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[Question] Making (Awwu's)dxscoreboard updating less intensive on CPU


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So I've finally found the amazing dxscoreboard resource made by Awwu and can add rows by just setting players element data, but I am wondering if there's a less CPU intensive way to update the scoreboard as I am constantly setting clients data when they render, code is below (tested for one player only).

exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Wanted", 45 ) 
exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Money", 55 )

function ScoreBoardWanted(thePlayer)
    for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
        setElementData ( player, "Wanted", getPlayerWantedLevel ( ) ) 
        setElementData ( player, "Money", getPlayerMoney ( ) ) 

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), ScoreBoardWanted)

I noticed a lot of servers that use this panel now as it's easy, but I have noticed a change in FPS (5-15 loss) using it and I'm just curious if there's a less intensive way.

As always, any help/info would be nice, thanks. :)

Edited by kieran
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Hello, There are you:

exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Wanted", 45 ) 
exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Money", 55 )

function ScoreBoardWanted( DataName )
	if ( DataName == "Wanted" ) or ( DataName == "Money" ) then
    	if ( getElementType( source ) == "player" ) then
			setElementData ( source, "Wanted", getPlayerWantedLevel ( ) ) 
			setElementData ( source, "Money", getPlayerMoney ( ) ) 

addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), ScoreBoardWanted)

If that helps you tell me! or put thanks to make it easier.

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11 hours ago, iMr.WiFi..! said:

Hello, There are you:

exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Wanted", 45 ) 
exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Money", 55 )

function ScoreBoardWanted( DataName )
	if ( DataName == "Wanted" ) or ( DataName == "Money" ) then
    	if ( getElementType( source ) == "player" ) then
			setElementData ( source, "Wanted", getPlayerWantedLevel ( ) ) 
			setElementData ( source, "Money", getPlayerMoney ( ) ) 

addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), ScoreBoardWanted)

If that helps you tell me! or put thanks to make it easier.

Thanks, helps a lot! :D

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Sorry but doesn't actually work, the problem is.....  I don't want to get when the players data changes, I do want to get when their money/wanted level changes.

The reason I use setElementData is because this resource uses onClientElementDataChage or something similar to update the scoreboard, this is why is uses setElementData (I think), so far onClientRender is the only thing that keeps it updated, is there something to detect when money/wanted level changes?

Thanks again.

Edited by kieran
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13 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

Isn't your network getting :Oed up? :-o


You might want to do: /shownetstat while running this with multiple players.

Which is also possible for causing the frame/cpu lagg.


It is :Oing up :P...  As it is setting element data when player renders, the point of creating this topic was hopefully to limit the players rendering so the element data isn't so much...  But I am not used to using a script with exports or anything, I can't think of any way to add delays, the setElementData is only for the column  in the scoreboard, that's all it effects, I have noticed even more FPS drops as today I added play time to scoreboard which uses getTickCount.

Bear with me here because I am confusing myself, but I believe that I can't use onClientElementDataChange as no data is being changed until I setElementData to update the scoreboard from the dxscoreboard resource, I believe it uses onClientElementDataChange  and this is how it sets the columns text in the scoreboard, but I am not entirely sure.... 

The frame rate is the same on most servers as this resource is now famous across the MTA community, having its own wiki page and everything, replacing the old one for good on professional (well scripted, active) servers, so this topic was an attempt to find an answer on how to solve the FPS drops, and I believe the issue lays within the real time updating for money/teams/play time, so I came to the conclusion most servers must use onClientRender as it's the easiest way, so if there's an answer to this problem it might help some other servers/developers using this scoreboard.

Bear in mind my server is purely for testing scripts (so 5 players max), rolling out stuff that's helpful on the community or resources other developers can build on, small simple resources, but tricky and confusing at the same time to try save them the headache of doing something from scratch, I don't know if there's a solution but the following code is my full scoreboard (well the exports).

exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Wanted", 43 ) --Wanted string here
exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Money", 55 )
exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Play Time", 55 )

function ScoreBoard(thePlayer)
	for _,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
		setElementData ( player, "Wanted", getPlayerWantedLevel ( ) ) --Updates wanted string by getting players wanted level
		setElementData ( player, "Money", getPlayerMoney ( ) ) --Updates "Money" by getting players money
	--play time
	if not savedTime then
		savedTime = getTickCount () --Store the system tick count, this will be 0 for us
	currentCount = getTickCount ()
	local secs = currentCount - savedTime
	local mins = getElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeMin" )
	local hours = getElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeHour" )
	secs = math.floor(secs/1000) --Convert MS to seconds, and round to closest whole number
	if hours == false then --If it got boolean from hour/min set them to 0 as they'd be false
		setElementData( localPlayer, "PlayTimeHour", 0 )
	if mins == false then
		setElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeMin", 0 )
	if secs >= 60 then --Every 60 secs add a minute to players data
		setElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeMin", (getElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeMin" ) or 0) + 1 )	
		savedTime = false --Set saved time to false so it starts counting secs from 0 again
	if mins > 60 then --If minutes over 60, add a hour to players data and set their mins to 0
		setElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeHour", (getElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeHour" ) or 0) + 1 )	
		setElementData ( localPlayer, "PlayTimeMin", 0 )
		if string.len(hours) == 1 then --If hours are less than 9 add 0 plus the number 
			setElementData ( localPlayer, "Play Time", '0'..hours..':'..mins )
		else --Else just add the number
			setElementData ( localPlayer, "Play Time", hours..':'..mins )
	elseif mins < 60 then --If minutes are under 60 then add a minute to players data
		if string.len(mins) == 1 then
			if string.len(hours) == 1 then --If hours are less than 9 add 0 plus the number 
				setElementData ( localPlayer, "Play Time", '0'..hours..':0'..mins )
			else --Else just add the number
				setElementData ( localPlayer, "Play Time", hours..':0'..mins )
			if string.len(hours) == 1 then 
				setElementData ( localPlayer, "Play Time", '0'..hours..':'..mins )
				setElementData ( localPlayer, "Play Time", hours..':'..mins )


function addRender()
	addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), ScoreBoard)

addEvent("addScoreboardRender", true)
addEventHandler("addScoreboardRender", root, addRender)

Confusing, but it works.....  for rendering mins/hours can be moved outside the function and made global, then be updated when the event handler is added (on login) hope it helps you understand what I'm doing, I have potato PC btw, so it's why my FPS is so low, but hey, I can at least make stuff playable for other potato PCs. :P

Thanks for help, but guess this is just the way of the potato.

Edited by kieran
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On 2/14/2018 at 22:36, kieran said:

Sorry but doesn't actually work, the problem is.....  I don't want to get when the players data changes,


The reason I use setElementData is because this resource uses onClientElementDataChage or something similar to update the scoreboard, this is why is uses setElementData (I think), so far onClientRender is the only thing that keeps it updated, is there something to detect when money/wanted level changes?

Thanks again.

Dude, did you even read event name?
it's When Element Data Change!

That's mean what do you want:

On 2/14/2018 at 22:36, kieran said:

I do want to get when their money/wanted level changes

and the only thing can detect when money/wanted level changes is "onClientElementDataChange" by setElementData!

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9 hours ago, iMr.WiFi..! said:

and the only thing can detect when money/wanted level changes is "onClientElementDataChange" by setElementData!

I've tried and that doesn't work for players money changing, anyway, like an idiot I forgot you could make data so it's only client side, so useful reminder from IIYAMA.


Thanks all for help.

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This functions constantly loops through all players every frame, which is extremly excessive.
You could limit the looping to every 500 ms like this:

local lastDataSet = 0
local dataSetCooldown = 500 -- in ms

exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Wanted", 45 ) 
exports.scoreboard:scoreboardAddColumn( "Money", 55 )

function ScoreBoardWanted(thePlayer)
	-- if getTickCount is smaller than the last time we set the elementdata, return false, else loop through all players and set the cooldown
	if ( getTickCount( ) < lastDataSet + dataSetCooldown ) then
		return false

	for _,player in ipairs( getElementsByType("player") ) do 
		setElementData ( player, "Wanted", getPlayerWantedLevel ( ) ) 	
		setElementData ( player, "Money", getPlayerMoney ( ) ) 
	lastDataSet = getTickCount( )


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