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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. Ok, now i know what object the ID with the same object, but i dont know how to change all de items with de same ID? IF i change in game in option 'models' he change only one.
  2. Boa tarde galera, estou com 2 objetos mapeados e um deles esta com o mesmo ID e queria saber se tem alguma forma de mudar o ID do objeto sem precisar refazer ele ou algo do tipo.
  3. local gate = createObject(10575, 1603.2998046875,-1662.099609375 ,14.300000190735 , 0, 0, 270.7470703125) local marker = createMarker(1603.2998046875,-1662.099609375 ,14.300000190735, "cylinder", 8, 0, 0, 0, 0) function moveGate(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Detran")) then moveObject(gate, 3000, 1603.3000488281, -1662.0999755859, 9.6000003814697) end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, moveGate) function move_back_gate() moveObject(gate, 3000, 1603.2998046875,-1662.099609375 ,14.300000190735) end addEventHandler("onMarkerLeave", marker, move_back_gate) BOA NOITE, Toda vez que passo com o carro que apreendi na porta do detran ele da o seguinte erro: ERROR: [DETRAN]porta\decaauto4.lua:5: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
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