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  1. local vehicles = { [1] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Barracks {433, 2611.8000488281, 237.5, 59.5, 65, 2}, {433, 277.7998046875, 2024.19921875, 18.200000762939, 65, 2}, -- Bobcats {422, -2051.8000488281, 144.19999694824, 28.89999961853, 20, 2}, {422, -237.19999694824,2812.5,61.799999237061, 20, 2}, -- Sanchez {468, -2039.5, 1108.69921875, 53, 8, 2}, {468, -1813.8994140625, -1598.7998046875, 22.799999237061, 8, 2}, -- Mesa {500, 1552.4000244141, -2088, 25.700000762939, 25, 2}, {500, 2786.69921875, 2244.2998046875, 11.199999809265, 25, 2}, -- Dodo {593, -1238.5999755859, -652.09997558594, 14.699999809265, 25, 2}, {593, 290.60000610352, 2538.6999511719, 17.39999961853, 25, 2}, -- QuadBike {471, 1931.6999511719, -587.79998779297, 27.200000762939, 10, 2}, {471, -386.2998046875, 1976.69921875, 92, 10, 2},, -- Freeway {541, -701, 945, 12, 8, 2}, {541, 2903.69921875, 1586, 10.39999961853, 8, 2}, }, -- [2] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Camper {483, 1527.5, -661.5, 94.5, 12, 2}, {483, 1318.19921875, -641.69921875, 108.90000152588, 12, 2}, }, -- [3] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- Buffalo {402, -106.8994140625, -1573.2998046875, 2.5, 12, 2}, {402, -2137.8000488281, 1219.4000244141, 47.099998474121, 12, 2}, -- Bandito {456, -2304.69921875, -1643.099609375, 483.70001220703, 15, 5}, {456, -482.20001220703, -2026.4000244141, 50.400001525879, 15, 5}, }, -- [4] = { -- {id, x, y, z, MAX_Slots, colSphereSize}, -- COACH {437, -271.29998779297, -2162.1000976563, 30, 190, 5}, }, } addCommandHandler("spawncars", function(p, cmd, n) if ( isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(p)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) ) then if ( n ) and ( vehicles[n] ) then for i, k in ipairs(vehicles[n]) do local v = createVehicle(k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4]) local c = createColSphere(k[2], k[3], k[4], k[6]) -- attachElements(c, v, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(c, "parent", v) setElementData(v, "parent", c) setElementData(c, "vehicle", true) setElementData(c, "MAX_Slots", k[5]) setElementData(c, "fuel", 5) -- local tires, engine, parts = getVehicleAddonInfos(k[1]) if ( not tonumber(tires) ) then tires = math.random(0, 4) end if ( not tonumber(engine) ) then engine = math.random(0, 1) end if ( not tonumber(parts) ) then parts = math.random(0, 4) end setElementData(c, "Rueda_inVehicle", math.random(0, tires)) setElementData(c, "Motor_inVehicle", math.random(0, engine)) setElementData(c, "Parts_inVehicle", math.random(0, parts)) setElementData(c, "spawn", {k[1], k[2], k[3], k[4]}) -- outputChatBox("¡Has respawneado todos los vehiculos!.", p, 0, 255, 120, true) end else outputChatBox("Error Syntax: /spawncars [1-4]", p, 255, 50, 0, true) outputChatBox("Ejemplo: /spawncars #ffffff1", p, 255, 50, 0, true) end end end ) Pues nada, ¿quería saber porque esta pequeña script no me funciona? Como ven es una simple script que sirve para spawnear vehículos dentro del servidor a través de un comando, pero cuando presiono "T" y tipeo /spanwcars 1, etc, me tira el siguiente mensaje: Error Syntax: /spawncars [1-4] Ejemplo: /spawncars 1 Pero no me dice que los autos hayan spawneado, la verdad no entiendo el problema y en el debugscript 3 no me tira ninguna clase de error con respecto a este LUA.
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