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Ip Address ?!?!?

Guest ReviewGuy

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Hi i recently reinstalled MTA, due to too many mods, and could not connect dude to a missing IP code could anyone give me a solution or what to do to get my IP code back as I cannot connect without it Thanks in advance :)

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What does the error message say? I think it's the fact that you haven't entered an IP into the box, not that you don't have an IP yourself. Use the built-in server browser to find a server IP. I don't understand why people have difficulty with this.

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Well im :cry: sorry but i am a bit new to this whole Multiplayer stuff and im not very experienced with all the PC codes and i have no idea what a 'built in server browser' is please explain...

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Yeah my stepdad with the name fusco, in-game has the same godd*** error and its pissing him off since I was on his comp. Me and fusco have been busy trying to find out. Can someone help with this error for all of who is having trouble with this??

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