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get the position where i click on a map


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Hi! I draw a map on a player's screen, and i would like to make a mod in which the player clicks on the rendered map image, it outputs the coordinates to the debug log. For example if i click on the center of the map, the real coordinates should be like 0, 0, 0 but it outputs the screen coordinates, for example my screen's resoluion is 1920x1080, i click on the center, and i get like 960, 540 instead of 0, 0. First i would like to just display the real coordinates where i clicked, i was trying to fix this but i had no idea how i can solve this. Later on i would like to draw a playerblip where the player is being on the map by adding a blip there, and rendering it on the radar, and i don't really know how to solve this too. And of course, later i would like to add other blips. But i would like the blips to match the real coordinates.

I am using MTA San Andreas\MTA\cgui\images\radar.jpg as the radar image.

mapVisible = false

toggleControl ("radar", false)

map = {}
map["size"] = 1024

function showMap(button, state)

	if button == "F11" and state == true then
		if mapShown == false then
			mapVisible = true
			addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, renderMap)
			showCursor (true)
			mapVisible = false
			removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, renderMap)
			showCursor (false)

addEventHandler ("onClientKey", root, showMap)

x, y = guiGetScreenSize()
mx, my = 1920, 1080

function renderMap()
	dxDrawImage (x/2 - map["size"]/2, y/2 -  map["size"]/2, map["size"], map["size"], "images/map.jpg")

function click(button, state, aX, aY) 
	if button == "left" and state == "down" then
		--iprint (x-map["size"])
		iprint (aX - map["size"]) --x y z is not accurate
addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, click)


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string button, string state, int absoluteX, int absoluteY, float worldX, float worldY, float worldZ, element clickedWorld

float worldX, float worldY, float worldZ, element clickedWorld





float float getScreenFromWorldPosition ( float x, float y, float z, [ float edgeTolerance=0, bool relative=true ] )
Edited by IIYAMA
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Thank you, but what i want to do, is click on the image, and get the real x y z coordinates according to the screen position i clicked on the map. Like in the freeroam resource, when i use the map button, select where i want to go, but i don't want to go there, just output the coordinates of the clicked position on the image.

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if aX > (x / 2 - map["size"] / 2) and aX < (x / 2 + map["size"] / 2) and aY > (y / 2 - map["size"] / 2) and aY < (y / 2 + map["size"] / 2) then


local clickX = aX - (x / 2 - map["size"] / 2)
local clickY = aY - (y / 2 - map["size"] / 2)

local mapX = clickX / map["size"] * 6000
local mapY = clickY / map["size"] * 6000


Everything is untested.

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yeah thanks, now it outputs the valid coordinates. but now how can i add blips? i mean i add the blips with create blip, and using "for" i get their positions and blip icons, then draw it on the f11 map using onClientRender, but with what coordinates? could you please write an example for this with commentaries? i learn better from them. 

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map = {
	size = 1024

function reCalculateToMap (posX, posY)
	return posX / map["size"] * 6000 - 3000, posY / map["size"] * -6000 + 3000

local x, y = reCalculateToMap (500, 800)
print(x, y)

function reCalculateFromMap (mapX, mapY)
	return (mapX + 3000) * map["size"] / 6000, (mapY - 3000) * map["size"] / -6000

local x2, y2 = reCalculateFromMap (x, y)

print(x2, y2)


This is just old school math.



Click X position in image is: 240px

Image size is: 1024px

Map size is: 6000


240 / 1024 = 0.234375 
	0.234375 * 100 = 23.4
	240 is 23.4% from 1024 

0.234375 * 6000 = 1406.25
	Append to other value 




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