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  1. Hi Tut! Thanks very much for the advice, though it seems it got resolved on its own. Today I gave it a try and connected without problem and to my biggest happiness, without windows reinstall. Funny thing was even when the ban was active I could join the other server of SeeMTA (Las Venturas) but not the main which was odd as this ban was probably supposed to block every server. Anyways just wanted to give an update on being resolved on its own, could be that the false flag trigger dissappeared (my guess is a temp file maybe, or just something ran funny that AC didnt like. i know it might sound odd that I know about temp files, troubleshooting methods and auto flag triggers but not how to reinstall windows properly, guess its about time for me to lean how to lol, because it was embarassing even to admit it xD]) With that said I will go ahead and say we can close this question now(This was my first post on this forum so idk if moderator closes it or Im supposed to). Thanks again and have a great week!
  2. Not trying to be dense but there was no cursing or anything inappropriate in it lol
  3. Hi in the meantime i also looked around forum and apparently is this is a whole level of ban? Is that true? If yes i dont think of this much of an appeal (which is apparently forbidden) more like a technical support question as no cheat was used whatsoever as written above. Until approval I will also run an antivirus, somewhere I read that #2 VF AC disconnect can be because of a virus/malware that is not known by the user.
  4. Dear forum Moderators and Experienced Users! I've been playing MTA since 2013 mainly on SeeMTA server, which moved to its own MTA Client about 2 years ago. I've been playing in that client ever since (this problem did not come up before). I played last on Friday, freed up my Sunday to play and got the following disconnect message when joining in the SeeMTA Server Client: [Picture attached bellow] even after restarting PC and Client. I tried it (after updating the long not used normal MTA Client) and regular MTA Servers disconnect too. I asked around apparently many more people had the same issue in the past few days on SeeMTA discord. Is this really is supposed to be an MTA kick, if yes what are these based on, could it be a false autoflag? Or is it manually put AC? With that I checked my serial in the client and on server UCP and they match, also contacted Server Support in case the issue is on their end. If a program on my computer (which would be strange as I did not install any new programs recently) crossing with MTA AC I do not know which one to uninstall/revert to previous version becuase I havent used any game alteration in MTA or any other game ever (Apart from minecraft X-ray I used 12 years ago on a way different PC lol). Also many university documents, academic simulation programs (some of which are not available anymore) and projects are saved on the computer which I will be needing in the following period so reinstalling Windows is not an option (Also because I freed up my day to play MTA and I dont want it to go to waste and idk how to reinstall windows without losing every data, computer shops are not open on sunday). Can you please help me out on this one? Also it might be worth looking into it on the SeeMTA Server Client side as these disconnect messages spiked in the recent days after the latest server update (Halloween Event). Thank you for your help in advance!
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