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Determine whether there is an obstacle between two elements


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Before you even mention it, I know of processLineOfSight and isLineOfSightClear. But those don't fix my issues as far as I'm aware. The two elements would be players and the obstacle is a custom element with no collision. On top of the element is a col shape though. I made a picture to show what I mean if you don't understand;irV9ztm.png

I want to get something like this:

	if (element is in middle of those two players) then
	       -- Do stuff


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local getDistanceBetweenPointAndSegment3D = function (pointX, pointY, pointZ, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)

	local A = pointX - x1 
	local B = pointY - y1
	local C = pointZ - z1

	local D = x2 - x1
	local E = y2 - y1
	local F = z2 - z1
	local point = A * D + B * E + C * F
	local lenSquare = D * D + E * E + F * F
	local parameter = point / lenSquare
	local shortestX
	local shortestY
	local shortestZ
	if parameter < 0 then
		shortestX = x1
    	shortestY = y1
		shortestZ = z1
	elseif parameter > 1 then
		shortestX = x2
		shortestY = y2
		shortestZ = z2

		shortestX = x1 + parameter * D
		shortestY = y1 + parameter * E
		shortestZ = z1 + parameter * F

	local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(pointX, pointY,pointZ, shortestX, shortestY,shortestZ)
	return distance

3D version of this one: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetDistanceBetweenPointAndSegment2D


Useful for detecting if something is between 2 points.


Edited by IIYAMA
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