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  1. paelona


    I request my account to be checked again 00699AA86323E34152478C135CF6E6E3
  2. **EN** [FIRST THIS IS NOT A STORY MY OBJECTION IS SERIOUS AND I SERIOUSLY WANT IT TO BE SEEN AND ATTENTION] As you spend your time in these objections, I am making a effort by writing this, so I do not want you to answer without skipping or reading, I told so much, but I did not listen and the subject was not discussed or talked about. A short answer like this is like ignoring! I got banned yes but it's not cheating and there is no proof of it, not proven, no video, no log record, no information, nothing, but I'm banned, I'm not resting, I'm not a cheat developer! all the developers around do whatever they want and they get rid of these bans or they hide themselves so I take their position and I'm called a developer! This is not me, if there is a log video proof that I am really cheating, I will admit it and I will not speak again, but no, no one has this! People are reported and banned on servers for fake reasons, it's not my fault, but this reason is ridiculous! Even though I say it again, I am not seen and answered. Drop the prejudice and seriously question and investigate this! I bought a new motherboard on October 8, 2021 and plugged it into my computer, so maybe it was a mistake, there was such a reason, but I explained enough and considering that I did not get a real answer, I want a real answer now! This is not a story, it's my objection. I want proof that I am a cheat developer and that I am cheating or that I have sent a log, then I will admit it, I can tell every minute of my history in the game and I have nothing to hide I can tell my word. Serial 00699AA86323E34152478C135CF6E6E3 **TR** [ÖNCELİKLE BU BİR HİKAYE DEĞİLDİR İTİRAZIM CİDDİDİR VE CİDDİ BİR ŞEKİLDE GÖRÜLMESİNİ VE İLGİLENİLMESİNİ İSTİYORUM] sizin bu itirazlarda vakit harcarken emek verdiğiniz gibi bende bunu yazarak emek veriyorum buna göre atlamadan yada okumadan cevap vermenizi istemiyorum onca şey anlattım fakat dinlenmedim ve konu tartışılmadı yada konuşulmadı onca yazı ardından kısa bir cevap ile söz bitirildi bunu istemiyorum onca gün beklemek görevimiz fakat hiç yazılmamış yazı gibi kısa cevap verilmesi umursamamak gibi birşey! ban yedim evet ama hile değil ve bunun bir kanıtı yok kanıtlı değil bir video yok log kayıtı yok bir bilgi yok hiçbir şey yok ama banlanıyorum anlatıyorum dinlenmiyorum hile geliştiricisi değilim! onca geliştiriciler etrafta keyiflerince istediklerini yapıyor ve bu yasaklardan hemen kurtuluyorlar yada kendilerini gizliyorlar bende onların konumuna alınıyorum ve banada geliştirici deniliyor! ben bu değilim gerçekten bir hile yaptığıma dair kanıt log video varsa kabullenirim ve tekrar konuşmam ama yok bu kimsede yok! insanlar sunucularda sahte sebeplerle şikayet edilip banlanıyor benim saçma değil ama bu sebep saçma! tekrar söylediğim halde görülüp cevaplanmıyorum ön yargıyı bırakın ve bunu ciddi şekilde sorgulayıp araştırın! 8 ekim 2021 tarihinde yeni anakart aldım ve bunu bilgisayarıma taktım belki o yüzden bir hata olmuştur böyle bir sebep çıkmıştır ama yeterince açıklama yaptım ve dikkate alınarak gerçek bir cevap almadım artık gerçek bir cevap istiyorum! bu bir hikaye değil benim itirazım. hile geliştiricisi olduğum ve hile yaptığıma dair bir kanıt yada log gönderdiğimin kanıtını istiyorum ardından bunu kabulleniceğim, oyun içerisinde tüm tarihi tarihine her dakikamı anlatabilirim ve benim saklayacak hiçbir şeyim yok açık sözlü olarak sözümü söylerim. Serial 00699AA86323E34152478C135CF6E6E3
  3. paelona

    Map Editor

    no, I have an active request, this is not a ban request, I just want a solution to the network trouble error when I enter the map editor without internet, I want to summarize briefly. When I don't have internet, I go to the map editor and after 3 seconds I get a network trouble error. and as i said in the title "I like to make maps and I want to use one of your applications where I can make maps for me. I want your help, is there an application?"
  4. paelona

    Map Editor

    i have a general game ban, i can access the map editor when i don't have internet but it won't let me play it gives network trouble error and freezes me. I like to make maps and I want to use one of your applications where I can make maps for me. I want your help, is there an application?
  5. @Tut (sorry for tagging and disturbing) hello first of all I opened a ban request before, but since I'm new to the forum, I couldn't find how to enter details at the bottom and I'm here to write again in detail. Since I don't know many languages, I use Turkish and English translations, if there is a wrong spelling, please try to correct it. It wasn't a long time, but 4 days passed and it was 11:01 PM when my friend called the roleplay server again, I opened the game to enter the game and it started to download a few files as the package was being extracted and I think there was an update, I didn't understand it, then when I selected the server, I got a warning that I was banned and I couldn't enter I think it's an error And I want to get detailed information, maybe I can help, but I want you to give me this chance to help. I was banned only once in mta, it was my room-term ban. and they were long but i waited it was my fault because i didn't know and when i injected the file i got banned for 7 days but it's been 1 year and i didn't do it again in my other bans it was as a result of opening a separate game at the same time Until 2 and 3 weeks ago, there were cheats for different games (lol csgo) on my computer, but I know that I should not open them when the game is open and I know that I will be banned when I open them at the same time and I did not do such a thing, but I deleted these software 2 weeks before I was banned and I was not opening 2 games at the same time, I just don't wait in my games. i play lol when i need it but i don't open software i know i will be banned if i open it I have given my information, if I have not been banned from such events, I would like to talk to you in detail (in writing) on Discord and I want you to give me a chance. I want you to contact me again and briefly, I want to know my ban details, but if a penalty is to be given, I want it to be for an limited period of time. give me a chance (not for ban) I want to explain and talk to you in written form. I've been playing the game since patch 1.4, but I can't leave the game I'm having fun with. please contact me and give me a chance my old ban appeal : my serial : 00699AA86323E34152478C135CF6E6E3
  6. (I'm writing in translation) — Today at 11:01 PM I clicked to enter the game at the time of the game and there was an error that I was banned while entering the server. I don't know the reason for this. I exited the game normally 1 hour before and saw that I was banned when I entered the game. https://www.hizliresim.com/cvxbood - my reason for ban my serial * Seri numaran: 00699AA86323E34152478C135CF6E6E3 ı use ENB i don't use anything else Help pls i don't use anything else
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