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ماتفتح لوحة

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السلام عليكم


لو معة الحقيبة ماتفتح معة لوحة سيارات  من ماركر

function MarkersPosition ( player)
if(getElementType(player) == "player")then
getElementData( player, "bag_Holder" )
outputChatBox("لايمكن فتح لوحة سيارررات", player, 30, 171, 210)

غلط صح

Edited by gta-gta
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28 minutes ago, gta-gta said:

سوية لاني مافهمت

انا ابي اذا معة الداتا ماتفتح لة اللوحة ولا يقدر يدخل الماركرات الي انا احددها


إطرح, كود لين يخش الماركر

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local MarkersPosition = {
	[1] = {1679, -2327.5, 12.5, 0,0}, 
	[2] = {-1385, -355, 13, 100},
	[3] = {1711, 1517, 9.7, 180}, -- LV AIR PORT
	[4] = {2499, -1651.32 ,12.53, 175}, -- GROVE STREET
	[5] = {1359, -1754, 12.4, 0}, -- POLICE LS
	[6] = {2216.80591, -1314.92834, 22.98438, 270}, 
	[7] = {2292.79, -1115.81 ,36.98, 90}, zetcas
	[8] = {1803.1, -1933.42 ,12.39, 0}, 
	[9] = {1182.8, -1315 ,12.64, 270}, 
	[10] = {2007.22, -1440.68 ,12.56, 130}, -- LS HOSPITAL
	[11] = {2680.76, -1697.33 ,8.41, 55}, -- WWE
	[12] = {1194.19, -1756.06 ,12.58, 90}, -- NO TEAM
	[13] = {1144.47, -1465.78 ,14.79, 0}, -- NO TEAM
	[14] = {1535.13, -1476.71 ,8.5, 0}, -- NO TEAM
	[15] = {2489.13, -1953.85, 12.42, 0}, -- NO TEAM
	[16] = {1427.47, -1056.45, 22.16, 0}, -- NO TEAM
	[17] = {1974.27, -1278.81, 22.82, 0}, -- NO TEAM
	[18] = {1946.59, -1362.73, 17.58, 90}, -- NO TEAM
	[19] = {-1861.45, 595.74, 34.17, 0}, -- BANK
	[20] = {-2136.47, -78.1, 34.32, 0}, -- WAREHOUSE
	[21] = {333.81, -1519.94, 34.87, 319}, -- Club
	[22] = {1771.77, -1344.41, 14.76, 177}, -- NO TEAM
	[23] = {1722.63, -1609.57, 12.55 , 1}, -- NO TEAM
	[24] = {-2022.86, 155.56, 27.83594 , 0}, -- RIFA
	[25] = {-2175.38, 704.29, 52.89063 , 180}, -- Triads
	[26] = {-2107.17, 903.50, 75.48021 , 360}, -- Da Nang
	[27] = {-2621.01, 1379.10, 6.14884 , 180}, -- Mafia
	[28] = {-1704.59, 1339.44, 6.18072 , 136}, -- Russians
	[29] = {1624, 1820, 9.7, 0}, -- LV HOSPITAL
	[230] = {779.02728271484,-1160.3970947266,23.417623519897}, -- LV HOSPITAL

local Window_CarsForCr = guiCreateWindow(screX/2 - 100, screY/2 - 150, 200, 350, "Selecting Vehicles Menu", false)
guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, false)
guiWindowSetSizable(Window_CarsForCr, false)
local list_Cars = guiCreateGridList(0, 0.07, 1, 0.66, true, Window_CarsForCr)
local column_cars = guiGridListAddColumn(list_Cars, "vehicle", 0.9)
local selectBB = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.75, 1, 0.1, "Select!", true, Window_CarsForCr)
local closeBBB = guiCreateButton(0.05, 0.86, 1, 0.1, "Close", true, Window_CarsForCr)

local list_Medic = guiCreateGridList(0, 0.07, 1, 0.66, true, Window_CarsForCr)
guiSetVisible(list_Medic, false)
local column_Medic = guiGridListAddColumn(list_Medic, "vehicle", 0.9)
guiGridListSetItemText(list_Medic, guiGridListAddRow(list_Medic), column_Medic, "Ambulance", false, false)

local medic1 = createMarker(1177, -1308, 12.95, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 255, 100)
local medic2 = createMarker(1177, -1338.5, 12.95, "cylinder", 2, 0, 255, 255, 100)

function onWaste()
	guiSetVisible(Window_CarsForCr, false)
	setTimer(setElementFrozen, 50, 1, player, false)
addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", player, onWaste)
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeBBB, onWaste, false)

for _,car in ipairs(vehicles) do
	local row = guiGridListAddRow(list_Cars)
	guiGridListSetItemText(list_Cars, row, column_cars, getVehicleNameFromModel(tonumber(car)), false, false)

for _, Pos in ipairs(MarkersPosition) do
	local marker = createMarker(Pos[1], Pos[2], Pos[3], "cylinder", 2, 200, 200, 200, 100)
	setElementID(marker, tostring(Pos[4]))
	MarkersTable[marker] = true


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