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  1. when are you going to help me please I've been waiting a long time and you won't help me please
  2. emm bro I already gave it to you when you can help me bro Hey Moderator Tut this is my serial: EF33FA26A5FF838E00448242F65D25B2
  3. Aleexks2d

    Hey moderator Tut

    Heeyy moderator tut you answer me I already sent you my mta serial please tell me
  4. Hey Moderator Tut this is my serial: EF33FA26A5FF838E00448242F65D25B2 Thanks for all the help. Seriously, you are a very good person. I hope everything goes well for you in your life, brother, thanks for all your help with all my heart :,)
  5. Hey Moderator Tut this is my serial: EF33FA26A5FF838E00448242F65D25B2 Thanks for all the help. Seriously, you are a very good person. I hope everything goes well for you in your life, brother, thanks for all your help with all my heart :,)
  6. Thanks brother But how are you going to unban me I have to give you an email or something Please I'm eager to play mta And also thanks for responding quickly
  7. But seriously they won't help me if I don't even use hacks It's my first time en
  8. Hola tengo un problema. Acabo de instalar el mta, luego me dice este error, Desconectado CD47 Fuiste baneado por mta Motivo: saludos a crasher. así que probé borrando el mta y reinstalándolo y no funciona, incluso borré el gta y lo reinstalé y me sigue dando error (y no hablo ingles, hablo español, lo traduje por google) Hello I have a problem. I just installed the mta, then it tells me this error, Disconnected CD47 You were banned by mta Reason: greetings to crasher. so I tried deleting the mta and reinstalling it and it doesn't work, I even deleted the gta and reinstalled it and it keeps giving me an error (and I don't speak English, I speak Spanish, I translated this by google)
  9. Aleexks2d


    Hello I have a problem. I just installed the mta, then it tells me this error Offline: You were banned by MTA Reason: GREETINGS TO CARCRASHER, so I tried deleting the mta and reinstalling it and it doesn't work, I even deleted the gta and put it back on and it still gives me an error ( and no I don't speak English, I speak Spanish, I translated it by Google).
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