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Sort Table Problem


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Hello dear community. Im having a simple issue which is annoying me a lot ...

Well, Im trying to sort a table like the following one by Player points. However, it doesn't return the ordered from high to lower. It doesn't even order it.

simpleTable = {
		player1 = {points = 25, playerName = "RandomNick1"},
		player2 = {points = 1, playerName = "RandomNick2"},
		player3 = {points = 13, playerName = "RandomNick3"},
		player4 = {points = 27, playerName = "RandomNick4"},
		player5 = {points = 7, playerName = "RandomNick5"}
table.sort (simpleTable, function (a, b) return a.points > b.points end) 

I hope u can bring me a hand with my problem or another way to fix it.

Thanks for reading. Regards.

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It can't be sorted because the indexes of the array are strings.


The indexes are now:

"player1", "player2", "player3", "player4", "player5"


	player1 = {points = 25, playerName = "RandomNick1"}
-- is them same as
	["player1"] = {points = 25, playerName = "RandomNick1"}


Before you can sort them , you need the indexes to be the ones of an array:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5


So you need to transform the keys from one form to another.

simpleTable = {
		player1 = {points = 25, playerName = "RandomNick1"}, -- < item
		player2 = {points = 1, playerName = "RandomNick2"},
		player3 = {points = 13, playerName = "RandomNick3"},
		player4 = {points = 27, playerName = "RandomNick4"},
		player5 = {points = 7, playerName = "RandomNick5"}

-- Make a new empty table.
newSimpleTable = {}

-- Use the pairs loop. (not the ipairs loop, because that one can't read the items with custom keys)
for key, data in pairs(simpleTable) do
	-- Insert all items into the new table.
	newSimpleTable[#newSimpleTable + 1] = data

-- Now you can sort them.
table.sort (newSimpleTable, function (a, b) return a.points > b.points end) 







Edited by IIYAMA
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