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  1. Köszönöm szépen a segítséget!
  2. Its says : ERROR: inventory\client.lua:281: 'then' expected near '!' function addItem(cmd, id, amount) if (not id or not amount) then return outputChatBox('#23FF00[Használat] #FFFFFF /additem [id] [mennyiség]', 35, 255, 0, true); end id = tonumber(id); amount = tonumber(amount) if (items[id]) then local inv = getElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items'); if type(inv) != "table" then -- outputChatBox("asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd") return for i, item in pairs(inv) do if (item[2] == id) then inv[i][3] = item[3] + amount; outputChatBox(items[id][1].. ' sikeresen hozzáadva az inventoryhoz ('..amount..' darab)') setElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items', inv); return true end end for i, slot in pairs(slots) do if (not slot[5][1]) then table.insert(inv, { i, id, amount }) outputChatBox(items[id][1].. ' sikeresen hozzáadva az inventoryhoz ('..amount..' darab)') setElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items', inv); return true; end end end outputChatBox('#FF0000[HIBA] #FFFFFF Nem sikerült hozzáadni az itemet!', 255, 0, 0) return false end addCommandHandler('additem', addItem)
  3. I really need some help!! I made a button and if i press it it doesnt do anything, but i want to do that to if i press it it creates a tank front of me local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize(); local show= false; function render() -- // alap "kocka" \\ -- dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.38, sy*0.30, sx*0.26, sy*0.5, tocolor(0,0,0,180), false); -- // keret \\ -- dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.38, sy*0.30, sx*0.002, sy*0.5, tocolor(255,0,0,210), false); dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.64, sy*0.30, sx*0.002, sy*0.5, tocolor(255,0,0,210), false); dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.38, sy*0.30, sx*0.26, sy*0.002, tocolor(255,0,0,210), false); dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.38, sy*0.80, sx*0.26, sy*0.002, tocolor(255,0,0,210), false); -- // premium panel irat es doboza \\ -- dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.38, sy*0.30, sx*0.26, sy*0.06, tocolor(0,0,0,150), false); dxDrawText("Prémium Panel", sx*0.38, sy*0.35, sx*0.63, sy*0.36, tocolor(255,255,255), 2, "pricedown", "right", "bottom", false, false, false, false); -- // jármű lehívó \\ -- -- tank -- dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.39, sy*0.38, sx*0.11, sy*0.070, tocolor(180, 102, 88, 178), false); dxDrawImage(sx*0.42, sy*0.40, sx*0.05, sy*0.050, "img/Rhino.png") dxDrawText("Tank", sx*0.62, sy*0.68, sx*0.46, sy*0.41, tocolor(255,255,255), 2, "clear", "right", "bottom", false, false, false, false); -- hydra -- dxDrawRectangle(sx*0.52, sy*0.38, sx*0.11, sy*0.070, tocolor(180, 102, 88, 178), false); -- // fegyverek \\ -- dxDrawText("Exlúzív fegyverek", sx*0.35, sy*0.35, sx*0.59, sy*0.49, tocolor(255,255,255), 2, "clear", "right", "bottom", false, false, false, false); end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,render); addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(button, state) if show then if button == "mouse1" and state then if ) addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state) end ); addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,function(button,state) if show then if button == "mouse1" and state then end end end); function toggleCursor() showCursor(not isCursorShowing()); end bindKey("m", "down", toggleCursor);
  4. kukimuki

    weapon anim

    If i shot without aim and stops it has a little anim that is staying and how can i remove that? I need it for cool onetaps
  5. kukimuki


    Can someone help me where i can find all the model flag for handling?
  6. id = tonumber(id); amount = tonumber(amount) if (items[id]) then local inv = getElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items'); if type(inv) != "table" then -- outputChatBox("asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd") return end for i, item in pairs(inv) do if (item[2] == id) then inv[i][3] = item[3] + amount; outputChatBox(items[id][1].. ' sikeresen hozzáadva az inventoryhoz ('..amount..' darab)') setElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items', inv); return true end end for i, slot in pairs(slots) do if (not slot[5][1]) then table.insert(inv, { i, id, amount }) outputChatBox(items[id][1].. ' sikeresen hozzáadva az inventoryhoz ('..amount..' darab)') setElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items', inv); return true; end end end outputChatBox('#FF0000[HIBA] #FFFFFF Nem sikerült hozzáadni az itemet!', 255, 0, 0) return false end addCommandHandler('additem', addItem) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, saveWindowPos); i think i did something wrong, can you help me? it says again again the same.
  7. nono, I just want to know that where I need to write this code?
  8. ommmm, can you explain me how is it works? and what you written me code is good for me?
  9. local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize(); local relX, relY = sx/1600, sy/900; local isInventoryVisible = true; local invWindow = {0.35, 0.325}; local windowMove = {false, false}; local dragNDrop = {}; -- slot, előzőSlot function loadWindowPos() if (fileExists("@invPos.xml")) then local xmlNode = xmlLoadFile("@invPos.xml", true); local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlNode, "x"); local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute(xmlNode, "y"); invWindow = {x, y}; xmlUnloadFile(xmlNode); end end loadWindowPos(); function saveWindowPos() local xmlNode; if (fileExists("@invPos.xml")) then xmlNode = xmlLoadFile("@invPos.xml"); else xmlNode = xmlCreateFile("@invPos.xml", "root"); end xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlNode, "x", invWindow[1]); xmlNodeSetAttribute(xmlNode, "y", invWindow[2]); xmlSaveFile(xmlNode); xmlUnloadFile(xmlNode); end local slots = {}; function processSlots() local xGap = 0; local yGap = 0; local slotCount = 0; for i=1, 60, 1 do if not (slots[i]) then slots[i] = {}; end slots[i][1] = (invWindow[1]+0.015)+xGap; slots[i][2] = (invWindow[2]+0.055)+yGap; slots[i][3] = (invWindow[1]+0.015+0.025)+xGap; slots[i][4] = (invWindow[2]+0.055+0.044)+yGap; if not (slots[i][5]) then slots[i][5] = {false}; end xGap = xGap+0.027; slotCount = slotCount+1; if (slotCount >= 10) then yGap = yGap+0.048; xGap = 0; slotCount = 0; end end end processSlots(); function toggleCursor() showCursor(not isCursorShowing()); end bindKey("m", "down", toggleCursor); function toggleInventory() isInventoryVisible = not isInventoryVisible; end bindKey("i", "down", toggleInventory); function dxDrawBox(x, y, sizeX, sizeY, color, width, postGUI) dxDrawLine(sx*(x), sy*(y), sx*(x+sizeX), sy*(y), color, width, postGUI); dxDrawLine(sx*(x+sizeX), sy*(y), sx*(x+sizeX), sy*(y+sizeY), color, width, postGUI); dxDrawLine(sx*(x), sy*(y+sizeY), sx*(x+sizeX), sy*(y+sizeY), color, width, postGUI); dxDrawLine(sx*(x), sy*(y), sx*(x), sy*(y+sizeY), color, width, postGUI); end function drawInventory() if (isInventoryVisible) then dxDrawRectangle(sx*(invWindow[1]), sy*(invWindow[2]), sx*0.3, sy*0.05, tocolor(50, 60, 70, 255), false); dxDrawText("Inventory", sx*(invWindow[1]), sy*(invWindow[2]), sx*(invWindow[1]+0.3), sy*(invWindow[2]+0.05), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), relX*2, relY*2, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false); dxDrawRectangle(sx*(invWindow[1]), sy*(invWindow[2]+0.05), sx*0.3, sy*0.3, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200), false); dxDrawBox(invWindow[1], invWindow[2], 0.3, 0.35, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, false); for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do dxDrawRectangle(sx*slot[1], sy*slot[2], sx*0.025, sy*0.044, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 50), false); if (slot[5][1]) then -- dxDrawRectangle(sx*slot[1], sy*slot[2], sx*0.025, sy*0.044, tocolor(0, 175, 0, 255), false); dxDrawImage(sx*slot[1], sy*slot[2], sx*0.025, sy*0.044, "items/"..slot[5][1]..".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false); dxDrawText(slot[5][2], sx*slot[1], sy*(slot[2]), sx*(slot[3]), sy*(slot[4]), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), relX*1.5, relY*1.5, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false); end -- dxDrawText(i, sx*(slot[1]), sy*(slot[2]), sx*(slot[3]), sy*(slot[4]), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), relX*1, relY*1, "sans", "center", "center", false, false, false, false); end if (windowMove[1]) then local cX, cY = getCursorPosition(); invWindow[1] = cX-windowMove[1]; invWindow[2] = cY-windowMove[2]; processSlots(); end if (dragNDrop[1]) then local cX, cY = getCursorPosition(); dxDrawImage(sx*cX-20, sy*cY-20, 40, 40, "items/"..dragNDrop[1][1]..".png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), false); end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawInventory); function isInBox(x, y, x2, y2) if (isCursorShowing()) then local cX, cY = getCursorPosition(); if ( (cX >= x) and (cY >= y) and (cX <= x2) and (cY <= y2) ) then return true; else return false; end else return false; end end function onItemClick(slot, slotId) if (items[slot[1]][4] == "Food") then outputChatBox("Ettél!"); slot[2] = slot[2]-1; if (slot[2] == 0) then deleteLocalItemBySlot(slotId); end elseif (items[slot[1]][4] == "Weapon") then triggerServerEvent("weaponSelected", resourceRoot, weapons[slot[1]]); end if (items[slot[1]][4] ~= "Weapon") then refreshElementData(); end end function onDropEnd() for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do if (isInBox(slot[1], slot[2], slot[3], slot[4])) then -- Sloton engedtük bal-egeret if (slot[5]) then -- Ha ezen a sloton van valami if (slot[5][1] == dragNDrop[1][1]) then -- Ha ez a valami ugyan az mint a kezünkben lévő valami if (slot[5][2] < items[slot[5][1]][3]) then -- Ha a sloton lévő item mennyisége kisebb mint a stackLimit if (slot[5][2]+dragNDrop[1][2] > items[slot[5][1]][3]) then -- Ha sloton lévő item mennyiség + kezünkben lévő item mennyiség az nagyobb mint a stackLimit local prevAmount = slot[5][2]; slot[5][2] = items[slot[5][1]][3]; -- A sloton lévő valami mennyisége legyen stackLimit dragNDrop[1][2] = dragNDrop[1][2]-prevAmount; slots[dragNDrop[2]][5] = dragNDrop[1]; -- A dragNDrop-ból vissza rakjuk az itemet a helyére else slot[5][2] = slot[5][2]+dragNDrop[1][2]; -- A sloton lévő item mennyiségéhez hozzáadjuk a kezünkben lévő item mennyiséget end else slots[dragNDrop[2]][5] = slot[5]; -- A kezünkben lévő item előző slotjába berakjuk a jelenlegi slot itemjét. slot[5] = dragNDrop[1]; -- A slotba beleküldjük a kezünkben lévő itemet end else slots[dragNDrop[2]][5] = slot[5]; -- A kezünkben lévő item előző slotjába berakjuk a jelenlegi slot itemjét. slot[5] = dragNDrop[1]; -- A slotba beleküldjük a kezünkben lévő itemet end else -- Ha ez a slot üres slot[5] = dragNDrop[1]; -- Ide rakjuk a dragNDrop itemjét end dragNDrop = {false, false}; end end if (dragNDrop[1]) then -- Ha a játékos egy sloton kívűl engedte fel a bal egeret slots[dragNDrop[2]][5] = dragNDrop[1]; -- A dragNDrop-ból vissza rakjuk az itemet a helyére dragNDrop = {false, false}; -- Töröljük a dragNDrop-ot end refreshElementData(); end addEventHandler("onClientClick", root, function(button, state) if (isInventoryVisible) then local cX, cY = getCursorPosition(); if (button == "left") then if (state == "up") then -- Játékos felengedi a bal klikket if (dragNDrop[1]) then onDropEnd(); end if (windowMove[1]) then windowMove = {false, false}; end else local isSlotClick = false; local clickedSlot = false; for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do if (isInBox(slot[1], slot[2], slot[3], slot[4])) then clickedSlot = i; isSlotClick = slot; break; end end if not (isSlotClick) then windowMove = { cX-invWindow[1], cY-invWindow[2] }; else -- Ha slotba kattintottunk if (isSlotClick[5][1]) then dragNDrop = {isSlotClick[5], clickedSlot}; -- Elrakjuk az Item-et arról a slotról és a slot ID-jét. slots[clickedSlot][5] = {false}; end end end elseif (button == "right") then if (state == "up") then local isSlotClick = false; for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do if (isInBox(slot[1], slot[2], slot[3], slot[4])) then if (slot[5][1]) then onItemClick(slot[5], i); break; end isSlotClick = slot; break; end end end end end end ); function refreshElementData() local inv = {}; for i, slot in ipairs(slots) do -- Végpörgetjük a slotokat if (slot[5][1]) then table.insert(inv, {i, slot[5][1], slot[5][2], slot[5][3]}); end end setElementData(localPlayer, "char:items", inv); end function deleteLocalItemBySlot(slot) local inv = getElementData(localPlayer, "char:items"); for i, v in ipairs(inv) do if (v[1] == slot) then table.remove(inv, i); break; end end setElementData(localPlayer, "char:items", inv); end addCommandHandler('delitem', function(cmd, slot) if (not slot) then return outputChatBox('#23FF00[Használat] #FFFFFF /delitem [slot]', 35, 255, 0, true); end deleteLocalItemBySlot(tonumber(slot)) end) addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", localPlayer, function(key, oldValue, newValue) if (key == "char:items") then for i, v in ipairs(slots) do slots[i][5] = {false}; end for i, item in ipairs(newValue) do slots[item[1]][5] = {item[2], item[3], item[4]}; end end end ); function addItem(cmd, id, amount) if (not id or not amount) then return outputChatBox('#23FF00[Használat] #FFFFFF /additem [id] [mennyiség]', 35, 255, 0, true); end id = tonumber(id); amount = tonumber(amount) if (items[id]) then local inv = getElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items'); for i, item in pairs(inv) do if (item[2] == id) then inv[i][3] = item[3] + amount; outputChatBox(items[id][1].. ' sikeresen hozzáadva az inventoryhoz ('..amount..' darab)') setElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items', inv); return true end end for i, slot in pairs(slots) do if (not slot[5][1]) then table.insert(inv, { i, id, amount }) outputChatBox(items[id][1].. ' sikeresen hozzáadva az inventoryhoz ('..amount..' darab)') setElementData(localPlayer, 'char:items', inv); return true; end end end outputChatBox('#FF0000[HIBA] #FFFFFF Nem sikerült hozzáadni az itemet!', 255, 0, 0) return false end addCommandHandler('additem', addItem) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, saveWindowPos); When I use /additem it says: ERROR: inventory\client.lua:281:bad argument #1 to 'pairs' {table expected, got boolean} I inserted the client file.
  10. kukimuki


    Oh and please add a gui where I can find the weapons with ID-s, or just make a command that enables to give item with ID :)))
  11. kukimuki


    If someone write me a small inventory with 20 slot I would really appreciate it!! Also please add weapons as items!! :)) have a good day everyone!:)
  12. kukimuki


    dxDrawText("Válassz egy játékmódot!",0,s.y/2-100,s.x,200,tocolor(255,0,0),1, "rage", "center", "top", false, false, false, false); How do I change the size of the text?
  13. kukimuki


    why i cant see the text? white = "#FFFFFF" local s = Vector2(guiGetScreenSize()); local show = false; function render() dxDrawRectangle(s.x/2-200,s.y/2-100,400,200,tocolor(0,0,0,180)); dxDrawRectangle(s.x/2-203,s.y/2-100,3,200,tocolor(255,0,0,180)); dxDrawText("Immortal Play - Admin Help",0,s.y/2-100,s.x,200,tocolor(255,255,255), 1, e:getFont("rage", 15), "center", "top"); end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,render); addEventHandler("onClientKey",root,function(button,state) if show then if button == "mouse1" and state then end end end);
  14. kukimuki


    I want to make a code that set the time to 14:00 and write in outputchatbox that i changed function setTime( hour, minute ) setTime ( 14, 10 ) outputChatBox("#F70000[Info] #FFFFFFThe time has been set to #96FF2714:00 #FFFFFFby a #0093FFDeveloper!", 247, 0, 0, true) end addCommandHandler("noon", setTime) also i want that when its write by a "Developer" shows the name of that developer or who used the command
  15. kukimuki


    How i can download the pAttach? Cuz I tried one and it didnt worked
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