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Hi all Has someone a !weapon script for me, i have wrote my ow script but thats not work thanks, Michael
Has someone a list from all the weapon id's ??
ok i have now if $3 == !weapon { mta.say $1 You have a $mta.weapon($1,$2) } but if i change now my weapon i also see the message That $mta.weapon($1,$2) is now work at my script
Duh I did the weapon thing, maybe I must remove .name but that’s also no working. [uVA]_ZZZ if you don’t now what you talking about pls don’t say anything thanks
I tryed to make a new script for my server but if i do !weapon the server alway's say <(SFA)James has a Punch/Kick> Can comeone help me with this one if $3 == !weapon { if $4 == $null mta.say $1 Error - Syntax: !weapon elseif $mta.weapon($1,$4).name == knive mta.say $1 WHAAAA $mta.name($1,$4) has a knive LOOK OUT!!!! else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) has a $mta.weapon($1,$4).name }
oh sorry i did not see that script Thanks harry
Hey all Have someone a script that as i typ !race that the script choose a location and from that point we must race to another point, the script must also choose the finish location Can someone help me whit that Thanks Grz Michael
Oops i had start and it must be !start
This is all what i have vrote elseif ($3 == Start ) { if ($4 == 2 ) { mta.say $1 Server 2 is starting mta.con 2 } if ($4 == 3 ) { mta.say $1 Server 3 is starting mta.con 3 } }
This is in my mta.mrc alias mta.con { if ($1 == $null) !echo 2 -es * /mta.con: insufficient parameters elseif ($sock(mta. $+ $1)) !echo 2 -es * /mta.con: already connected else { if (!$dialog(mta)) mta if ($did(mta,$1 $+ 12) == $null) mta.log $1 * Nick missing. elseif (!$mta.checkip($did(mta,$1 $+ 09))) mta.log $1 * Invalid IP. elseif (($did(mta,$1 $+ 10) < 1) || ($did(mta,$1 $+ 10) > 65536)) mta.log $1 * Invalid port. else { !remini " $+ $scriptdirmta.ini" $1 motd !.remove $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") !did -a mta $1 $+(Server,$1,*) !did -a mta $1 $+ 08 Cancel !did -b mta $+($1,09,$chr(44),$1,10,$chr(44),$1,11,$chr(44),$1,12) if ($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,0,clear) != 0) !did -r mta $1 $+ 02 mta.log $1 * $iif($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,$1,to),Connect retry $chr(35) $+ $ifmatch,Connecting to) $+($did(mta,$1 $+ 09),:,$did(mta,$1 $+ 10),...) !.timerto $+ $1 1 10 mta.dis $1 Timed out. mta.dll join $1 } } } alias mta.dis { if ($1 == $null) !echo 2 -es * /mta.dis: insufficient parameters else { var %a = mta. $+ $1,%b mta.dll part $1 !.timerto $+ $1 off !.remove $+(",$scriptdir,$1.ini") !did -r mta $+($1,01,$chr(44),$1,21,$chr(44),$1,22,$chr(44),$1,27) mta.log $1 * Disconnected: $2- if (($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,0,to)) && ($2- == Timed out.)) { %b = $calc($readini($scriptdirmta.ini,$1,to)+1) !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdirmta.ini" $1 to %b if (%b < 6) { !sockclose %a mta.con $1 !halt } }
Hey all I use mirc for my server Now i want that someone else gonna use my mirc to That person must go introu my server and typ !start 2 then mirc starts the mirc server 2 I have tryed to do elseif ($3 == Start ) { if ($4 == 2 ) { mta.say $1 Server 2 is starting mta.con 2 } if ($4 == 3 ) { mta.say $1 Server 3 is starting mta.con 3 } } But this not work Does ennyone how i can do that Gr Michael
There is a timeban on this forum AND is working
YES Thanks [FMJ]Oli, and harry it works Grz Michael / (ZC)James
but it dont work can someone tell me whats wrong please i think ive done it wrong anyway[quo if ($3 == !note) { $writeini("mtascript", notes, $mta.name($1,$2) $4-) -missing .ini- mta.say $1 noted -script not closed- elseif ($3 == !note) { writeini "mtascript.ini" notes $mta.name( $1 , $2) Note $4- mta.say $1 noted } Why dont u try this: if ($3 == !rang || $3 == !status || $3 == !level ) { if ($4 != $null) { if ($mta.name($1,$4) == unknown) { mta.say $ Player ID not present } elseif ( %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $4 ] ] == true ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) - Rang: Server Admin } elseif (ZC isin $mta.name($1,$4) ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) - Rang: Clan Member } else { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) - Rang: Player } } else { if ( %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Server Admin } elseif (ZC isin $mta.name($1,$2) ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Clan Member } elseif { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Player } } } Hi all If i use these code ; RANG SCRIPT elseif ($3 == !rang || $3 == !status || $3 == !level ) { if ($4 != $null) { if ($mta.name($1,$4) == unknown) { mta.say $ Player ID not present } elseif ( %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $4 ] ] == true ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) - Rang: Server Admin } elseif (ZC isin $mta.name($1,$4) ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) - Rang: Clan Member } else { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$4) - Rang: Player } } else { if ( %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Server Admin } elseif (ZC isin $mta.name($1,$2) ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Clan Member } elseif { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Player } } } and he is not member/admin person then say mirc * /elseif: invalid format (line 237, scripts.mrc)
but it dont work can someone tell me whats wrong please i think ive done it wrong anyway[quo if ($3 == !note) { $writeini("mtascript", notes, $mta.name($1,$2) $4-) -missing .ini- mta.say $1 noted -script not closed- elseif ($3 == !note) { writeini "mtascript.ini" notes $mta.name( $1 , $2) Note $4- mta.say $1 noted }
Hey First i wil say thanks to Harry the shutdown script is reddy and here it is else if ($4 == shutdown ) { if ($5 == $null ) { mta.say $1 Please typ /msg server shutdown on/off } elseif ($5 == off && %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) { mta.say $1 Server shutdown disabled .timershutdown1 off .timershutdown2 off .timershutdown3 off .timershutdown4 off .timershutdown5 off .timershutdown6 off .timershutdown7 off .timershutdown8 off .timershutdown9 off .timershutdown10 off .timershutdown11 off } elseif ($5 == on && %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true) { mta.say $1 Admin $mta.name($1,$2) has shutdown the server .timershutdown1 1 1 mta.say $1 5 min to shutdown .timershutdown2 1 60 mta.say $1 4 min to shutdown .timershutdown3 1 120 mta.say $1 3 min to shutdown .timershutdown4 1 180 mta.say $1 2 min to shutdown .timershutdown5 1 240 mta.say $1 1 min to shutdown .timershutdown6 1 270 mta.say $1 30 sec to shutdown .timershutdown7 1 280 mta.say $1 20 sec to shutdown .timershutdown8 1 290 mta.say $1 10 sec to shutdown .timershutdown9 1 300 mta.say $1 Thanks for playing, Goodbye .timershutdown10 1 301 mta.shutdown $1 .timershutdown11 1 305 mta.say $1 Server shutdown disabled !! } } Last time i'm the most active person on the Scripting forum Ok next problem If i do !rang Then i see <(ZC)James - Rang: Server Admin> <(ZC)James - Rang: Clan Member> But now i want to do it by someone els i want to do !rang Then i want to ask is it poseble that if someone NOT an admin is and NOT an clan member the server say Rang: Guest ; RANG SCRIPT elseif ($3 == !rang || $3 == !status || $3 == !level ) { if ( %isadmin. [ $+ [ $1 ] $+ . $+ [ $2 ] ] == true ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Server Admin } if (ZC isin $mta.name($1,$2) ) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) - Rang: Clan Member } } Can someone say how i can do that. Grz Micharl / (ZC)James
thanks harry for your tip But now i have change the script and it's no longer working else if ($4 == shutdown ) { if ($5 == $null ) { mta.say $1 Please typ your password to shutdown the server (/msg server shutdown ) else ($readini( "MTAScript.ini", admins, $mta.name( $1 , $2 )) == $5) { mta.say $1 Admin $mta.name($1,$2) has shutdown the server .timershutdown 1 1 mta.say $1 5 min to shutdown .timershutdown 1 60 mta.say $1 4 min to shutdown .timershutdown 1 120 mta.say $1 3 min to shutdown .timershutdown 1 180 mta.say $1 2 min to shutdown .timershutdown 1 240 mta.say $1 1 min to shutdown .timershutdown 1 270 mta.say $1 30 sec to shutdown .timershutdown 1 280 mta.say $1 20 sec to shutdown .timershutdown 1 290 mta.say $1 10 sec to shutdown .timershutdown 1 300 mta.say $1 Thanks for playing, Goodbye .timershutdown 1 301 mta.shutdown $1 .timershutdown 1 305 mta.say $1 Server shutdown disabled !! else ($5 == off ) { mta.say $1 Server shutdown disabled .timershutdown 1 off } } } } Does someony see what i doing wrong ?
Hi all I have vrote a script to shutdown i know this script is allreddy vroten by another person. To shutdown you must be an admin and have a password from the server Now is my question is it poseble that an admin can do /msg server shutdown off - and then the server is not going down ? else if ($4 == shutdown ) { mta.say $1 Please typ your password to shutdown the server (/msg server shutdown ) if ($readini( "MTAScript.ini", admins, $mta.name( $1 , $2 )) == $5) { mta.say $1 Admin $mta.name($1,$2) has shutdown the server .timer 1 1 mta.say $1 5 min to shutdown .timer 1 60 mta.say $1 4 min to shutdown .timer 1 120 mta.say $1 3 min to shutdown .timer 1 180 mta.say $1 2 min to shutdown .timer 1 240 mta.say $1 1 min to shutdown .timer 1 270 mta.say $1 30 sec to shutdown .timer 1 280 mta.say $1 20 sec to shutdown .timer 1 290 mta.say $1 10 sec to shutdown .timer 1 300 mta.say $1 Thanks for playing, Goodbye .timer 1 301 mta.shutdown $1 .timer 1 305 mta.say $1 Server shutdown disabled !! } } I hope someboddy can help me Grz Michael / (ZC)James
sorry i only want to help i remove the get.id function
Are you sure that 0 exist ? Here is the code !aliases if ($mta.name($1,$2) == $mta.name($1,$2)) { if ($readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$2))) { if ($mta.name($1,$2) $+ , !isin $readini(Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$2)) $+ ,) { writeini -n "Alias.ini" IP $mta.ip($1,$2) $readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$2)) $+ , $mta.name($1,$2) } } else { writeini -n "Alias.ini" IP $mta.ip($1,$2) $mta.name($1,$2) } } and if ($3 == !aliases) { if ($4 != $null) { if ($readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$mta.getid($1,$4)))) { mta.say $1 Aliases used by $mta.name($1,$mta.getid($1,$4)) $+ : $readini("Alias.ini",IP,$mta.ip($1,$mta.getid($1,$4))) } } else { mta.say $1 Syntax: !aliases } } Grz Michael / (ZC)James
I suggest you search this topic for the mta.getip function.. If something doens't work... UTFS! i have only that problem if i past that script in trou my scripts.mrc So if ill removed it then mirc say noting how can i fix the problem
Where can i download it ? Grz Michael / (ZC)James
hi alias mta.join { if ($mta.name($1,$2) == #Cube(RP)*) && ($mta.ip($2,$2) != xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch. mta.kick $1 $2 } } This code is not working on my server, My mirc gives a warning : */mta.getip: insufficient parameters Can someone tel me what i doing wrong ? I have past the script direct under mta.join ; Person $2 joins server $1 alias mta.join { ;$1 = Server ;$2 = Player ID alias mta.join { if ($mta.name($1,$2) == (ZC)James) && ($mta.ip($2,$2) != { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: IP dismatch. mta.kick $1 $2 } } if ( $mta.name($1,$2) == Unknown || $2 > $mta.maxplayers($1) ) { echo -s INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, RESTARTING mta.dis $1 Unknows detected! mta.con $1 } Etc Help!! Grz Michael / (ZC)James
Hi Is it poseble that you sent me that manhunt script Please Grz Michael / (ZC)James Mail : [email protected]
Hi all If i see these script if (($chr(1) isin $mta.name($1,$2)) || ($chr(255) isin $mta.name($1,$2)) || ($chr(7) isin $mta.name($1,$2))) { mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Color Codes mta.kick $1 $2 } mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Reason: Color Codes is it poseble to use color codes in a mta game if yes how can i use these codes Grz Michael / (ZC)James MTA : port 2003 Web (NL) mta.fastphp.nl The server i al little laggie yea sorry i am downloading