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  1. I like how you play bold on this one acting up like you got that sigma grindset on you, I can't really take your guesses seriously after you quoted my comments and said "not true" and "not the case". After that you're also assuming I'm the type of person you allow in your staff team, which lets me know one you're being plain biased on this answer and you're just witch-hunting a random user for fun and frustration. Cherrypicking logs in order to make it seem that I was not quoting anybody and you being unable to confirm the blatant racism and creepness of your mates in this scenario prove you're actually harboring this kind of personalities in your team; not really hard to tell off what you said, but this fact is goosebump-worthy. You just proved that you're not a serious person to be dealt with, I just wanted to appeal in order to get my message received by a serious man. Ranting "not true", "not the case", "you are lying your way out", you aren't really providing any good basis on your assumptions, and if that is your attempt you're just cherrypicking to match your conveniences. Again, it is not my fault that you are harboring creeps and encovering them from cases like this by saying anything they do is untrue just because they are part of the staff, and I get that you are the owner but I see no reason to witchhunt a random user like this and blatantly getting your facts wrong because I insulted your mates. Want me to repeat it again? You're harbouring people that actually threatened someone (me in this case, don't know if another person was bribed as well) to send them NSFL content on Discord. Don't get me wrong, I don't care at all about you and your mates as persons, I just wanted to play with my friends anyway, but this and your arrogant conduct has got me shocked.
  2. I understand your take on this, yet it is highly worth noting I was quoting the MTA admins in this situation, which indeed contacted me on my old Discord account to threaten me to not report them or else I would have been sent this kind of media. Have you also worried about quoting your staff mates engaging in racism towards myself for being a latino? Whatever I implied in my messages, even if it was quoting, wouldn't be compared to the fact that you have racist creeps in the staff team threatening to send you this kind of content.
  3. Greetings. I haven't really played in MTA for atleast a year since I was banned, so I really didn't bother having a take on this yet. However, I am now encountering an unfortunate situation in which I am globally banned from MTA for the reason "PSYCHO". As far as we can tell, this started, as I stated before, atleast a year ago, and the reason of my ban was insulting two staff members who were harassing me and my friends as they focuskilled us with the typical Hydra jets in game. A bunch of months ago I have sold my old PC and got a new one, and because I have been invited by my friends to play again with them, I would like to come back, acknowledging that my behaviour was not ideal and that similar scenarios will not happen due to my person. I hope this misunderstanding gets settled up once and for all, I am deeply repented from whatever I have done in order to be punished by MTA, and will co-operate in the course of this appeal, since I just want to be back and enjoy myself with my pals. By the way, my serial and email are the ones below: 49C31A4BC4715784590055549F087002
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