Slothman Here!,( Under My new handle that I'm using since my email for my old login is long gone.) Was thinking about MTA today and I was shocked to see we had just hit the 20th anniversary! That is an achievement in itself!
I'm still Proud of the scripts I contributed to this game, And I love seeing that some people are still using myscripts Stealth, Zday, and Slothbot. (or at least, variations of them) I actually learned to code with the help of this community. Just like everyone else, I was overflowing with game ideas, and this Mod made it possible to actualize them! I still code games for fun to this day. (right now I am working on Homebrew NES games!)
Multi Theft Auto was a bit of an addiction back then, Many nights were spent awake untill 7am, chugging Jolt Cola and madly re-writing my garbage code. But the most fun I had was playing GTA3 Dodo and shotgun duals, Heli fights and Clan matches in VC, and climbing Hay Bales in SA
I hope that most of the team have moved on to monetize their talents, As to this day I haven't seen a more professionally built Mod community.
Heres to the first and best online community I was ever part of!