Tron Posted February 23, 2018 Share Posted February 23, 2018 (edited) Hello out there, I wanted to edit the following hydra lock script so that you have to press handbrake only once to lock a vehicle. Lock will be turned off when the opponent goes out of range or when you press handbrake again. Any help regarding this would be much appreciated. --[[ Luca aka specahawk aka spopo aka Anirudh Katoch (All rights reserved) MIT License - Do whatever you want. ]] ----User settings--- local SHOOT_COOLDOWN = 1500 --Cooldown between homing shots local LOCKON_TIME = 1500 --Time required to lock on to a target local LOCK_RANGE = 330 --Maximum distance between you and the target local LOCK_ANGLE = 0.95 --(in radians) We cannot lock on targets unless they are within this angle of the front of the hydra local VALID_TARGET_FUNCTION = function (vehicle) --Used to decide whether a vehicle should appear as a lock-on option -- local targetTeam = vehicle.controller and -- local ourTeam = -- if targetTeam and ourTeam and targetTeam == ourTeam then -- return false --The target vehicle has someone driving, and both of you are on the same team -- end return true end --[[ to implement team tagging, or to disallow certain vehicles from being targetted, define the VALID_TARGET_FUNCTION VALID_TARGET_FUNCTION should take as parameter a vehicle, and return a boolean (true means it can be targetted) Here is an example of a function that will only let us target HYDRAS of OTHER TEAMS that are MORE THAN 50m AWAY and are DIRECTLY VISIBLE local VALID_TARGET_FUNCTION = function(vehicle) local targetTeam = vehicle.controller and local ourTeam = if targetTeam and ourTeam and targetTeam == ourTeam then return false --The target vehicle has someone driving, and both of you are on the same team end if vehicle.model ~= 520 then return false --Target is not a hydra, so it's not allowed end if (vehicle.position-localPlayer.position).length < 50 then return false --Closer than 50 metres end if not isLineOfSightClear(localPlayer.position, vehicle.position, true, false) then return false --Not directly visible --(Remember to account for your own vehicle and the target blocking the line) end return true --Target satisfied all criteria end ]] local validTarget = VALID_TARGET_FUNCTION or function() return true end LOCK_ANGLE = math.cos(LOCK_ANGLE) local inHydra = false local firestate = nil local visibleVehicle = {} local targetVehicle = nil local nearbyVehicles = {} getNearbyVehicles = function() return nearbyVehicles end --Used by other files local currentHydra = nil local function getTarget() -- Look for the nearest targets and lock on local nearestVehicle = nil local shortestDistance = LOCK_RANGE for _, vehicle in ipairs(nearbyVehicles) do local targPos = vehicle.position local myPos = localPlayer.position local displacement = targPos-myPos local dist = displacement.length if vehicle ~= localPlayer.vehicle and dist < shortestDistance then shortestDistance = dist nearestVehicle = vehicle end end return nearestVehicle end local function checkForLockout(vehicle) if visibleVehicle[vehicle] then triggerEvent("onClientHydraMissilesSystemLockout", localPlayer, vehicle) visibleVehicle[vehicle] = nil lockedVehicle = nil targetVehicle = nil end end local lastShot = SHOOT_COOLDOWN*-2 local function shootMissile() if not inHydra then return end local target = lockedVehicle if not target or getTickCount() < lastShot + SHOOT_COOLDOWN then return end lastShot = getTickCount() local hydra = localPlayer.vehicle local vX, vY, vZ = hydra.velocity -- Shoot missile createProjectile( hydra, 20, hydra.position, 5000, target, _, _, _, vX+5000, vY, vZ) -- dxDrawText ( playerZoneName, 44, screenHeight - 43, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "pricedown" ) DRAW WARNING ON PLAYER SCREEN lockedVehicle = nil targetVehicle = nil visibleVehicle[target] = nil end local function update() local curtime = getTickCount() if not localPlayer.vehicle then --idk why, but sometimes the player has no vehicle sometime before vehicle exit event is fired stopHydra() --The Avengers return end local vehicle = targetVehicle if not vehicle then return end local visibleNow = false if vehicle ~= localPlayer.vehicle and not vehicle.blown and validTarget(vehicle) then local targPos = vehicle.position local myPos = localPlayer.position local displacement = targPos-myPos local dist = displacement.length local cosAngle = localPlayer.vehicle.matrix.forward:dot(displacement)/dist if dist < LOCK_RANGE and cosAngle>LOCK_ANGLE and firestate then local aX, aY = getScreenFromWorldPosition(targPos) if (aX and aY) then visibleNow = true --Draw the corners of the target box outline if lockedVehicle == vehicle then dxDrawImage (aX-118,aY-118, 246, 246, 'lock.png') else dxDrawImage (aX-118, aY-118, 246, 246, 'lock2.png') end end end end if not visibleNow then checkForLockout() elseif visibleVehicle[vehicle] then if curtime - visibleVehicle[vehicle] > LOCKON_TIME then lockedVehicle = vehicle end else visibleVehicle[vehicle] = curtime end end local function homingState(key,state) if not inHydra then return end if state == "down" then targetVehicle = getTarget() firestate = isControlEnabled("vehicle_secondary_fire") toggleControl("vehicle_secondary_fire",false) bindKey("vehicle_secondary_fire","down",shootMissile) else targetVehicle = nil lockedVehicle = nil toggleControl("vehicle_secondary_fire",firestate) firestate = nil unbindKey("vehicle_secondary_fire","down",shootMissile) end end local function vehicleGoneHandler() --This also triggers on localPlayer's vehicle, and does nothing to it removeEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", source, vehicleGoneHandler) removeEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", source, vehicleGoneHandler) if getElementType( source ) == "vehicle" then for i, v in ipairs(nearbyVehicles) do if v == source then checkForLockout(source) table.remove(nearbyVehicles, i) return end end end end local function prepAfterStreamIn(vehicle) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", vehicle, vehicleGoneHandler) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", vehicle, vehicleGoneHandler) end local function streamInHandler() if getElementType( source ) == "vehicle" then table.insert(nearbyVehicles, source) prepAfterStreamIn(source) end end local function startHydra(vehicle) if not inHydra and vehicle and isElement(vehicle) and vehicle.model == 520 then nearbyVehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle", root, true) for i, v in ipairs(nearbyVehicles) do prepAfterStreamIn(v) end addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, streamInHandler) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExplode", vehicle, stopHydra) addEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", vehicle, stopHydra) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", vehicle, stopHydra) --Is this even possible? inHydra = isControlEnabled("handbrake") currentHydra = vehicle --To remove the listeners later toggleControl("handbrake", false) bindKey("handbrake","down",homingState) bindKey("handbrake","up",homingState) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, update) end end function stopHydra() if inHydra then local target = getTarget() for i, v in ipairs(nearbyVehicles) do if v ~= target then removeEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", v, vehicleGoneHandler) removeEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", v, vehicleGoneHandler) checkForLockout(v) end end checkForLockout(target) if target then removeEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", target, vehicleGoneHandler) removeEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", target, vehicleGoneHandler) end removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, update) unbindKey("handbrake","down",homingState) unbindKey("handbrake","up",homingState) if firestate ~= nil then homingState("handbrake","up") end local vehicle = currentHydra currentHydra = nil toggleControl("handbrake", inHydra) inHydra = false removeEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", root, streamInHandler) if isElement(vehicle) then removeEventHandler("onClientVehicleExplode", vehicle, stopHydra) removeEventHandler("onClientElementDestroy", vehicle, stopHydra) removeEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", vehicle, stopHydra) end end end local function initScript() if localPlayer.vehicle and localPlayer.vehicle.model == 520 then startHydra(localPlayer.vehicle) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, stopHydra) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleExit",localPlayer,stopHydra) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted",localPlayer,stopHydra) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleEnter",localPlayer,startHydra) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,initScript) Edited February 23, 2018 by Tron 1 Link to comment
Tron Posted February 23, 2018 Author Share Posted February 23, 2018 I've added it. 3 minutes ago, NeXuS™ said: Use the [ code] tag. Link to comment
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