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[QUESTION] Can I rename the 'scoreboard' resource?


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Hey there, I recently renamed all default resources (mapmanager, mapcycler, votemanager, admin, etc) so that they don't get overwritten by other versions when people join other servers than mine. This means that people would download lesser resources when they come from another server to mine. And it all worked fine except for one (for now) resource - scoreboard.zip.

So The problem in it is that I use the web http interface to see the scoreboard from my site and when I rename the resource to "cr_scoreboard.zip" the website support breaks. Does anyone know what and where I have to edit other than the name so that I can successfully rename the scoreboard resource but retain all it's web functionality? The same applies to the 'resourcebrowser' and the rest web-based resources. Any help would be appreciated. I tried to edit some javascript files inside the scoreboard and other web resources but still couldn't get it to work.

My goal is to rename every single resource so that when players download them once, they will never need to download them again unless I update the resources themselves.

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