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[Question] GUIButton


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Hello guys i want ask a question for be sure before do it i want when i click a gui button i know that event name but i want make it  so when someone click a button need wait some time i need 

getTickCount or setTimer 

for that?

Edited by Dimos7
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i tried make it like that 

local lscarShop = createMarker(552, -1266.90, 15.69, "cylinder", 3, 0, 70, 0, 255) 
local sfcarShop = createMarker(-1649, 1203.90, 6.3, "cylinder", 3, 0, 70, 0, 255) 
local lvcarShop = createMarker(2171.69, 1410.19, 10.19, "cylinder", 3, 0, 70, 0, 255)
local lsapcarShop = createMarker(1924.5, -2242.30, 12.5, "cylinder", 3, 0, 70, 0, 255)
local sfapcarShop = createMarker(-1350.19, -516.40, 13.19, "cylinder", 3, 0, 70, 0, 255)
local lvapcarShop = createMarker(1292, 1359.69, 9.6, "cylinder", 3, 0, 70, 0 , 255)
local baysidecarShop = createMarker(-2329, 2292.8, 3.5, "cylinder", 3, 0, 70, 0, 255)

local vehiclePrices ={{445,100000}, {602,150000},{429,210000}, {536,200000}, {496,100000}, {402,2600000},{541,3000000}, {415,2500000},{589,100000}, {480, 1500000},{562, 2000000},{587,700000},{533, 700000}, {434, 500000}, {494, 2000000}, {503, 2000000}, {502, 2000000}, {579, 1200000}, {411, 2500000}, {559, 1500000}, {400, 2000000}, {500, 500000}, {603, 1000000}, {475, 400000}, {495, 700000}, {405, 1300000}, {535, 1000000}, {409, 1700000}, {560, 1500000},{506, 3000000}, {451, 3200000}, {558, 2000000}, {555, 1500000}, {477, 1000000}, {482, 1000000}, {581, 70000}, {521, 100000}, {463, 80000},{522, 200000}, {461, 100000}, {468, 80000},{592, 5000000}, {577, 4000000}, {511, 500000}, {512, 500000}, {593, 300000}, {553, 3000000}, {476, 3500000}, {519, 2000000}, {460, 1500000}, {513, 2000000}, {417, 800000},{487, 1500000},{469, 800000},{473, 200000}, {493, 500000}, {452, 700000}, {454, 200000}}

function createcarShopwindow()
    local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
	local windowW, windowH = 714, 556
	local left, top = (screenW-windowW)/2, (screenH-windowH)/2
	carShopwindow = guiCreateWindow(left, top, windowW, windowH, "Carshop", false)
	guiWindowSetMovable(carShopwindow, false)
	guiWindowSetSizable(carShopwindow, false)
	carGridList = guiCreateGridList(33, 29, 502, 333, false, carShopwindow)
	columnName = guiGridListAddColumn(carGridList, "Name", 0.8)
	columnPrice = guiGridListAddColumn(carGridList, "Price", 0.8)
	for i , v in ipairs (vehiclePrices) do
		if isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, lscarShop) or isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, sfcarShop) or isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, lvcarShop) then
		    local notAcceptableVehicles = {Plane = true, Helicopter = true, Boat = true}
	        local vehicleType = getVehicleType(v[1])
			if not notAcceptableVehicles[vehicleType] then
		      local row = guiGridListAddRow(carGridList)
		      local name = getVehicleNameFromModel(v[1])
		      guiGridListSetItemText(carGridList, row, columnName, name, false, false)
		      guiGridListSetItemData(carGridList, row, columnName, v[1])
		      guiGridListSetItemText(carGridList, row, columnPrice, v[2].." $", false, false)
		      guiGridListSetItemData(carGridList, row, columnPrice, v[2])
		elseif isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, lsapcarShop) or isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, sfapcarShop) or isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, lvapcarShop) then
		    local notAcceptableVehicles = {Automobile = true, Bike = true, Boat = true}
	        local vehicleType = getVehicleType(v[1])
			if not notAcceptableVehicles[vehicleType] then
			   local row = guiGridListAddRow(carGridList)
		       local name = getVehicleNameFromModel(v[1])
			   guiGridListSetItemText(carGridList, row, columnName, name, false, false)
		       guiGridListSetItemData(carGridList, row, columnName, v[1])
		       guiGridListSetItemText(carGridList, row, columnPrice, v[2].." $", false, false)
		       guiGridListSetItemData(carGridList, row, columnPrice, v[2])
		elseif isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, baysidecarShop) then
		    local notAcceptableVehicles = {Plane = true, Helicopter = true, Automobile = true, Bike= true}
	        local vehicleType = getVehicleType(v[1])
			if not notAcceptableVehicles[vehicleType] then
			   local row = guiGridListAddRow(carGridList)
		       local name = getVehicleNameFromModel(v[1])
			   guiGridListSetItemText(carGridList, row, columnName, name, false, false)
		       guiGridListSetItemData(carGridList, row, columnName, v[1])
		       guiGridListSetItemText(carGridList, row, columnPrice, v[2].." $", false, false)
		       guiGridListSetItemData(carGridList, row, columnPrice, v[2])
 	buy = guiCreateButton(43, 407, 96, 49, "Buy", false, carShopwindow)
    preview = guiCreateButton(224, 407, 96, 49, "Preview", false, carShopwindow)
    cancel = guiCreateButton(373, 407, 96, 49, "Cancel", false, carShopwindow)

function showcarShopWindow()
	if carShopwindow ~= nil then
	   guiSetVisible(carShopwindow, true)
	  outputChatBox("An error has been ocupited!", 255, 0 , 0)
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", root, showcarShopWindow)

addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root,
if not carShopwindow or not guiGetVisible(carShopwindow) then return  end
    if source == buy then
	   if guiGridListGetSelectedItem(carGridList) == -1 then outputChatBox("Select one vehicle!", 255, 0, 0) return end
	   local modelID = guiGridListGetItemData(carGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(carGridList), 1)
	   local price = guiGridListGetItemData(carGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(carGridList), 2)
	   local modelID = tonumber(modelID)
	   local price = tonumber(price)
	      triggerServerEvent("buyCar", root, modelID, price)
	      guiSetVisible(carShopwindow, false)
	elseif source == preview then
	    if guiGridListGetSelectedItem(carGridList) == -1 then outputChatBox("Select one vehicle!", 255, 0, 0) return end
		   local modelID = guiGridListGetItemData(carGridList, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(carGridList), 1)
		   local modelID = tonumber(modelID)
	           x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
		       vehicle = createVehicle(modelID, x+10, y, z - 10)
			   if not getTickCount() < 45000 then 
   			      outputChatBox("You need wait 45 seconds to  see another vehicle!", 255, 0, 0)
		   local ptimer = setTimer(function()
		   end, 45000, 1)
	elseif source == cancel then

function resourceStart()
    createBlipAttachedTo(lsapcarShop, 55, 2)
	createBlipAttachedTo(sfapcarShop, 55, 2)
	createBlipAttachedTo(lvapcarShop, 55, 2)
	createBlipAttachedTo(lscarShop, 55, 2)
	createBlipAttachedTo(sfcarShop, 55, 2)
	createBlipAttachedTo(lvcarShop, 55, 2)
	createBlipAttachedTo(baysidecarShop, 55, 2)
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, resourceStart)

that i want is when a player click preview button for 45 seocnds he can't press it again and apear a message say that you need wait seconds for see another vehicle but a get error i try compare bollen with a number

Edited by Dimos7
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10 minutes ago, Dimos7 said:


Oh, you can't use it like that. Read what the wiki says: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetTickCount

This function returns amount of time that your system has been running in milliseconds.

So you can't compare it like that as it will always be a lot higher than 45000. You can compare two variables which you've assigned to getTickCount(). For example:

1. You make "local startTime = getTickCount()" when the resource starts.

2. You make "local currentTime = getTickCount()" when some condition is met (not when the resource starts)

3. Now you can check it like this somewhere else in your code: "if currentTime - startTime < 60000 then".

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What you might want to consider is setting players data with setElementData and then using a timer to remove there data after 45 seconds, just create an event that sets the data to false, this means the data would be removed, when the player clicks the button, get there element data, if there element data is true, then output a message, otherwise spawn a vehicle or whatever you are doing and then set there element data to true.

I would suggest not using a timer as you'd be setting it outside of your function, unfortunately I have no idea how to declare a timer as a global variable to use it across functions, but you could set it, then check if it exists AFTER near the top of your button click event...

I would personally use the first approach, set their data, set a timer to remove their data, then check their data (NOT THE TIMER) and if it's that data do nothing, else do something, then when timer hits 0, it would go to an event to remove there data, simple! :D

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Well, i'm not sure what are you trying to do, but that's an example :

playerTick, Seconds = { }, 3;

addCommandHandler ( 'allowed', function ( plr, cmd )
    if ( playerTick [ plr ] and playerTick [ plr ] + ( Seconds * 1000 ) > getTickCount ( ) ) then
        outputChatBox ( 'Please Wait', plr, 255, 0, 0, true )
        outputChatBox ( 'Every Thing is Okay', plr, 0, 255, 0, true )
        playerTick [ plr ] = getTickCount ( )
end );


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