Hola tengo un problema. Acabo de instalar el mta, luego me dice este error,
Desconectado CD47
Fuiste baneado por mta
Motivo: saludos a crasher.
así que probé borrando el mta y reinstalándolo y no funciona, incluso borré el gta y lo reinstalé y me sigue dando error (y no hablo ingles, hablo español, lo traduje por google)
Hello I have a problem. I just installed the mta, then it tells me this error,
Disconnected CD47
You were banned by mta
Reason: greetings to crasher.
so I tried deleting the mta and reinstalling it and it doesn't work, I even deleted the gta and reinstalled it and it keeps giving me an error (and I don't speak English, I speak Spanish, I translated this by google)