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  1. i got a script of a first person when i type /fp it works but the camera is not moving please make that script with moving camera: here is the script : player = getLocalPlayer ( ) sw, sh = guiGetScreenSize ( ) mouse1_pressed = false FPS_CAMERA = false --FUNCTION MADE BY 'Doomed_Space_Marine', FIXED BY 'robhol' function findRotation ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) local t = -math.deg ( math.atan2 ( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 ) ) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end return t end --ALWAYS SET CAMERA POSITION IN THE PLAYER'S HEAD addEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", getRootElement ( ), function ( ) if FPS_CAMERA then local x1, y1, z1 = getPedBonePosition ( player, 6 ) setCameraMatrix ( x1, y1, z1 ) if not getControlState ( "aim_weapon" ) then setControlState ( "aim_weapon", false ) end end end ) --MAKE SURE THE PLAYER AIMS WITH THE MOUSE addEventHandler ( "onClientCursorMove", getRootElement ( ), function ( guiy1, guiy1, guix2, guiy2, x2, y2, z2 ) if not isCursorShowing ( ) and not isChatBoxInputActive ( ) and not isMainMenuActive ( ) and FPS_CAMERA then local x1, y1, z1 = getPedBonePosition ( player, 6 ) setPedRotation ( player, findRotation ( x1, y1, x2, y2 ) ) setCameraMatrix ( x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 ) end end ) --A SIMPLE WAY TO MAKE A KEY REPEATER bindKey ( "mouse1", "both", function ( k, state ) if state == "down" then mouse1_pressed = true else mouse1_pressed = false end end ) --CONTROLS PART function resetControls ( ) toggleControl ( "aim_weapon", not FPS_CAMERA ) toggleControl ( "backwards", not FPS_CAMERA ) toggleControl ( "sprint", not FPS_CAMERA ) toggleControl ( "right", not FPS_CAMERA ) toggleControl ( "left", not FPS_CAMERA ) toggleControl ( "fire", not FPS_CAMERA ) toggleControl ( "enter_vehicle", not FPS_CAMERA ) toggleControl ( "enter_passenger", not FPS_CAMERA ) if FPS_CAMERA then setElementAlpha ( player, 0 ) else setElementAlpha ( player, 255 ) end end --DRAW A BEAUTIFUL CROSSHAIR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement ( ), function ( ) if FPS_CAMERA then dxDrawImage ( ( sw / 2 ) - 4, ( sh / 2 ) - 4, 8, 8, "crosshair.png" ) end end ) addCommandHandler ( "fp", function ( ) FPS_CAMERA = not FPS_CAMERA if not FPS_CAMERA then setCameraTarget ( player ) else resetCamera ( ) end resetControls ( ) end )
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