How can I do so that when a player enters a market, the money bag on his back is ashen?
ID Bag: 1550
function creteMoney ()
Money[1] = createObject(1550, 472.5595703125, 152.0556640625, 1002.2183227539)
----------- 1
setElementInterior (Money[1], 3)
setElementDimension (Money[1], 1)
setObjectScale(Money[1], 1.5)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(Money[1], false)
local x1, y1, z1 = getElementPosition(Money[1])
MoneyCol = createColSphere(x1, y1, z1, 1)
if isElement(Money[1]) then
moveMoney = setTimer(moveObject, 2000, 0, Money[1], 2000, x1, y1, z1, 0, 0, 360)
if isTimer(moveMoney) then killTimer(moveMoney) end