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[HELP] Reading a table within a table within a table


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Hi, so I'm trying to make a script where I store some group names, ids of players within that group and the RGB for the outputChatBox. Here's my table:

local groups = {

	fondatori = {
		name = "Fondator|Dev |", 
		ids = {1, 3, 54, 85}, -- ID Of Players
		RGB = {0, 153, 255} -- RGB
	fondatori2 = {
		name = "Fondator|Hosting",
		ids = {2}, 
		RGB = {0, 153, 255} B
	hosteri = {
		name = "Hoster |",
		ids = {9}, 
		RGB = {204, 0, 102} 
	scripteri = {
		name = "Scripter |",
		ids = {46},
		RGB = {204, 0, 102} 
	admini = {
		name = "Admin |",
		ids = {},
		RGB = {255, 0, 0} 

So I want to loop through every group and if the player is in one of those groups have an outputChatBox like so:

outputChatBox("Fondator|Dev | ..:D&G:.. says hello!",0, 153, 255)

I know how to loop through a table, but not a table withing a table within a table... I tried and it's so confusing and my head hurts, maybe someone smarter than me can do this :P

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local groups = {
	fondatori = {
		name = "Fondator|Dev |",
		ids = {1, 3, 54, 85},
		RGB = {0, 153, 255}
	fondatori2 = {
		name = "Fondator|Hosting",
		ids = {2},
		RGB = {0, 153, 255}

for _,group in pairs(groups) do
	local r,g,b = unpack(group.RGB)
	outputChatBox( group.name )
	outputChatBox( r..", "..g..", "..b )


Edited by DNL291
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6 minutes ago, DNL291 said:

local groups = {
	fondatori = {
		name = "Fondator|Dev |",
		ids = {1, 3, 54, 85},
		RGB = {0, 153, 255}
	fondatori2 = {
		name = "Fondator|Hosting",
		ids = {2},
		RGB = {0, 153, 255}

for _,group in pairs(groups) do
	local r,g,b = unpack(group.RGB)
	outputChatBox( group.name )
	outputChatBox( r..", "..g..", "..b )


But how about the IDs of the players from ids = {}?

I need to check if the player has his ID in any of the groups because if the player is not in one of the groups, the outputChatBox should be like this:

for _,group in pairs(groups) do
	local r,g,b = unpack(group.RGB)
  if (playerID == (one of the ids from ids = {}) then
	outputChatBox( group.name.." ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", r, g, b )
    	outputChatBox("Civilian | ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", 255, 255, 0 )


Edited by ..:D&G:..
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Try this:

for _,group in pairs(groups) do
	if isPlayerIDInGroup( playerID, group.ids ) then
		outputChatBox( group.name.." ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", r, g, b )
		outputChatBox("Civilian | ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", 255, 255, 0 )

function isPlayerIDInGroup( id, IDsTable )
	for i=1, #IDsTable do
		if IDsTable[i] == tonumber(id) then
			return true
	return false


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If the user's ID is in one of the groups, it shows the outputChatBox with the name of that group, but also Civilian...

Life, I have 3 groups ("Founder", "Admin" and "Scripter") and if I put my ID in "Scripter" the chatbox is like this:

Civilian| ..:D&G:.. says: Hello world! -- Founder Group
Civilian| ..:D&G:.. says: Hello world! -- Admin Group
Scripter| ..:D&G:.. says: Hello world! -- Scripter Group (My ID is in this group only)


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local groups = {
	fondatori = {
		name = "Fondator|Dev |",
		ids = {1, 3, 54, 85},
		RGB = {0, 153, 255}
	fondatori2 = {
		name = "Fondator|Hosting",
		ids = {2},
		RGB = {0, 153, 255}

function isPlayerIDInGroup( id, IDsTable )
	for i=1, #IDsTable do
		if IDsTable[i] == tonumber(id) then
			return true
	return false

local groupFound = false
for _,group in pairs(groups) do
	if isPlayerIDInGroup( playerID, group.ids ) then
		groupFound = group

if groupFound then
	local r,g,b = unpack(groupFound.RGB)
	outputChatBox(groupFound.name.." ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", r, g, b )
	outputChatBox("Civilian | ..:D%G:.. says: Hello World", 255, 255, 0 )


Edited by Jayceon
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