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  1. Hi all. Just download a handling script to predefine the handling for cars. for meta.xml : <meta> <info author="Dutchman101" type="script" version="1.1.0" /> <script src="handlingpresets.lua" type="server" /> </meta> for handlingpresets.lua : -- For handling flags and value range refer to https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetModelHandling -- Add any handling value type not included below, by simply adding its string in below format followed by = value as below. Get valid strings from https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetModelHandling local predefinedHandling = { [411] = { ["engineAcceleration"] = 14, ["dragCoeff"] = 0, ["maxVelocity"] = 100000, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, }, [415] = { ["engineAcceleration"] = 14, ["dragCoeff"] = 0, ["maxVelocity"] = 100000, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.9, ["tractionLoss"] = 1.1, }, [562] = { -- Universal, good drift handling; set to Elegy by default. ["driveType"] = "rwd", ["engineAcceleration"] = 200, ["dragCoeff"] = 1.5, ["maxVelocity"] = 300, ["tractionMultiplier"] = 0.7, ["tractionLoss"] = 0.8, ["collisionDamageMultiplier"] = 0.4, ["engineInertia"] = -175, ["steeringLock"] = 75, ["numberOfGears"] = 4, ["suspensionForceLevel"] = 0.8, ["suspensionDamping"] = 0.8, ["suspensionUpperLimit"] = 0.33, ["suspensionFrontRearBias"] = 0.3, ["mass"] = 1800, ["turnMass"] = 3000, ["centerOfMass"] = { [1]=0, [2]=-0.2, [3]=-0.5 }, -- Good example to understand centerOfMass parameter usage }, --next model below etc (copy rows) } for i,v in pairs (predefinedHandling) do if i then for handling, value in pairs (v) do if not setModelHandling (i, handling, value) then outputDebugString ("* Predefined handling '"..tostring(handling).."' for vehicle model '"..tostring(i).."' could not be set to '"..tostring(value).."'") end end end end for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if v and predefinedHandling[getElementModel(v)] then for k,vl in pairs (predefinedHandling[getElementModel(v)]) do setVehicleHandling (v, k, vl) end end end function resetHandling() for model in pairs (predefinedHandling) do if model then for k in pairs(getOriginalHandling(model)) do setModelHandling(model, k, nil) end end end for _,v in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if v then local model = getElementModel(v) if predefinedHandling[model] then for k,h in pairs(getOriginalHandling(model)) do setVehicleHandling(v, k, h) end end end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStop", resourceRoot, resetHandling) They work with the normal vehicle IDs ( 400 -611 ) . However, I have downloaded the add-new-models things. https://github.com/Fernando-A-Rocha/mta-add-models I want to insert the customIDs like 80001 into the handling scripts. Is that possible ? Thank you. One thing very exciting is that it is possible to get the custom IDs indirectly. I combined the buycarsmod and add-new-models together. CustomIDs are saved in cars.xml for buycarsmod : <car> <cars> <vehicle x="-2838.6552734375" y="536.693359375" z="5.2363595962524" a="157.08215332031" color1="62" color2="1" owner="PTY-RyanPan[BGAT-MP]" price="0" lock="0" model="80036"></vehicle> </cars> </car> You can use it to get the Custom IDs, but the buycarsmod has no export functions. local carmodel = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v,"model")
  2. Hello!

    I was testing the youtube cinema experience. It is all ok with my laptop but not for servers in China. Is it possible to make the url link from Youtube into Bilibili ? www.bilibili.com


    Best wishes,



  3. Hello! It is soo good. I just wondering is this for sell ?
  4. I am a noob in manual script. I am looking for several things. INVENTORY I am looking for an inventory system similar to Dayz (no image only list form) with flowing items: Skin - 1 Weapon - M4 Ammo - M4 Medic ( to heal 80 HP) Iron Copper Card ( to increase the maximize volume for inventory by 10 ) * and making a function that 2 Iron + 3 Copper = Weapon-M4 * Maximize volume for inventory is 200 * And a shop in x,y,z to sell those items. * You can drop an item on ground with identified amount HELP on Newmodels Thank you!
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