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OldPopsy last won the day on December 5 2024

OldPopsy had the most liked content!

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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. * squints myopically at the screen * * adjusts the spectacles * * pokes the screen with his cane * 20 years? Has it really been 20 years? Holy crap... This thing is older than my son! I don't even know who might recall me from those high rolling days of MTA, but back then, I was [VCA] Loendal... I suppose I still am, in a way. I've also been [RTB]RAW and eventually [NoV]Pops before dropping out of the scene. Perhaps one of those might ring a bell? No? Shotgun, Tec9 and a hockey mask? Heh, those were the days! Happy Birthday to MTA; I haven't played for years at this point, but it's amazing to see this project is still around and kicking. It says up there that there are currently 19,000 people playing.. Those are numbers even long running MMO's can't hold a candle to. Congratulations, and a toast to your continued success! I also offer this as both a proof of who I am, and also a glimpse into the world of MTA back in the beginning... I think this was MTA .3 or something like that.. Yes, the music may be crap to most ears, but it was 16 years ago, dammit! ;)
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