Não sei quase nada de scripts
Eu quero fazer que quando um jogar matar o outro recebera 6 nives de procurado
function client_kill_ped(ped, killer, body_part)
if not ped or not isElement(ped) or isPedDead(ped) or getPedOccupiedVehicle(ped) then return end
if not killer or not getElementType( attacker ) == "player" ) then end
local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped)
local kx,ky,kz = getElementPosition(killer)
if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(px,py,pz, kx,ky,kz) > 10 then return end
killPed(ped, killer, 255, body_part, false)
setWl(killer, 6.0, 60, "Você cometeu o crime de assassinato")
I know almost nothing about scripts
I want to do that when one player kills the other he receives 6 levels of wanted