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Posts posted by TmM_DEVIL

  1. i got a free 128 slot for scripters if any one is interested so hey can try out new scripts on dedicaed machine

    if alot of people want to use it there will have be a timetable for using

    i am doing this before people ask is to try get more scripts for mta dm out to get it as popular as sa-mp as it got a 2 pages in pc format this month and i want get more people on the mta and not sa-mp

    contact me on msn email or add me [email protected] if you want a place on server

    also server is run wih tcadmin so you will have a full login on that

  2. if u got xp best way would assign a static ip in network conections then in router make sure them firewall rules point to that ip

    also even if your xp firewall is of add the ports to xp's firewall rules

    i would also get no-ip.org program then u can add a domain to your server eg mta.gotdns.org

  3. people really need start helping every one out with coding sa-mp has a hell of allot of coders on there forums helping each other out and some relay big scripts running

    we all want try get this more popular than sa-mp but dissing people because they don't no code is not helping

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