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مساعده في سكريبت بسيط


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aAdminSerial = '123456789'; -- سيريال الأدمن اللي ماتبي احد يسحبه

		elseif ( action == "warp" ) or ( action == "warpto" ) then
    			function warpPlayer ( p, to )
				function warp ( p, to )
					local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( to )
					local r = getPedRotation ( to )
 	   				x = x - math.sin ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2
					y = y + math.cos ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2
					if ( getPlayerSerial( p ) == aAdminSerial ) then return end
   					setTimer ( setElementPosition, 1000, 1, p, x, y, z + 1 )
					fadeCamera ( p, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
					setElementDimension ( p, getElementDimension ( to ) )
					setElementInterior ( p, getElementInterior ( to ) )
					setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, p, true, 1 )

شباب زبطت معي مااحد يقدر يسحبني ببس المشكلة شباب مبقدر انتقل من لوحة ولما اضيف شخص ثاني سرياله يصير يشتغل على سريال فقط اكثر من سريال بقولك لا :(

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ماتستاهل بس ركز ع الي بقوله لك وبأذن الله بيشتغل

استبدل الكود بالي موجود عندك

		elseif ( action == "warp" ) or ( action == "warpto" ) then
    			function warpPlayer ( p, to )
				function warp ( p, to )
					if Serials [ getPlayerSerial ( p ) ] and p ~= to then return false end
					local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( to )
					local r = getPedRotation ( to )
 	   				x = x - math.sin ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2
					y = y + math.cos ( math.rad ( r ) ) * 2
   					setTimer ( setElementPosition, 1000, 1, p, x, y, z + 1 )
					fadeCamera ( p, false, 1, 0, 0, 0 )
					setElementDimension ( p, getElementDimension ( to ) )
					setElementInterior ( p, getElementInterior ( to ) )
					setTimer ( fadeCamera, 1000, 1, p, true, 1 )

وبداية الملف الي فيه الكود هذا حط في السطر الاول

local Serials = { 

	["Serial1"] = true,
	["Serial2"] = true 

وسوي ريستارت لللوحة وان شاء الله بيشتغل

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أفهمو يا شباب هسه انا حطيت سريالي وسويت رستار للوحة تمام؟ قلت لشخص يسحبني ميقدر يسحبني تمام كفو بس المشكلة انا لما افتح اللوحة وبدي انتقل لشخص من لوحة مبقدر 
You have warped to Ahmed
يطلع لى كذا بس مبقدر انتقل له ارجو الحل 

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1 hour ago, HelpGuys said:

أفهمو يا شباب هسه انا حطيت سريالي وسويت رستار للوحة تمام؟ قلت لشخص يسحبني ميقدر يسحبني تمام كفو بس المشكلة انا لما افتح اللوحة وبدي انتقل لشخص من لوحة مبقدر 
You have warped to Ahmed
يطلع لى كذا بس مبقدر انتقل له ارجو الحل 

المشكلة في لوحة الادمن انه يجمع امر الانتقال و السحب

Edited by MR.Mosa
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Just now, HelpGuys said:

الله يرحم ولديك ي غالي

قسم بالله انا من افضل متبعينك

حياك الله 

اتفضل جرب وقولي اول شي روح ملفات الكلينت الا في لوحة الادمن وبعدين ملف admin_warp.lua

واحذف كل شي فيه واكتب هاذا مكانه وما تنسا تحط سريال الا ما احد يقدر يسحبه 

*	Multi Theft Auto - Admin Panel
*	gui\admin_warp.lua
*	Original File by lil_Toady

aAdminSerial = 'سريالك هنا'; -- اكتب سريالك هنا

aWarpForm = nil

function aPlayerWarp ( player )
	if ( aWarpForm == nil ) then
		local x, y = guiGetScreenSize()
		aWarpForm		= guiCreateWindow ( x / 2 - 110, y / 2 - 150, 200, 300, "Player Warp Management", false )
		aWarpList		= guiCreateGridList ( 0.03, 0.08, 0.94, 0.73, true, aWarpForm )
					   guiGridListAddColumn( aWarpList, "Player", 0.9 )
		aWarpSelect		= guiCreateButton ( 0.03, 0.82, 0.94, 0.075, "Select", true, aWarpForm )
		aWarpCancel		= guiCreateButton ( 0.03, 0.90, 0.94, 0.075, "Cancel", true, aWarpForm )

		addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpDoubleClick )
		addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpClick )
		--Register With Admin Form
		aRegister ( "PlayerWarp", aWarpForm, aPlayerWarp, aPlayerWarpClose )
	aWarpSelectPointer = player
	guiGridListClear ( aWarpList )
	for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do
		guiGridListSetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListAddRow ( aWarpList ), 1, getPlayerName ( player ), false, false )
	guiSetVisible ( aWarpForm, true )
	guiBringToFront ( aWarpForm )

function aPlayerWarpClose ( destroy )
	if ( ( destroy ) or ( aPerformanceWarp and guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( aPerformanceWarp ) ) ) then
		if ( aWarpForm ) then
			removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpDoubleClick )
			removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpClick )
			destroyElement ( aWarpForm )
			aWarpForm = nil
		guiSetVisible ( aWarpForm, false )

function aClientWarpDoubleClick ( button )
	if ( button == "left" ) then
		if ( source == aWarpList ) then
			if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ) ~= -1 ) then
			if ( getPlayerSerial( getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) ) == aAdminSerial ) then
			outputChatBox("لا تسططيع سحب هاذا الاهب",255,0,0)
				triggerServerEvent ( "aPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), aWarpSelectPointer, "warpto", getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) )
				aPlayerWarpClose ( false )

function aClientWarpClick ( button )
	if ( button == "left" ) then
		if ( source == aWarpSelect ) then
			if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ) ~= -1 ) then
						if ( getPlayerSerial( getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) ) == aAdminSerial ) then
			outputChatBox("لا تسططيع سحب هاذا الاهب",255,0,0)
				triggerServerEvent ( "aPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), aWarpSelectPointer, "warpto", getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) )
				aPlayerWarpClose ( false )
		elseif ( source == aWarpCancel ) then
			aPlayerWarpClose ( false )


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9 minutes ago, MR.Mosa said:

حياك الله 

اتفضل جرب وقولي اول شي روح ملفات الكلينت الا في لوحة الادمن وبعدين ملف admin_warp.lua

واحذف كل شي فيه واكتب هاذا مكانه وما تنسا تحط سريال الا ما احد يقدر يسحبه 

*	Multi Theft Auto - Admin Panel
*	gui\admin_warp.lua
*	Original File by lil_Toady

aAdminSerial = 'سريالك هنا'; -- اكتب سريالك هنا

aWarpForm = nil

function aPlayerWarp ( player )
	if ( aWarpForm == nil ) then
		local x, y = guiGetScreenSize()
		aWarpForm		= guiCreateWindow ( x / 2 - 110, y / 2 - 150, 200, 300, "Player Warp Management", false )
		aWarpList		= guiCreateGridList ( 0.03, 0.08, 0.94, 0.73, true, aWarpForm )
					   guiGridListAddColumn( aWarpList, "Player", 0.9 )
		aWarpSelect		= guiCreateButton ( 0.03, 0.82, 0.94, 0.075, "Select", true, aWarpForm )
		aWarpCancel		= guiCreateButton ( 0.03, 0.90, 0.94, 0.075, "Cancel", true, aWarpForm )

		addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpDoubleClick )
		addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpClick )
		--Register With Admin Form
		aRegister ( "PlayerWarp", aWarpForm, aPlayerWarp, aPlayerWarpClose )
	aWarpSelectPointer = player
	guiGridListClear ( aWarpList )
	for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do
		guiGridListSetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListAddRow ( aWarpList ), 1, getPlayerName ( player ), false, false )
	guiSetVisible ( aWarpForm, true )
	guiBringToFront ( aWarpForm )

function aPlayerWarpClose ( destroy )
	if ( ( destroy ) or ( aPerformanceWarp and guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( aPerformanceWarp ) ) ) then
		if ( aWarpForm ) then
			removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpDoubleClick )
			removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpClick )
			destroyElement ( aWarpForm )
			aWarpForm = nil
		guiSetVisible ( aWarpForm, false )

function aClientWarpDoubleClick ( button )
	if ( button == "left" ) then
		if ( source == aWarpList ) then
			if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ) ~= -1 ) then
			if ( getPlayerSerial( getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) ) == aAdminSerial ) then
			outputChatBox("لا تسططيع سحب هاذا الاهب",255,0,0)
				triggerServerEvent ( "aPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), aWarpSelectPointer, "warpto", getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) )
				aPlayerWarpClose ( false )

function aClientWarpClick ( button )
	if ( button == "left" ) then
		if ( source == aWarpSelect ) then
			if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ) ~= -1 ) then
						if ( getPlayerSerial( getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) ) == aAdminSerial ) then
			outputChatBox("لا تسططيع سحب هاذا الاهب",255,0,0)
				triggerServerEvent ( "aPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), aWarpSelectPointer, "warpto", getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) )
				aPlayerWarpClose ( false )
		elseif ( source == aWarpCancel ) then
			aPlayerWarpClose ( false )


سويتها اخوي يقدرو يسحبوني بس مبقدر اسحب نفسي

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6 hours ago, MR.Mosa said:

حياك الله 

اتفضل جرب وقولي اول شي روح ملفات الكلينت الا في لوحة الادمن وبعدين ملف admin_warp.lua

واحذف كل شي فيه واكتب هاذا مكانه وما تنسا تحط سريال الا ما احد يقدر يسحبه 

*	Multi Theft Auto - Admin Panel
*	gui\admin_warp.lua
*	Original File by lil_Toady

aAdminSerial = 'سريالك هنا'; -- اكتب سريالك هنا

aWarpForm = nil

function aPlayerWarp ( player )
	if ( aWarpForm == nil ) then
		local x, y = guiGetScreenSize()
		aWarpForm		= guiCreateWindow ( x / 2 - 110, y / 2 - 150, 200, 300, "Player Warp Management", false )
		aWarpList		= guiCreateGridList ( 0.03, 0.08, 0.94, 0.73, true, aWarpForm )
					   guiGridListAddColumn( aWarpList, "Player", 0.9 )
		aWarpSelect		= guiCreateButton ( 0.03, 0.82, 0.94, 0.075, "Select", true, aWarpForm )
		aWarpCancel		= guiCreateButton ( 0.03, 0.90, 0.94, 0.075, "Cancel", true, aWarpForm )

		addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpDoubleClick )
		addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpClick )
		--Register With Admin Form
		aRegister ( "PlayerWarp", aWarpForm, aPlayerWarp, aPlayerWarpClose )
	aWarpSelectPointer = player
	guiGridListClear ( aWarpList )
	for id, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do
		guiGridListSetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListAddRow ( aWarpList ), 1, getPlayerName ( player ), false, false )
	guiSetVisible ( aWarpForm, true )
	guiBringToFront ( aWarpForm )

function aPlayerWarpClose ( destroy )
	if ( ( destroy ) or ( aPerformanceWarp and guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( aPerformanceWarp ) ) ) then
		if ( aWarpForm ) then
			removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIDoubleClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpDoubleClick )
			removeEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", aWarpForm, aClientWarpClick )
			destroyElement ( aWarpForm )
			aWarpForm = nil
		guiSetVisible ( aWarpForm, false )

function aClientWarpDoubleClick ( button )
	if ( button == "left" ) then
		if ( source == aWarpList ) then
			if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ) ~= -1 ) then
			if ( getPlayerSerial( getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) ) == aAdminSerial ) then
			outputChatBox("لا تسططيع سحب هاذا الاهب",255,0,0)
				triggerServerEvent ( "aPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), aWarpSelectPointer, "warpto", getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) )
				aPlayerWarpClose ( false )

function aClientWarpClick ( button )
	if ( button == "left" ) then
		if ( source == aWarpSelect ) then
			if ( guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ) ~= -1 ) then
						if ( getPlayerSerial( getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) ) == aAdminSerial ) then
			outputChatBox("لا تسططيع سحب هاذا الاهب",255,0,0)
				triggerServerEvent ( "aPlayer", getLocalPlayer(), aWarpSelectPointer, "warpto", getPlayerFromNick ( guiGridListGetItemPlayerName ( aWarpList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem ( aWarpList ), 1 ) ) )
				aPlayerWarpClose ( false )
		elseif ( source == aWarpCancel ) then
			aPlayerWarpClose ( false )




لما تستعملها بالكلنت يجيب حق اللوكال بلاير فقط .. يعني ماينفع تسوي 


لانه بيجيب سيريال ال localPlayer

يعني سويه داخل ملف


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16 hours ago, Rakan# said:



لما تستعملها بالكلنت يجيب حق اللوكال بلاير فقط .. يعني ماينفع تسوي 


لانه بيجيب سيريال ال localPlayer

يعني سويه داخل ملف


طيب صلحه لى انت اخوي

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