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Everything posted by Firespider

  1. Sziasztok azt szeretném meg csinálni hogy egy hogy az admin ragnak egy function engedélyezve legyen de amikor újrainditom akkor a rendszer megától újra írja az ACL-elt és nem lesz engedélye ehhez a function-hoz hogy tudom megoldani a hogy ne írja újra?
  2. Firespider


    How can I make it so that only a special skin can use this command?
  3. Firespider


    How can I solve this command so that a specific skin can use it?
  4. Thanks There would be one more thing I don't understand why it doesn't work either https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/582126900915208214/1000829375421349888/unknown.png SetElementDimension is not good. But it doesn't show any error code
  5. Parent what too? (Sorry for being so stupid, I'm just starting and I don't really know the expressions :D)
  6. I don't know what the problem is, please help
  7. Firespider


    Hello! I would like to resolve that the player who enters the server first receives 4000 dollars from the base. Can anyone help with this?
  8. And is it possible that only one team can open that menu? (PL with GetPlayerTeam?)
  9. Did I miss something? Bad picture Now I wrote that it doesn't write an Error code, but it doesn't work
  10. Tekken, can you help me with why the menu does not appear when I press F5. Is the problem with the BindKey? (The previous case has already been resolved)
  11. Sziasztok! Azt szeretném meg csinálni hogy ha valaki megnyomja az F5-t akkor eljönn egy menü de valamiért nem jó a BindKeyes módszer valaki tudd segíteni itt kód:
  12. Do we write the coordinates of where to spawn in place of the numbers? It interferes with the account system, don't spawn the player where she exits I already solved it Why don't you bring up the panel? Bad picture This is a picture
  13. No error, just a black image From such a basis
  14. How do you accomplish what? This is a code
  15. Firespider


    There is one more thing, I don't know how to solve it, that a Marker is in an interior. Can you help with this too?
  16. Firespider


    Hello! There would be a bit of a problem, an error was indicated in the DebugScript, which I don't know why! Can someone help me?
  17. Sziasztok lenne egy error code amit nem tudok hova tenni
  18. Can I make it so that only one team can see the given picture?
  19. Finally someone who doesn't recommend the Spawn script because it doesn't work for me. Thanks, I'll see how it works Does not work
  20. Won't this interfere with my account system to always spawn them on spawn?
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