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Vehicle Zone

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Hello guys, I have this script working fine, when you join with a vehicle to zone, it will be automatically respawned and you will get out of it

but when you are on zone, you can get into the vehicles, I want even when you are inside the zone and spawn a vehicle, you will can not use it

help please


local myCol = createColRectangle (667.73, 1850.39, 50, 50)

function destroyTheVehicles (player)
	if getElementType (player) == "player" and isPedInVehicle (player) then
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
		outputChatBox ("Vehicles are not allowed here!", player, 255, 0, 0)
addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", myCol, destroyTheVehicles)


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function cancelEnter(thePlayer)
	if isElementWithinColShape(thePlayer, myCol) then
		outputChatBox("Vehicles are not allowed here!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, cancelEnter)

Should work just fine.

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On 3/4/2018 at 18:53, TorNix~|nR said:

Hello guys, I have this script working fine, when you join with a vehicle to zone, it will be automatically respawned and you will get out of it

but when you are on zone, you can get into the vehicles, I want even when you are inside the zone and spawn a vehicle, you will can not use it

help please


local myCol = createColRectangle (667.73, 1850.39, 50, 50)

function destroyTheVehicles (player)
	if getElementType (player) == "player" and isPedInVehicle (player) then
	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
		outputChatBox ("Vehicles are not allowed here!", player, 255, 0, 0)
addEventHandler ("onColShapeHit", myCol, destroyTheVehicles)


Working fine Thank you, but how can I make more cols, not just 1, I know I should use the table

but I don't know how? help please?

Edited by TorNix~|nR
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I know I can use more event handlers, but I want to make it more easy, and not a big code

like this for example

local cols = {
{667.73, 1850.39, 50, 50}, -- First location
{1667.73, 1050.39, 100, 100}, -- Second location

but I don't know how to do it inside the code, help please?

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local colPositions = {
	{667.73, 1850.39, 50, 50},
	{1667.73, 1050.39, 100, 100},

local createdCols = {}

for i, k in pairs(colPositions) do
	local tCol = createColRectangle(k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4]) -- Creating the col at the position with the fix width and height.
	addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", tCol, destroyTheVehicles) -- Adding the "onColShapeHit" event to the created col.
	table.insert(createdCols, tCol) -- Adding the created col to the "createdCols" table.

function cancelEnter(thePlayer)
	for i, k in pairs(createdCols) do -- Looping through the created cols.
		if isElementWithinColShape(thePlayer, k) then -- Checking if the player is inside one.
			destroyElement(source) -- If he is.
			outputChatBox("Vehicles are not allowed here!", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, cancelEnter)

function destroyTheVehicles(player)
	if getElementType(player) == "player" and isPedInVehicle(player) then
		local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player)
		outputChatBox("Vehicles are not allowed here!", player, 255, 0, 0)

Just so you understand, this is the last full code I provide you. From now-on, I'll only tell you what functions you'll need, and if you can't find the right way, I'll ONLY push you.

Edited by NeXuS™
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