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Problem with toggleControl

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Hello, i want to make a script where player is able to shoot only when he's aiming, but shooting is disabled when he's not aiming.

Here's my code:

local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer()
function togglePlayerControl(weapon) 
	toggleControl("fire", false) 
	if isPedAiming(localPlayer) then
		toggleControl("fire", true) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), togglePlayerControl)

Now, player cannot shoot when he's not aiming, and that's good. But he cannot shoot when he's aiming too. How do i fix it? I'm not really good in scripting.

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11 minutes ago, DiGiTal said:

Why he should use onclient render ?  As i see in the wiki its only for drawing things  ?  Thanks


It's not just for DirectX Drawing functions intended. It's also intended for instant response. For example, you can also use a timer, but minimum value that updates it each time is 50 miliseconds, of course, 50 miliseconds from instant response ain't much but timers also eat more performance which on other hand onClientRender event doesn't. Telling from experience.

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12 minutes ago, spaghettikiller said:

@Fist still doesn't work, tried both client and server side. I wrote meta.xml properly i hope

	<info version="1.0.0" type="script" name="toggle" />
	<script src="toggle.lua" type="client" />



function togglePlayerControl(weapon) 
	toggleControl("fire", false) 
	if isPedAiming(localPlayer) then
		toggleControl("fire", true) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, togglePlayerControl)


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There was a bug where player could still shoot when he pressed only mouse1 button. So i changed code a bit and now it's not happening.

function togglePlayerControl(weapon) 
	toggleControl("fire", false) 
	if getKeyState( "mouse1" ) == true and getKeyState( "mouse2" ) == true then
		toggleControl("fire", true) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, togglePlayerControl)


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