then h = h - 1 end

			if h*6 < 1 then
				return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6
			elseif h*2 < 1 then
				return m2
			elseif h*3 < 2 then
				return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6
				return m1

		local r = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h + 1/3)
		local g = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h)
		local b = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h - 1/3)
		return r, g, b
	rgb2hsl = function(r, g, b)
		local max = math.max(r, g, b)
		local min = math.min(r, g, b)
		local l = (min + max) / 2
		local h
		local s

		if max == min then
			h = 0
			s = 0
			local d = max - min

			if l < 0.5 then
				s = d / (max + min)
				s = d / (2 - max - min)

			if max == r then
				h = (g - b) / d
				if g < b then h = h + 6 end
			elseif max == g then
				h = (b - r) / d + 2
				h = (r - g) / d + 4

			h = h / 6

		return h, s, l

tempColors = {}
colors = {}
tempColors[colors] = {}

Ele precisa destas 2 imagens pra funcionar:

https://prnt.sc/jellpq (alpha.png)
https://prnt.sc/jelm01 (palette.png)
O script colorpicker.lua e as duas imagens devem estar dentro de uma pasta chamada colorpicker no seu resource. Com seus arquivos devidamente declarados no meta.xml do seu resource.

Use isso para obter as cores selecionadas no colorpicker:

local r, g, b = colorPicker.updateTempColors()

Use isso para abrir o painel do colorpicker:

function openColorPicker()
	if (colorPicker.isSelectOpen) or not isElement(veh) then return end -- veh = veículo que vc quer pintar no seu script.
	colorPicker.openSelect() -- abre o colorpicker

Pra fechar o painel ele já tem uma função interna que fecha sozinho ao clicar fora do painel. Mas se quiser fechar por algum comando ou botão, da pra usar isso:


Obs: Tudo isso é somente client-side.

Edited by Lord Henry
Link to comment
Just now, Lord Henry said:

Sugiro que use este colorPicker:

  Hide contents

function table.copy(theTable)
	local t = {}
	for k, v in pairs(theTable) do
		if type(v) == "table" then
			t[k] = table.copy(theTable)
			t[k] = v
	return t

colorPicker = {
	default = {
		x = 0,
		y = 0,
		width = 200,
		height = 20,
		buttonWidth = .38,
		testWidth = .6,
		testHeight = 1,
		relative = false,
		value = "#ff0000ff",
		selectWindow =
			width = 350,
			height = 430,
			paletteX = 18,
			paletteY = 30,
			luminanceOffset = 10,
			luminanceWidth = 15,
			alphaOffset = 25 + 17,
			alphaWidth = 15,
			rgbX = 265,
			rgbY = 300,
			rgbWidth = 50,
			rgbHeight = 21,
			hslX = 190,
			hslY = 300,
			hslWidth = 50,
			hslHeight = 21,
			historyX = 18,
			historyY = 300,
			historyWidth = 140,
			historyHeight = 80,
			noteX = 18,
			noteY = 378,
			ra1X = 18,
			ra1Y = 398,
			ra2X = 88,
			ra2Y = 398,
			ra3X = 168,
			ra3Y = 398
	constructor = function( info )
		info = info or colorPicker.default
		colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(info.value)
		colorPicker.buttonWidth = info.width * colorPicker.default.buttonWidth

		local offset = 1 --px
		local height = 10
		--local sizeX, sizeY = guiGetSize(info.parent, false)
		if not sizeX then
			sizeX, sizeY = guiGetScreenSize()
		if info.relative then
			offset = offset / sizeX
			height = height / sizeY
		colorPicker.GUI = {}
		colorPicker.children = {}
		-- Create the color selection window
		local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
		colorPicker.selectWindow = info.selectWindow
		colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow = guiCreateWindow(screenW - info.selectWindow.width - 5, 5,
		                                        info.selectWindow.width, info.selectWindow.height, "Escolha a cor (clique fora da janela para fechar)", false)
		guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		guiWindowSetSizable(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)

		colorPicker.GUI.palette = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
		                                        256, 256, "colorpicker/palette.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.GUI.alphaBar = guiCreateStaticImage(colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset, colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
		                                         colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth, 255, "colorpicker/alpha.png", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false

		-- Create the RGB and HSL edit boxes
		colorPicker.children.R = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[1] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.R, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.R, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelR = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3,
		                                 10, 20, "R", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelR, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.G = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[2] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.G, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.G, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelG = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight,
		                                 10, 20, "G", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelG, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.B = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[3] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.B, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.B, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelB = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*2,
		                                 10, 20, "B", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelB, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.A = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.rgbX + 10, info.selectWindow.rgbY + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3, info.selectWindow.rgbWidth, info.selectWindow.rgbHeight, tostring( colorPicker.value[4] ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.A, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.A, colorPicker.selectionManualInputRGB)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelA = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.rgbX - 25, info.selectWindow.rgbY + 3 + info.selectWindow.rgbHeight*3,
		                                 50, 20, "Alpha", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelA, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255)

		colorPicker.children.H = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.H, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.H, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelH = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3,
		                                 10, 20, "H", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelH, "default-bold-small")
		colorPicker.children.S = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.S, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.S, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelS = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight,
		                                 10, 20, "S", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelS, "default-bold-small")

		colorPicker.children.L = guiCreateEdit(info.selectWindow.hslX + 10, info.selectWindow.hslY + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2, info.selectWindow.hslWidth, info.selectWindow.hslHeight, tostring( math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255) ), false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiEditSetMaxLength(colorPicker.children.L, 3)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.forceNaturalAndRange)
		addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", colorPicker.children.L, colorPicker.selectionManualInputHSL)
		colorPicker.GUI.labelL = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.hslX, info.selectWindow.hslY + 3 + info.selectWindow.hslHeight*2,
		                                 10, 20, "L", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont(colorPicker.GUI.labelL, "default-bold-small")

		-- Create the color history
		if not colorHistory then
			colorHistory = {}
			for i=1,9 do
				colorHistory[i] = { 255, 255, 255, 200 }

		colorPicker.GUI.historyLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.historyX, info.selectWindow.historyY,
		                                       150, 15, "Cores usadas recentemente:", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel = guiCreateLabel(info.selectWindow.noteX, info.selectWindow.noteY,
		                                       190, 15, "Clique fora desta janela para fechar.", false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		guiSetFont( colorPicker.GUI.noteLabel, "default-small" )
		checkColor1 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra1X, info.selectWindow.ra1Y,
												70, 15, "Cor 1", true, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		checkColor2 = guiCreateCheckBox(info.selectWindow.ra2X, info.selectWindow.ra2Y,
												70, 15, "Cor 2", true, false, colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow)
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	forceNaturalAndRange = function()
		local inputText = guiGetText( source )
		if not tonumber( inputText ) then
			local changedText = string.gsub( inputText, "[^%d]", "" )
			if changedText ~= inputText then
				guiSetText(source, changedText)
		local inputNumber = tonumber(guiGetText( source ))
		if inputNumber then
			local clampedNumber = inputNumber
			clampedNumber = math.max(clampedNumber, 0)
			clampedNumber = math.min(clampedNumber, 255)
			if clampedNumber ~= inputNumber then
				guiSetText(source, tostring(clampedNumber))
	setValue = function( value )
		colorPicker.value = colorPicker.convertColorToTable(value)

		local avoidRecursion = colorPicker.avoidRecursion
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = avoidRecursion

		return true
	selectionManualInputRGB = function()
		if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			local r, g, b, a = 	tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.R)),
			if not r or not g or not b or not a then
				colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
			colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(r / 255, g / 255, b / 255)
			colorPicker.setValue({r, g, b, a})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	selectionManualInputHSL = function()
		if not colorPicker.avoidRecursion then
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			local h, s, l = tonumber(guiGetText(colorPicker.children.H)),
			if not h or not s or not l then
				colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
			colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = h / 255, s / 255, l / 256
			local r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
			colorPicker.setValue({r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, colorPicker.value[4]})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	updateSelectionWindowEdits = function()
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.R, tostring(colorPicker.value[1]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.G, tostring(colorPicker.value[2]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.B, tostring(colorPicker.value[3]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.A, tostring(colorPicker.value[4]))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.H, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.h * 255)))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.S, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.s * 255)))
		guiSetText(colorPicker.children.L, tostring(math.floor(colorPicker.l * 256)))
--This is where the color updates every time you click the palette or presets!
	updateTempColors = function()
		local r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], colorPicker.value[4]
		return r, g, b
	openSelect = function( currentColor )
		if colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end
		colorPicker.currentColor = currentColor
		--local r, g, b, a = tempColors[currentColor].r, tempColors[currentColor].g, tempColors[currentColor].b, tempColors[currentColor].a
		--colorPicker.setValue( { r * 255, g * 255, b * 255, a * 255 } )

		guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, true)
		addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue)
		addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor)

		colorPicker.isSelectOpen = true
		colorPicker.pickingColor = false
		colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false
		colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false
		colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255)
	closeSelect = function()
		if not colorPicker.isSelectOpen then return end
		colorPicker.currentColor = nil

		guiSetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, colorPicker.updateSelectedValue)
		removeEventHandler("onClientClick", root, colorPicker.pickColor)

		colorPicker.isSelectOpen = false

		closedColorPicker(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3])
	addCurrentColorToHistory = function()
		-- First look up in color history to check if the
		-- current color is already present there
		for i=1,9 do
			local color = colorHistory[i]
			if color[1] == colorPicker.value[1] and
			   color[2] == colorPicker.value[2] and
			   color[3] == colorPicker.value[3] and
			   color[4] == colorPicker.value[4]

		-- Pop the last color and insert the new value
		table.insert(colorHistory, 1, table.copy(colorPicker.value))
	updateSelectedValue = function()
		if not guiGetVisible(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow) then return end

		local r, g, b, a

		-- Check for color changes
		local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		local paletteX, paletteY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX, wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY
		local luminanceX, luminanceY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset, paletteY
		local alphaX, alphaY = paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset - 1, paletteY
		--Wont work until I get the actual mouse working
		local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition()
		local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()

		cursorX = cursorX * screenW
		cursorY = cursorY * screenH

		if colorPicker.pickingColor then
			if cursorX < paletteX then cursorX = paletteX
			elseif cursorX > paletteX + 255 then cursorX = paletteX + 255 end
			if cursorY < paletteY then cursorY = paletteY
			elseif cursorY > paletteY + 255 then cursorY = paletteY + 255 end

			setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

			colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s  = (cursorX - paletteX) / 255, (255 - cursorY + paletteY) / 255
			r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
			a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
		elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then
			if cursorY < luminanceY then cursorY = luminanceY
			elseif cursorY > luminanceY + 256 then cursorY = luminanceY + 256 end

			setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

			colorPicker.l = (256 - cursorY + luminanceY) / 256
			r, g, b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l)
			a = colorPicker.value[4] / 255
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			colorPicker.setValue({r*255, g*255, b*255, colorPicker.value[4]})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
		elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then
			if cursorY < alphaY then cursorY = alphaY
			elseif cursorY > alphaY + 255 then cursorY = alphaY + 255 end

			setCursorPosition(cursorX, cursorY)

			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
			colorPicker.setValue({colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], cursorY - alphaY})
			colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
			r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255
			r, g, b, a = colorPicker.value[1] / 255, colorPicker.value[2] / 255, colorPicker.value[3] / 255, colorPicker.value[4] / 255
		-- Draw the lines pointing to the current selected color
		local x = paletteX + (colorPicker.h * 255)
		local y = paletteY + ((1 - colorPicker.s) * 255)
		local color = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255)

		dxDrawLine(x - 12, y, x - 2, y, color, 3, true)
		dxDrawLine(x + 2, y, x + 12, y, color, 3, true)
		dxDrawLine(x, y - 12, x, y - 2, color, 3, true)
		dxDrawLine(x, y + 2, x, y + 12, color, 3, true)

		-- Draw the luminance for this color
		local i
		for i=0,256 do
			local _r, _g, _b = colorPicker.hsl2rgb(colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, (256 - i) / 256)
			local color = tocolor(_r * 255, _g * 255, _b * 255, 255)
			dxDrawRectangle(luminanceX, luminanceY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth, 1, color, true)

		-- Draw the luminance position marker
		local arrowX = luminanceX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 4
		local arrowY = luminanceY + ((1 - colorPicker.l) * 256)
		dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true)

		-- Draw the alpha for this color
		for i=0,255 do
			local color = tocolor(colorPicker.value[1], colorPicker.value[2], colorPicker.value[3], i)
			dxDrawRectangle(alphaX, alphaY + i, colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 1, 1, color, true)

		-- Draw the alpha position marker
		arrowX = alphaX + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 4
		arrowY = alphaY + colorPicker.value[4]
		dxDrawLine(arrowX, arrowY, arrowX + 8, arrowY, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 2, true)

		-- Draw the recently used colors
		local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3
		local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3
		for i=1,3 do
		  for j=1,3 do
		  	local color = colorHistory[j + ((i - 1) * 3)]
		  	local x = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + ((boxWidth + 5) * (j-1))
			local y = wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + 30 + ((boxHeight + 5) * (i-1))
			dxDrawRectangle(x, y, boxWidth, boxHeight, tocolor(unpack(color)), true)
	isCursorInArea = function( cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY )
		if cursorX < minX or cursorX > maxX or
		   cursorY < minY or cursorY > maxY
			return false
		return true
	pickColor = function( button, state, cursorX, cursorY )
		if button ~= "left" then return end

		local wx, wy = guiGetPosition(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)
		local ww, wh = guiGetSize(colorPicker.GUI.selectWindow, false)

		local isOutsideWindow = not colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, wx, wy, wx+ww, wy+wh)

		local minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX,
		                               wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY,
					       wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255,
					       wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteY + 255
		local isInPalette = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

		minX, maxX = maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset,
		             maxX + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.luminanceWidth + 12
		maxY = maxY + 1
		local isInLuminance = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)
		maxY = maxY - 1

		minX, maxX = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset,
		             wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.paletteX + 255 + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaOffset + colorPicker.selectWindow.alphaWidth + 12
		local isInAlpha = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

		minX, minY, maxX, maxY = wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX,
		                         wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY,
					 wx + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyX + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth,
					 wy + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyY + colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight
		local isInHistory = colorPicker.isCursorInArea(cursorX, cursorY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY)

		if state == "down" then
			if isOutsideWindow then
			elseif isInPalette then
				colorPicker.pickingColor = true
			elseif isInLuminance then
				colorPicker.pickingLuminance = true
			elseif isInAlpha then
				colorPicker.pickingAlpha = true
			elseif isInHistory then
				colorPicker.pickHistory(cursorX - minX, cursorY - minY)
		elseif state == "up" then
			if colorPicker.pickingColor then
				colorPicker.pickingColor = false
			elseif colorPicker.pickingLuminance then
				colorPicker.pickingLuminance = false
			elseif colorPicker.pickingAlpha then
				colorPicker.pickingAlpha = false
	pickHistory = function( cursorX, cursorY)
		local relX = cursorX
		local relY = cursorY - 25

		if relX < 0 or relY < 0 then return end

		local boxWidth = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyWidth - 15) / 3
		local boxHeight = (colorPicker.selectWindow.historyHeight - 45) / 3

		local modX = relX % (boxWidth + 5)
		local modY = relY % (boxHeight + 5)

		if modX > boxWidth or modY > boxHeight then return end

		local j = math.floor(relX / (boxWidth + 5))
		local i = math.floor(relY / (boxHeight + 5))
		local box = j + 1 + i * 3

		if box < 1 or box > #colorHistory then return end
		local color = colorHistory[box]
		colorPicker.h, colorPicker.s, colorPicker.l = colorPicker.rgb2hsl(color[1] / 255, color[2] / 255, color[3] / 255)
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = true
		colorPicker.avoidRecursion = false
	convertColorToTable = function( color )
		local result

		if type(color) == "string" then
			result = {getColorFromString(color)}
		elseif type(color) == "number" then
			local str
			if color > 0xFFFFFF then
				-- RGBA color
				str = "#" .. string.format("%08X", color)
				-- RGB color
				str = "#" .. string.format("%06X", color)
			result = {getColorFromString(str)}
		elseif type(color) == "table" then
			result = color
			result = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }

		local checkValue = function(value)
		                     if not value then return 255 end
				     value = math.floor(tonumber(value))
		                     if value < 0 then return 0
		                     elseif value > 255 then return 255
		                     else return value end
		result[1] = checkValue(result[1])
		result[2] = checkValue(result[2])
		result[3] = checkValue(result[3])
		result[4] = checkValue(result[4])

		return result
	hsl2rgb = function(h, s, l)
		local m2
		if l < 0.5 then
			m2 = l * (s + 1)
			m2 = (l + s) - (l * s)
		local m1 = l * 2 - m2

		local hue2rgb = function(m1, m2, h)
			if h < 0 then h = h + 1
			elseif h > 1 then h = h - 1 end

			if h*6 < 1 then
				return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6
			elseif h*2 < 1 then
				return m2
			elseif h*3 < 2 then
				return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6
				return m1

		local r = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h + 1/3)
		local g = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h)
		local b = hue2rgb(m1, m2, h - 1/3)
		return r, g, b
	rgb2hsl = function(r, g, b)
		local max = math.max(r, g, b)
		local min = math.min(r, g, b)
		local l = (min + max) / 2
		local h
		local s

		if max == min then
			h = 0
			s = 0
			local d = max - min

			if l < 0.5 then
				s = d / (max + min)
				s = d / (2 - max - min)

			if max == r then
				h = (g - b) / d
				if g < b then h = h + 6 end
			elseif max == g then
				h = (b - r) / d + 2
				h = (r - g) / d + 4

			h = h / 6

		return h, s, l

tempColors = {}
colors = {}
tempColors[colors] = {}

Ele precisa destas 2 imagens pra funcionar:

https://prnt.sc/jellpq (alpha.png)
https://prnt.sc/jelm01 (palette.png)
O script colorpicker.lua e as duas imagens devem estar dentro de uma pasta chamada colorpicker no seu resource. Com seus arquivos devidamente declarados no meta.xml do seu resource.

Use isso para obter as cores selecionadas no colorpicker:

local r, g, b = colorPicker.updateTempColors()

Use isso para abrir o painel do colorpicker:

function openColorPicker()	if (colorPicker.isSelectOpen) or not isElement(veh) then return end -- veh = veículo que vc quer pintar no seu script.	colorPicker.openSelect() -- abre o colorpickerend

Pra fechar o painel ele já tem uma função interna que fecha sozinho ao clicar fora do painel. Mas se quiser fechar por algum comando ou botão, da pra usar isso:


Obs: Tudo isso é somente client-side.

é que eu queria botar nesse painel.


OBS:è um painel de teste

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