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Problem with serial, please, help

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Hi, I bought a used pc and apparently the serial is banned. I think I can not have more bad luck. I'm a fan of MTAsa and the server that I want to play, I can not. Could you help me change the serial ?. Sorry for my English (google translator haha) and thank you!

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Hello sir, 

First of all , if you are banned from any Multi Theft Auto ' SERVER ' if SERIAL is banned, that mean is you can't join again to the server.

second of all, it is impossible to change your SERIAL code, there was a way for it (RESET PC) but MTA adminstartor updated everything about MTA, if you will reset your Computer still you can not enter to the server.

Edited by Taleh Mikayilov
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Your serial is not banned globally, so there's unfortunately nothing the MTA team could do about it. Therefore, your only chance to get unbanned is to kindly ask the server team to unban you.

(Also, don't try changing your serial using tools that pretend to do it as an attempt results in a global ban immediately and automatically)

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Thanks for the answers, the administrator does not respond to the messages. I played that server from another pc. And I had bad luck with the pc that I bought. I do not think it's impossible to change the serial. What data does MTA collect to generate the serial? serial mother? hdd? ethernet ?. regards

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