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  1. olá, estou tentando mudar script para tocar radio em 1 veiculo com id especifico, mais não entendo muito programação Lua e gostaria de ajuda ou sugestão. g_VehicleList = {} local radioStreams = 0 local defaultRadio = "http://icecast.funx.nl:8000/funx-dance.m3u" local defaultRadio = "" addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 100.0 end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then triggerClientEvent(source, "onServerToggleRadio", root, true, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", root, function() if g_VehicleList[source] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[source].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, source) g_VehicleList[source].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[source].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[source].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end end end end ) addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", root, function() if g_VehicleList[source] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[source].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, source) g_VehicleList[source].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[source].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[source].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end end end end ) addEvent("onPlayerToggleRadio", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerToggleRadio", root, function() if source and getElementType(source) == "player" then toggleRadio(source) end end ) function toggleRadio(player) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if veh then local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(veh) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(veh) local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(player) if playerSeat ~= 0 and playerSeat ~= 1 then outputChatBox("You can't switch the radio.", player, 255, 255, 255) return end if g_VehicleList[veh] == nil then g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 100.0 end if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == false then if not get("toggleAntifloodTick") or not get("streamLimit") or not get("radioEnabledIdleTime") then return end local settingToggleAntifloodTick = get("toggleAntifloodTick") local settingStreamLimit = get("streamLimit") local idleTime = get("radioEnabledIdleTime") if g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick and (getTickCount() - g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick) <= settingToggleAntifloodTick then return end if radioStreams >= settingStreamLimit then outputChatBox("The limit of streams has reached (" .. settingStreamLimit .. ")", player, 255, 255, 255) return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) g_VehicleList[veh].radio = true g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick = getTickCount() g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy = getPlayerName(player) g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "corona", 0.05, 255, 0, 0) attachElements(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer = setTimer(radioIdleTimer, idleTime, 0, veh) radioStreams = radioStreams + 1 outputServerLog(getPlayerName(player) .. " has turned the radio on in his vehicle (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, true, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #00FA9ARadio #ffffff:#c1c1c1 [#FFFF00Ligado#c1c1c1]", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) end end else g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer) radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 outputServerLog(getPlayerName(player) .. " has turned the radio off in his vehicle (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #00FA9ARadio #ffffff:#c1c1c1 [#ff0000Desligado#c1c1c1]", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) end end end end end function radioIdleTimer(veh) if not get("radioIdlePlayerDistanceCheck") then return end local settingDist = get("radioIdlePlayerDistanceCheck") if veh then if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then local playerInRange = false local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(veh) for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz) if distance ~= false and distance < settingDist then playerInRange = true end end if playerInRange == false then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end outputServerLog("An " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. "'s radio has been idled (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") end end end end end addEvent("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", root, function(currentVol, volumeUp) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if veh then local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if playerSeat == 0 or playerSeat == 1 then if volumeUp == true then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = currentVol + 0.05 if g_VehicleList[veh].volume >= 100.00 then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 1.00 end else g_VehicleList[veh].volume = currentVol - 0.05 if g_VehicleList[veh].volume <= 0.00 then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 0.00 end end triggerClientEvent("onServerVolumeChangeAccept", root, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end end end ) function cmdChangeRadioURL(source, commandName, url) if not url then outputChatBox("Usage: /setradio newurl", source, 255, 255, 255) return end local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if veh then local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(veh) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(veh) if g_VehicleList[veh] == nil then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = true g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick = getTickCount() g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 100.0 g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "corona", 0.1, 255, 0, 0) attachElements(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer = setTimer(radioIdleTimer, idleTime, 0, veh) end local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if playerSeat ~= 0 and playerSeat ~= 1 then outputChatBox("You can't switch the radio station URL.", source, 255, 255, 255) return end for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = url g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy = getPlayerName(source) if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerRadioURLChange", root, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(source) .. " #FFFFFFhas changed the radio station.", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) outputConsole(getPlayerName(source) .. " has changed the radio station on his vehicle to: " .. url, occupant) end end outputServerLog(getPlayerName(source) .. " has changed the radio station on his vehicle to: " .. url) end end function cmdDumpVehRadioInfo(source, commandName) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then local strOut if g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy ~= nil then strOut = "Vehicle: " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. ", URL = " .. g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation .. ", Turned on by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy .. ", URL changed by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy else strOut = "Vehicle: " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. ", URL = " .. g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation .. ", Turned on by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy end if getElementType(source) == "console" then outputServerLog(strOut) elseif getElementType(source) == "player" then outputChatBox(strOut, source, 255, 255, 255) end end end end end addCommandHandler("setradio", cmdChangeRadioURL) addCommandHandler("dumpradio", cmdDumpVehRadioInfo) g_VehicleList = {} local radioStreams = 0 local defaultRadio = "http://icecast.funx.nl:8000/funx-dance.m3u" local defaultRadio = "" addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 100.0 end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then triggerClientEvent(source, "onServerToggleRadio", root, true, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end end end end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", root, function() if g_VehicleList[source] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[source].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, source) g_VehicleList[source].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[source].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[source].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end end end end ) addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", root, function() if g_VehicleList[source] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[source].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, source) g_VehicleList[source].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[source].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[source].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end end end end ) addEvent("onPlayerToggleRadio", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerToggleRadio", root, function() if source and getElementType(source) == "player" then toggleRadio(source) end end ) function toggleRadio(player) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if veh then local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(veh) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(veh) local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(player) if playerSeat ~= 0 and playerSeat ~= 1 then outputChatBox("You can't switch the radio.", player, 255, 255, 255) return end if g_VehicleList[veh] == nil then g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 100.0 end if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == false then if not get("toggleAntifloodTick") or not get("streamLimit") or not get("radioEnabledIdleTime") then return end local settingToggleAntifloodTick = get("toggleAntifloodTick") local settingStreamLimit = get("streamLimit") local idleTime = get("radioEnabledIdleTime") if g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick and (getTickCount() - g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick) <= settingToggleAntifloodTick then return end if radioStreams >= settingStreamLimit then outputChatBox("The limit of streams has reached (" .. settingStreamLimit .. ")", player, 255, 255, 255) return end local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) g_VehicleList[veh].radio = true g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick = getTickCount() g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy = getPlayerName(player) g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "corona", 0.05, 255, 0, 0) attachElements(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer = setTimer(radioIdleTimer, idleTime, 0, veh) radioStreams = radioStreams + 1 outputServerLog(getPlayerName(player) .. " has turned the radio on in his vehicle (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, true, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #00FA9ARadio #ffffff:#c1c1c1 [#FFFF00Ligado#c1c1c1]", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) end end else g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer) radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 outputServerLog(getPlayerName(player) .. " has turned the radio off in his vehicle (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(player) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(player) .. " #00FA9ARadio #ffffff:#c1c1c1 [#ff0000Desligado#c1c1c1]", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) end end end end end function radioIdleTimer(veh) if not get("radioIdlePlayerDistanceCheck") then return end local settingDist = get("radioIdlePlayerDistanceCheck") if veh then if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then local playerInRange = false local vx, vy, vz = getElementPosition(veh) for i,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(vx, vy, vz, px, py, pz) if distance ~= false and distance < settingDist then playerInRange = true end end if playerInRange == false then triggerClientEvent("onServerToggleRadio", root, false, nil, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].radio = false destroyElement(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker) killTimer(g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer) if radioStreams ~= 0 then radioStreams = radioStreams - 1 end outputServerLog("An " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. "'s radio has been idled (streams: " .. radioStreams .. ")") end end end end end addEvent("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerRadioVolumeChange", root, function(currentVol, volumeUp) local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if veh then local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if playerSeat == 0 or playerSeat == 1 then if volumeUp == true then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = currentVol + 0.05 if g_VehicleList[veh].volume >= 100.00 then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 1.00 end else g_VehicleList[veh].volume = currentVol - 0.05 if g_VehicleList[veh].volume <= 0.00 then g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 0.00 end end triggerClientEvent("onServerVolumeChangeAccept", root, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end end end ) function cmdChangeRadioURL(source, commandName, url) if not url then outputChatBox("Usage: /setradio newurl", source, 255, 255, 255) return end local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if veh then local occupants = getVehicleOccupants(veh) local seats = getVehicleMaxPassengers(veh) if g_VehicleList[veh] == nil then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(veh) g_VehicleList[veh] = { } g_VehicleList[veh].radio = true g_VehicleList[veh].lastTick = getTickCount() g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = defaultRadio g_VehicleList[veh].volume = 100.0 g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker = createMarker(x, y, z, "corona", 0.1, 255, 0, 0) attachElements(g_VehicleList[veh].radioMarker, veh) g_VehicleList[veh].idleTimer = setTimer(radioIdleTimer, idleTime, 0, veh) end local playerSeat = getPedOccupiedVehicleSeat(source) if playerSeat ~= 0 and playerSeat ~= 1 then outputChatBox("You can't switch the radio station URL.", source, 255, 255, 255) return end for seat = 0, seats do local occupant = occupants[seat] if occupant and getElementType(occupant) == "player" then g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation = url g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy = getPlayerName(source) if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then triggerClientEvent("onServerRadioURLChange", root, g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation, veh, g_VehicleList[veh].volume) end local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) colorHex = string.format("%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b) outputChatBox("#" .. colorHex .. "" .. getPlayerName(source) .. " #FFFFFFhas changed the radio station.", occupant, 0, 0, 0, true) outputConsole(getPlayerName(source) .. " has changed the radio station on his vehicle to: " .. url, occupant) end end outputServerLog(getPlayerName(source) .. " has changed the radio station on his vehicle to: " .. url) end end function cmdDumpVehRadioInfo(source, commandName) for i,veh in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if g_VehicleList[veh] ~= nil then if g_VehicleList[veh].radio == true then local strOut if g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy ~= nil then strOut = "Vehicle: " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. ", URL = " .. g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation .. ", Turned on by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy .. ", URL changed by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].changedBy else strOut = "Vehicle: " .. getVehicleName(veh) .. ", URL = " .. g_VehicleList[veh].radioStation .. ", Turned on by: " .. g_VehicleList[veh].turnedOnBy end if getElementType(source) == "console" then outputServerLog(strOut) elseif getElementType(source) == "player" then outputChatBox(strOut, source, 255, 255, 255) end end end end end addCommandHandler("setradio", cmdChangeRadioURL) addCommandHandler("dumpradio", cmdDumpVehRadioInfo)
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