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  1. https://pastebin.multitheftauto.com/8721133467 here is the link of MtaDiagnostic
  2. Version = 1.5.9-release-21643.0.000 Time = Sun Jun 4 20:24:07 2023 Module = C:\ProgramData\MTA San Andreas All\1.5\GTA San Andreas\gta_sa.exe Code = 0xC0000005 Offset = 0x000C9F98 EAX=046A43D0 EBX=B94B3840 ECX=00000000 EDX=0177EC30 ESI=00000000 EDI=00000001 EBP=00000000 ESP=0177EBD0 EIP=004C9F98 FLG=00210206 CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B This error also occured in my pc today .
  3. Bro it's quite expensive for us to pay ın our country. What can ı do and what is the problem exactly ?
  4. https://pastebin.mtasa.com/2974897259 When ı open MTA Diagnosis Tools it checked 383 files one of them ı remembered as a American.GXT or something ı dont remember extension exactly is missing. When ı play MTA:SA for generally 40-50 minutes my game stunning and sound also freezing and retrying ı mean sound stuns and dont gone repeated sound with freezing and when ı click my left mouse game send me screen that says not responding what is the problem ? Also when ı open game the game ask me Nvidia Optimus Detected . Choose some properties like Standard Nvidia as A , Alternative Nvidia as B , C as a Standart Intel and D as a Alternate Intel . And maybe the problem is out of date driver but ı dont think because my all drivers are up do date and ı'm suspicious from compatibility mode . Then ı also play at Non-Edge Full Screen . When ı try standart after 6-7 times ALT+TAB game screen try to open GTA but can not open it and close the game Even though game always crash in everyday it's a also important question ı m super moderator ın my server so ı can't check other MTA:SA Server because it's prohibited for our server. Meanwhile is there any services or anything cause this issue ? Some users told me ı dont have any issue with server but ı have if someone don't have problem why my I7-7770HQ and GTX1050 facing with this issue and ı play at 1920*1080 and the low FX Quality and Lowest Distance Rendering other things and low and at the advanced Memory Usage is at the highest Priority For Process ı mean . Please fix this issue permanently Sorry for bad English by the way . Have a nice forum to all
  5. Not solved my GTX 1050 up do date and ı checked also driver booster also said all drivers are up to date what is the problem then ?
  6. When ı play over 30-40 min generally my MTA and whole computer becomes freezing I downloaded MTADiag and here is the result; https://pastebin.mtasa.com/8409550694
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