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Everything posted by BinSlayer1

  1. Lol that's terribly wrong.. And setElementAlpha will make the car invisible but you can still see the shadow, headlights and the ped controlling it.. bindKey('f1', 'down', function() for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType('player')) do if player ~= localPlayer then setElementDimension(getPedOccupiedVehicle(player), 1) setElementDimension(player, 1) end end end Note: This script is client-side. Note2: The script does not handle people who join AFTER the button was pressed. So you will either have to press it again when somebody joins the server or re-script it somehow. Note3: The script assumes you want vehicles that are controlled by players to be invisible, not parked vehicles.
  2. if getPlayerFromName('GanJaRuleZ') then outputChatBox('Player online') else outputChatBox('Player offline') end
  3. Well, it depends on what you want to achieve If you want it fully synced then everything should be done serverside As a consequence, you won't be able to use setPedControlState anymore. I suggest: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementSpeed Example: set the element speed to 40 km/h and with a timer every 1000 ms, check that the speed is still 40 and if it's not, apply it again (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetElementSpeed) When it hits the serverside colshapes @ stations, simply decrease the speed until it's fully stopped
  4. setAccountData actually uses database to store stuff.. So it won't get lost It should be the same database where registered accounts are stored
  5. BinSlayer1

    Help .

    wth.. you're posting a picture and asking why it's not showing something? we need to see the code behind it.. However, if you're running the official race resource then it won't show the next map because the next map is calculated when the map in progress ends.
  6. Are you shitting me? Your hash IS in the database because you used the same site I posted a few posts back.. proof: use CapY's md5 in http://www.md5decrypter.com/ it'll give the exact string he said, 'helloworld' if i recall correctly Such sites are not md5 decrypters. When you encrypt your strings, it will add them to the database so when you "decrypt" you actually search in their DB.. Looks like you didn't cover your tracks too well This just turned out to be a very noobish thing Decrypt this, CapY: 1f902ecd8d499a2c5516740e40729a48
  7. dbFree ( dbQuery ( server,"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS newTable ( vehicleID, model, posX, posY, posZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ, interior,respawnPosX, respawnPosY, respawnPosZ, respawnRotX, respawnRotY, respawnRotZ, respawnInterior, respawn, Dimension, numberplate, health, color1, color2, characterID, engineState, locked, lightsState, tintedWindows, fuel )")) Try this. Not sure Also.. In order to execute these db-functions you need either 1.1 with latest patch (https://nightly.multitheftauto.com) or MTA 1.2 If you don't have these then your MTA server will most likely not have the functions built-in so they will return nil when called About meta.xml, if you don't define server/client types then it indeed defaults to server
  8. Lol those 'common strings' aren't decoded. They are simply added to a database whose goal is to gather as much data regarding strings and their md5 correspondence as possible. People can even submit so the database gets bigger and then you can search in it but 99% you won't find what you're looking for. For example: http://www.md5decrypter.com/ Well that's possible but very unlikely to do (since most of us don't have supercomputers)
  9. There is, there's some sites which does that. ... They're obviously fake. Md5 is a one-way encryption algorithm That means you can only get the md5 of a string but you can't get the string of an md5 hash. E.g: When you login in MTA you type /login 'pass' well, 'pass' is then hashed in md5 and checked against the database account md5 password. If it matches then you get logged in, but it doesn't use the actual string that you type in the command
  10. the password you find in internal.db is in md5 format. There is no way you can get the original string I suggest deleting the account + recreating it with a known password
  11. destroyElement(teamElement) will delete the team
  12. Delay everything for 1 or 2 seconds with setTimer()
  13. What kind of nil? like "attempt to call global function (blahblah) a nil value" ? That means you need to check meta.xml and make sure it's serverside script also are you sure you're running one of the latest nightlies (patches) ?
  14. BinSlayer1


    How could it possibly work? You need to use the event "onClientResourceStart" instead of "onClientPlayerJoin" because if you'd read the wiki you'd know it isn't fired for the joining player, BUT for the rest of the players in the server addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), bindTheKey)
  15. BinSlayer1

    Server 1.2

    Try again. It should be fixed by now
  16. either registry.db or internal.db (not sure) in the mta server folder (just outside the resources folder) Open it with sqlitebrowser (google it) You won't see the original passwords, but you will see their md5 hash
  17. You'll need to update again.. They just fixed this http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-blue/sou ... ail?r=3563
  18. Plain race resource? You mean default? In that case try to get the latest one http://code.google.com/p/mtasa-resources/downloads/list Or try /upgrade . Some things could be very old
  19. No because setWeaponProperty doesn't acknowledge any player element for whom to execute it. I haven't even tested this function but it's my opinion based on the way it is called that you can't set it for a particular weapon held by a particular player
  20. yeah but we can't make the full script for you.. use getPlayersInTeam() and make it with dxDrawText because it's easier than label. make each line of dxDrawText add 5 or 10 pixels to the screenHeight, this way the texts shouldn't go on top of each other
  21. I think you can't. For that to have worked, you would have needed something like a weapon element. But setWeaponProperty actually sets the property for specific weapon ID which cannot be individualised from another weapon of the same ID
  22. Sure you're not happy with him giving you a ready-script (tbh a bit bugged with the setTimer, but at least it's a start), but you also want the code to have MORE features
  23. No. First, a label gets created every time the local player spawns.. If he spawns 30 times, the screen will have 30 labels and the handle element for each will be lost Secondly, you're using guiSetText with 3 arguments when it only has 2 and the second one should be a STRING. Thirdly, guiSetText syntax aside, it is simply wrong because 'team' and 'dm' never really change. They are only called once when the script loads up. Fourthly, but not least, the setTimer screws everything up even more.. (function called multiple times, see first, second and third points above)
  24. local sound1 = "http://www.mysound1.com/sound1" local sound2 = "http://www.mysound1.com/sound2" addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() playSound(sound1) setTimer(playSound,getSoundLength(sound1)*1000,1,sound2) end ) No need to input the sound length, MTA has functions for these things @ Al3grab
  25. use getTickCount() to see how fast a server function gets called.. if it's less than a second than the previous call then don't execute it
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