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Secure Zone for base(5 seconds later dead)


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radar1 = createRadarArea(84, 1774,320,370,0,255,0, 100)
Zone1 = createColRectangle (84, 1774,320,370)
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", Zone1,
    if not isElement(h) then return end
    if getElementData(h,"zombie") then killPed(h) end --These zones are also zombie proof
function enterArea1(thePlayer)
     local posX, posY = getElementPosition(thePlayer)
     local inArea = isInsideRadarArea(radar1, posX, posY)
     if (inArea) then
          if hasObjectPermissionTo(thePlayer, "function.addAccount", false) then --Specify who can enter the zone
               primaryWeaponControl = isControlEnabled ( thePlayer, "fire" )
               if ( primaryWeaponControl == true ) then
                   toggleControl ( thePlayer, "fire", false ) -- change to true/false to allow/disallow shooting.
                   outputChatBox("***Safe Zone***", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true)
               triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "displayTimer1", thePlayer)
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", Zone1, enterArea1)
function warp1()
     local posX, posY = getElementPosition(source)
     local inArea = isInsideRadarArea(radar1, posX, posY)
     if (inArea) then
          if hasObjectPermissionTo(source, "function.addAccount", false) then --Specify who can enter the zone
               outputChatBox("***CHECKER*** You are allowed in this zone.", source, 0, 255, 0, true)
               outputChatBox("You are not allowed in this area, Sorry...", source, 255, 0, 0, true)
               outputChatBox("You have been warped.", source, 255, 0, 0, true)        
                if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then
                local playerVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source )
                    setElementPosition(playerVehicle, 2341.2072753906, -1658.8668212891, 13.379216194153)
                    setElementPosition(source, 2341.2072753906, -1658.8668212891, 13.379216194153)
addEvent("warp1", true)
addEventHandler("warp1", root, warp1)

Hi I want make special zone for group base.when other group members enter the base,he will die in 5 seconds.this codes in server side.but ı cant add for group system.which can ı change code ? it is want player account.ı looked MTA sa wiki for permission group but ı cant find.thanks for help :) 

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You'll have to create a team with createTeam and add players to it. Whenever someone enters a base, you'll have to check with getPlayerTeam, if his team equals to the base's team (which could be saved in an elementData with setElementData), if not, adding a timer, which would kill the player. You'll have to check if he leaves this area tho, so you can kill the timer.

Edited by NeXuS™
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