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hello ive been trying to make a weapon attachment mode for mta sa problems that ive encountred the silencer does not silence (lol) flashlight illuminates the player not infront of him the attachments stay stuck to the player even when switching weapons until i remove them from the menu and the laser works fine dont worry lol can you help me ? heres the client, server and meta -- Client-side weapon attachments management local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local ATTACHMENT_MODELS = { silencer = 348, flashlight = 349, laser = 350 } -- Sound ranges for different weapons when suppressed local SOUND_RANGES = { [22] = { suppressed = 20 }, -- Pistol [23] = { suppressed = 25 }, -- Silenced Pistol [24] = { suppressed = 30 }, -- Desert Eagle [25] = { suppressed = 35 }, -- Shotgun [29] = { suppressed = 40 }, -- MP5 [30] = { suppressed = 45 }, -- AK-47 [31] = { suppressed = 45 } -- M4 } -- Track active attachments and effects local activeAttachments = {} local activeEffects = {} -- GUI elements local gui = { window = nil, buttons = {} } -- Attachment positions and rotations local attachmentConfig = { silencer = { pos = {x = 0.2, y = 0, z = 0.02}, rot = {x = 0, y = 90, z = 0}, scale = {x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0} }, flashlight = { pos = {x = 0.15, y = 0.05, z = 0.02}, rot = {x = 0, y = 90, z = 0}, scale = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.8} }, laser = { pos = {x = 0.15, y = -0.05, z = 0.02}, rot = {x = 0, y = 90, z = 0}, scale = {x = 0.8, y = 0.8, z = 0.8} } } -- Create attachment menu function createAttachmentMenu() if gui.window then destroyElement(gui.window) end gui.window = guiCreateWindow(screenW/2-150, screenH/2-200, 300, 400, "Weapon Attachments", false) local y = 30 for _, attachment in ipairs({"silencer", "flashlight", "laser"}) do -- Attach button gui.buttons[attachment.."_attach"] = guiCreateButton(10, y, 135, 30, "Attach "..attachment, false, gui.window) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui.buttons[attachment.."_attach"], function() triggerServerEvent("onRequestAttachment", localPlayer, attachment) end, false) -- Remove button gui.buttons[attachment.."_remove"] = guiCreateButton(155, y, 135, 30, "Remove "..attachment, false, gui.window) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", gui.buttons[attachment.."_remove"], function() triggerServerEvent("onRequestRemoveAttachment", localPlayer, attachment) end, false) y = y + 40 end -- Close button local closeButton = guiCreateButton(10, 360, 280, 30, "Close", false, gui.window) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closeButton, function() destroyElement(gui.window) gui.window = nil end, false) showCursor(true) end -- Handle attachment updates addEvent("onAttachmentUpdate", true) addEventHandler("onAttachmentUpdate", root, function(player, attachmentType, attached) if attached then createAttachment(player, attachmentType) else removeAttachment(player, attachmentType) end end) -- Handle silenced weapon fire addEvent("onSilencedWeaponFire", true) addEventHandler("onSilencedWeaponFire", root, function(x, y, z, weaponId) -- Play suppressed shot sound local sound = playSound3D("files/silenced_shot.wav", x, y, z) if sound then -- Calculate volume based on distance local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, px, py, pz) local maxRange = SOUND_RANGES[weaponId].suppressed local volume = 1 - (distance / maxRange) setSoundVolume(sound, math.max(0.1, volume)) setSoundMaxDistance(sound, maxRange) end -- Create subtle muzzle flash effect local effect = createEffect("gunflash", x, y, z) if effect then setEffectSpeed(effect, 0.5) -- Reduce the effect intensity setTimer(destroyElement, 50, 1, effect) end end) -- Handle weapon switch for silenced weapons addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, function(prevSlot, newSlot) if source == localPlayer then local weaponId = getPedWeapon(localPlayer, newSlot) if activeAttachments[localPlayer] and activeAttachments[localPlayer].silencer then -- Update weapon properties for silenced weapon local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) triggerServerEvent("onPlayerSilencedWeaponSwitch", localPlayer, weaponId) end end end) -- Create physical attachment function createAttachment(player, attachmentType) if not isElement(player) then return end -- Remove existing attachment removeAttachment(player, attachmentType) -- Create attachment object local obj = createObject(ATTACHMENT_MODELS[attachmentType], 0, 0, 0) if not obj then return end -- Configure attachment local config = attachmentConfig[attachmentType] setObjectScale(obj, config.scale.x, config.scale.y, config.scale.z) -- Attach to weapon exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(obj, player, 12, config.pos.x, config.pos.y, config.pos.z, config.rot.x, config.rot.y, config.rot.z ) -- Store attachment if not activeAttachments[player] then activeAttachments[player] = {} end activeAttachments[player][attachmentType] = obj -- Create effects if attachmentType == "flashlight" then createFlashlightEffect(player) elseif attachmentType == "laser" then createLaserEffect(player) end end -- Create flashlight effect function createFlashlightEffect(player) if not activeAttachments[player] or not activeAttachments[player].flashlight then return end local function updateLight() if not isElement(player) or not activeAttachments[player] or not activeAttachments[player].flashlight then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateLight) return end local weaponSlot = getPedWeaponSlot(player) if weaponSlot < 2 or weaponSlot > 7 then return end local x, y, z = getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition(player) local tx, ty, tz = getPedTargetEnd(player) -- Create light effect local light = createLight(0, x, y, z, 10, 255, 255, 255) setLightDirection(light, tx-x, ty-y, tz-z) -- Clean up previous frame's light setTimer(function() if isElement(light) then destroyElement(light) end end, 50, 1) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateLight) end -- Create laser effect function createLaserEffect(player) if not activeAttachments[player] or not activeAttachments[player].laser then return end local function updateLaser() if not isElement(player) or not activeAttachments[player] or not activeAttachments[player].laser then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateLaser) return end local weaponSlot = getPedWeaponSlot(player) if weaponSlot < 2 or weaponSlot > 7 then return end local x, y, z = getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition(player) local tx, ty, tz = getPedTargetEnd(player) -- Draw laser line dxDrawLine3D(x, y, z, tx, ty, tz, tocolor(255, 0, 0, 150), 1) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, updateLaser) end -- Remove attachment function removeAttachment(player, attachmentType) if not activeAttachments[player] or not activeAttachments[player][attachmentType] then return end if isElement(activeAttachments[player][attachmentType]) then destroyElement(activeAttachments[player][attachmentType]) end activeAttachments[player][attachmentType] = nil end -- Command to open menu addCommandHandler("attachments", createAttachmentMenu) -- Clean up on player quit addEventHandler("onClientPlayerQuit", root, function() if activeAttachments[source] then for attachmentType, _ in pairs(activeAttachments[source]) do removeAttachment(source, attachmentType) end activeAttachments[source] = nil end end) server code -- Server-side weapon attachments management -- Constants local WEAPON_IDS = { PISTOL_9MM = 22, SILENCED_PISTOL = 23, MP5 = 29, AK47 = 30, M4 = 31, SNIPER = 34 } -- Sound range configurations local SOUND_RANGES = { [WEAPON_IDS.PISTOL_9MM] = { normal = 100, suppressed = 20 }, [WEAPON_IDS.MP5] = { normal = 120, suppressed = 25 }, [WEAPON_IDS.AK47] = { normal = 150, suppressed = 30 }, [WEAPON_IDS.M4] = { normal = 150, suppressed = 30 }, [WEAPON_IDS.SNIPER] = { normal = 200, suppressed = 40 } } -- Track player attachments and weapon states local playerAttachments = {} local silencedWeapons = {} -- Initialize player data addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function() playerAttachments[source] = {} silencedWeapons[source] = {} end) -- Cleanup on quit addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function() playerAttachments[source] = nil silencedWeapons[source] = nil end) -- Handle silenced weapon fire addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponFire", root, function(weapon) if silencedWeapons[source] and silencedWeapons[source][weapon] then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) -- Get nearby players local nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinRange(x, y, z, SOUND_RANGES[weapon].normal, "player") -- Handle silenced shot effects for _, player in ipairs(nearbyPlayers) do if player ~= source then local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(player) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, px, py, pz) if distance <= SOUND_RANGES[weapon].suppressed then triggerClientEvent(player, "onSilencedWeaponFire", source, x, y, z, weapon) end end end end end) -- Handle attachment requests addEvent("onRequestAttachment", true) addEventHandler("onRequestAttachment", root, function(attachmentType) local weaponId = getPedWeapon(client) if not isWeaponCompatible(weaponId, attachmentType) then outputChatBox("This attachment is not compatible with your weapon.", client, 255, 0, 0) return end if not playerAttachments[client] then playerAttachments[client] = {} end -- Remove existing attachment if present if playerAttachments[client][attachmentType] then removeAttachment(client, attachmentType) end -- Apply new attachment playerAttachments[client][attachmentType] = true -- Special handling for silencer if attachmentType == "silencer" then if not silencedWeapons[client] then silencedWeapons[client] = {} end silencedWeapons[client][weaponId] = true -- Apply silencer properties setWeaponProperty(weaponId, "pro", "weapon_range", SOUND_RANGES[weaponId].suppressed) setWeaponProperty(weaponId, "pro", "flags_aim", true) setWeaponProperty(weaponId, "std", "fire_rotation", 0.0) end triggerClientEvent(root, "onAttachmentUpdate", client, client, attachmentType, true, weaponId) end) -- Handle attachment removal addEvent("onRequestRemoveAttachment", true) addEventHandler("onRequestRemoveAttachment", root, function(attachmentType) if removeAttachment(client, attachmentType) then outputChatBox("Attachment removed successfully.", client, 0, 255, 0) end end) -- Remove attachment function function removeAttachment(player, attachmentType) if not playerAttachments[player] or not playerAttachments[player][attachmentType] then return false end local weaponId = getPedWeapon(player) if attachmentType == "silencer" and silencedWeapons[player] then silencedWeapons[player][weaponId] = nil -- Reset weapon properties setWeaponProperty(weaponId, "pro", "weapon_range", SOUND_RANGES[weaponId].normal) setWeaponProperty(weaponId, "pro", "flags_aim", false) setWeaponProperty(weaponId, "pro", "maximum_clip_ammo", 17) setWeaponProperty(weaponId, "std", "fire_rotation", 1.0) end playerAttachments[player][attachmentType] = nil triggerClientEvent(root, "onAttachmentUpdate", player, player, attachmentType, false, weaponId) return true end -- Utility function for weapon compatibility function isWeaponCompatible(weaponId, attachmentType) local compatibleWeapons = { silencer = { [WEAPON_IDS.PISTOL_9MM] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.MP5] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.M4] = true }, flashlight = { [WEAPON_IDS.PISTOL_9MM] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.MP5] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.AK47] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.M4] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.SNIPER] = true }, laser = { [WEAPON_IDS.PISTOL_9MM] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.MP5] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.AK47] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.M4] = true, [WEAPON_IDS.SNIPER] = true } } return compatibleWeapons[attachmentType] and compatibleWeapons[attachmentType][weaponId] end heres the meta <meta> <info author="Weapon Attachments System" version="1.0.0" type="script"/> <!-- Client Scripts --> <script src="attachmentc.lua" type="client" cache="false"/> <!-- Server Scripts --> <script src="attachments.lua" type="server"/> <!-- Files --> <file src="files/silenced_shot.wav"/> <file src="files/flashlight.png"/> <file src="files/laser.png"/> <!-- Required Resources --> <include resource="bone_attach"/> <!-- Exports --> <export function="attachWeaponMod" type="server"/> <export function="removeWeaponMod" type="server"/> </meta>
- weapon system
- script
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Estamos com um sistema de gasolina muito bom, conseguimos resolver alguns bugs do mesmo, porém há um problema que não estamos conseguindo resolver! o ERRO é que quando um jogador vai abastecer, a mensagem acaba aparecendo para todos os outros que estão dentro de algum veículo mas que não estão abastecendo! Se puderem nos ajudar, agradeceríamos muito! PS: esse sistema não é nosso, apenas pegamos no MTA Brasil e estamos fazendo ajustes para usá-lo !
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- fuel system
- script gasolina
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