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  1. Wyślij linijkę 62 63 oraz 64 z tego kodu. Nie jestem wstanie Ci pomóc skoro nic nie widzę XD
  2. Witam, chciałem zaprosić was na mój kanał Na którym swojego czasu odbędą się również poradniki co do programowana w języku LUA Planuję również prowadzić kontent z MTA W dalekiej przyszłości. Myślę że warto mnie zasubskrybować oraz śledzić Ponieważ wezmę ten kanał na poważnie i będę go prowadził. Pozdrawiam. Link: ( Przykładowy film )
  3. local vehicle=plr:getOccupiedVehicle() if vehicle then removePedFromVehicle(vehicle) end local cost=vehicle:getData("cost") local model=getElementModel(vehicle) local mileage=vehicle:getData("vehicle:mileage") local pojemnosc=vehicle:getData("vehicle:poj") local uid=getElementData(plr,'player:sid') or 0 if getElementData(plr, "salon:payment:cash") == true then takePlayerMoney(plr, cost) else local ilosc_kasy = exports["pystories-db"]:dbGet("SELECT bank_money FROM pystories_users WHERE id=" .. getElementData(plr, "player:sid") .. " LIMIT 1") local kasa=ilosc_kasy[1] if kasa.bank_money < cost then triggerClientEvent(plr, "createNotif",plr,"Nie posiadasz "..cost.." $!",3,"error") return end exports["pystories-db"]:dbSet("UPDATE pystories_users SET bank_money=bank_money-" .. cost .. " WHERE id=" .. uid .. " LIMIT 1") end exports["pystories-db"]:dbSet("INSERT INTO pystories_vehicles (model,ownedPlayer,mileage,registered,parking,engine,color,fuel) VALUES (?,?,?,?,1,?,?,?)", model, getElementData(plr,"player:sid"),przebieg,"false",typSilnika,rgb,paliwo) -- Error Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end exports["pystories-db"]:dbSet("INSERT INTO logi_salon (Model,Cena,Kto) VALUES (?,?,?)",getVehicleNameFromModel(model),cost,getPlayerName(plr):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","")) end) Please help me. Debugscript 3 - ')' expected (to close ')' near exports
  4. Hi, someone knows any Login Panel for the acl group I chose. So if someone has the "Admin" group, then they have a login and who does not have this group, does not see this login when entering the server?
  5. Hello, how to use the map editor on the vice city map?
  6. Hi, give me script link to csgo ranks system in mta please. Only for acl save!
  7. My point is that after entering the marker, the player receives a message on the custom chat In addition, I gave the contents of the c.lua file from the chat and from the script to which I want to add it.
  8. If resource start console error ERROR: Loading script failed: [ Main ]/[ Factions ]/[ LSPD ]/VCSMTA_LSPD-Frakcja/s_duty.lua:64: '=' expected near '-' addEvent("RozpocznijSAPD",true) addEventHandler("RozpocznijSAPD",root,function(el) if isPlayerInPoliceFaction(el) then if not getElementData(el,'player:faction') then exports['psrpg-frakcja-ustawienia']:rozpocznijnaliczanie(el) setElementData(el,'player:faction','SAPD') local rank = exports['psrpg-frakcja-ustawienia']:getPlayerFactionRank(el,'SAPD') setElementData(el,"player:rank",rank) setPedStat(el,78,1000) setPedStat(el,70,1000) setElementData(el,"last:nick",getPlayerName(el)) setElementData(el,"last:color",tostring(getPlayerNametagColor(el))) setPlayerName(el,"#0000FF"..getPlayerName(el):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","")) outputChatBox ("✔ #FFFFFFRozpocząłeś/aś służbe we frakcji: #00c005SAPD #FFFFFF(#00c005San Andreas Police Department#FFFFFF)",el, 0, 255, 0, true) local desc = "[Służba] Gracz: "..getPlayerName(el):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." rozpoczął służbe we frakcji: SAPD" triggerEvent("admin:addText", resourceRoot, RGBToHex(0,87,110)..desc..RGBToHex(255,255,255),math.random(0,99)) triggerEvent("admin:logs", root, desc) outputServerLog(desc) exports["pystories-db"]:dbSet("UPDATE pystories_factions set actived=NOW() WHERE code=? AND sid=? LIMIT 1;", "SAPD", getElementData(el,"player:sid")) else exports["pystories-db"]:dbSet("insert into Logi_minuty_frakcja (uid,minuty,data) VALUES(?,?,NOW())", getElementData(el,"player:sid"), getElementData(el,"player:workinjob")) removeElementData(el,"player:workinjob69") takeAllWeapons(el) exports['psrpg-frakcja-ustawienia']:zatrzymajnaliczanie(el) setElementData(el, 'player:faction', false) setElementData(el,"player:rank",false) local skin=getElementData(el,"player:skin") setElementModel(el, skin) setPlayerName(el,getElementData(el,"last:nick")) outputChatBox ("✘ #FFFFFFZakończyłeś/aś służbe we frakcji: #00c005SAPD #FFFFFF(#00c005San Andreas Police Department#FFFFFF)",el, 255, 0, 0, true) local desc = "[Służba] Gracz: "..getPlayerName(el):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." zakończył służbe we frakcji: SAPD" triggerEvent("admin:addText", resourceRoot, RGBToHex(0,87,110)..desc..RGBToHex(255,255,255),math.random(0,99)) triggerEvent("admin:logs", root, desc) outputServerLog(desc) end else outputChatBox ("✘ #FFFFFFNie jesteś zatrudniony/a we frakcji: #bf0101SAPD #FFFFFF(#bf0101San Andreas Police Department#FFFFFF)",el, 255, 0, 0, true) exports.VCSMTA-Chat.sendMessage("Work"); -- Export here end end)
  9. Can you just write me one line of frog export to custom chat, a message appeared? Please
  10. I've already tried mta wiki but it failed. Would you help? local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() local resW, resH = 1360,768 local x, y = (screenW/resW), (screenH/resH) showChat(false) function vazernImage(posX, posY, width, height, image, rotation, rotationX, rotationY, color, postGUI) dxDrawImage(x*posX, y*posY, x*width, y*height, image, rotation, rotationX, rotationY, color, postGUI) end function vazernText(text, posX, posY, width, height, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, colorCoded, subPixelPositioning) dxDrawText(text, x*posX, y*posY, x*width, y*height, color, x*scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI, colorCoded, subPixelPositioning) end chatEdit = {} chatEdit.dxEdit = false local chatBox = createElement("dxEditBox") AllKeys = { "mouse1", "mouse2", "mouse3", "mouse4", "mouse5", "mouse_wheel_up", "mouse_wheel_down", "arrow_l", "arrow_u", "arrow_r", "arrow_d", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "num_0", "num_1", "num_2", "num_3", "num_4", "num_5", "num_6", "num_7", "num_8", "num_9", "num_mul", "num_add", "num_sep", "num_sub", "num_div", "num_dec", "num_enter", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "escape", "backspace", "tab", "lalt", "ralt", "space", "pgup", "pgdn", "end", "home", "insert", "delete", "lshift", "rshift", "lctrl", "rctrl", "[", "]", "pause", "capslock", "scroll", ";", ",", "-", ".", "/", "#", "\\", "=" } addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function(button, press) for index, keys in pairs(AllKeys) do if getElementData(chatBox,"state") == true then if button == keys then cancelEvent() end end end end ) setTimer(function() if isChatVisible() then showChat(false) end end, 500, 0) local teclaText = "" function renderEdit() dxDrawEditBox("Uzywasz teraz chatu "..teclaText, x*4, y*220, x*504, y*25, false, 49, chatBox) end function onStart() showCursor(false) showChat(false) chatEdit.dxEdit = false setElementData(chatBox, "state", false) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, onStart) local tecla = nil function renderDx(key, state) if state ~= "down" then return end if chatEdit.dxEdit == false then if key == "u" then teclaText = "Globalnego" end if key == "n" then teclaText = "Jako nie znajomy" end if key == "t" then teclaText = "Lokalnego" end chatEdit.dxEdit = true addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderEdit) setElementData(chatBox, "text", false) setElementData(chatBox, "state", true) showCursor(true) tecla = key end end bindKey("u", "down", renderDx) -- Global bindKey("n", "down", renderDx) -- Nieznany bindKey("t", "down", renderDx) -- Local function sendMessage() if chatEdit.dxEdit == true then chatEdit.dxEdit = false if getElementData(chatBox, "text") == "" then else if string.find(getElementData(chatBox, "text"), "@") then addMessageInChatBox('#8A2BE2[ INFORMACJA ] #ffffffNie możesz aktualnie nikogo #8A2BE2Oznaczać', "16") else if string.find(getElementData(chatBox, "text"), "z neta") or string.find(getElementData(chatBox, "text"), "staff") then addMessageInChatBox("#8A2BE2[ INFORMACJA ] #ffffff"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." #ffffffSłuchaj, jak Ci coś nie pasuje to #8A2BE2Wypierdalaj!", "16") else if string.find(getElementData(chatBox, "text"), "mtasa://") then addMessageInChatBox("#8A2BE2[ INFORMACJA ] #ffffff"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." #ffffffTutaj się nie zareklamujesz, idź grać w #8A2BE2Fortnita", "16") else if string.find(getElementData(chatBox, "text"), "/") then addMessageInChatBox("#8A2BE2[ INFORMACJA ] #ffffff"..getPlayerName(localPlayer).." #ffffffUżywanie komend jest dostępne tylko pod klawiszem #8A2BE2'F8'", "16") addMessageInChatBox("#ffffffAnimacje dostepne sa pod klawiszem #8A2BE2'F7'", "16") else triggerServerEvent("onSendMessage", localPlayer, getElementData(chatBox, "text"), tecla) end end end end end setElementData(chatBox, "text", false) setElementData(chatBox, "state", false) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderEdit) showCursor(false) tecla = nil end end bindKey("enter", "down", sendMessage) local sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local px,py = 1360,768 local x2,y2 = (sx/px), (sy/py) local dxfont2_font = dxCreateFont("font/fonte.ttf", x2*10, false, "cleartype_natural") messages = {} function renderMensages() tickJ = getTickCount() if #messages > 7 then table.remove(messages, 1) end for i, v in ipairs(messages) do local xx = dxGetTextWidth(v[1], 1, dxfont2_font, true) _dxDrawRectangle( x2*35, y2*2 + (i*y2*27), xx + 13, y2*25, 20, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 90), false ) dxDrawText(v[1], x2*42, y2*6 + (i*y2*27), (x2*42)+(xx + 13), (y2*6 + (i*y2*27))+(y2*17), tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, dxfont2_font, "left", "center", false, false, false, true, false) if tickJ >= v[2] then messages[i][3] = v[3]-2 if v[3] <= 25 then table.remove(messages,i) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, renderMensages) function _dxDrawRectangle( posX, posY, width, height, radius, color, postGUI ) local posX, posY, width, height = round( posX ), round( posY ), round( width ), round( height ) local radius = radius and math.min( radius, math.min( width, height ) / 2 ) or 12 dxDrawRectangle( posX, posY + radius, width, height - radius * 2, color, postGUI ) dxDrawRectangle( posX + radius, posY, width - 2 * radius, radius, color, postGUI ) dxDrawRectangle( posX + radius, posY + height - radius, width - 2 * radius, radius, color, postGUI ) dxDrawCorner( posX + radius, posY + radius, radius, color, 1, postGUI ) dxDrawCorner( posX + radius, posY + height - radius, radius, color, 2, postGUI ) dxDrawCorner( posX + width - radius, posY + radius, radius, color, 3, postGUI ) dxDrawCorner( posX + width - radius, posY + height - radius, radius, color, 4, postGUI ) end function round(num) if ( num >= 0 ) then return math.floor( num + .5 ) else return math.ceil( num - .5 ) end end function dxDrawCorner( x, y, r, color, corner, postGUI ) local corner = corner or 1 local start = corner % 2 == 0 and 0 or -r local stop = corner % 2 == 0 and r or 0 local m = corner > 2 and -1 or 1 local h = ( corner == 1 or corner == 3 ) and -1 or 1 for yoff = start, stop do local xoff = math.sqrt( r * r - yoff * yoff ) * m dxDrawRectangle( x - xoff, y + yoff, xoff, h, color, postGUI ) end end function addMessageInChatBox(message, avatar) tickJ = getTickCount() table.insert(messages, {message, tickJ+99999999, 90, avatar}) end addEvent("addMessageInChatBox", true) addEventHandler("addMessageInChatBox", resourceRoot, addMessageInChatBox) function removeAllMessage() messages = {} tickJ = getTickCount() table.insert(messages, {"#fca903* #ffffffChat został wyczyszczony przez #ff0000Administratora #fca903*", tickJ+99999999, 90, "i"}) end addEvent("removeAllMessage", true) addEventHandler("removeAllMessage", resourceRoot, removeAllMessage) function isCursorOnElement( posX, posY, width, height ) if isCursorShowing( ) then local mouseX, mouseY = getCursorPosition( ) local clientW, clientH = guiGetScreenSize( ) local mouseX, mouseY = mouseX * clientW, mouseY * clientH if ( mouseX > posX and mouseX < ( posX + width ) and mouseY > posY and mouseY < ( posY + height ) ) then return true end end return false end C.lua ( CHat )
  11. Hello, I would like to export custom chat instead of outputchatbox c.lua ( Chat ) https://www19.zippyshare.com/v/0uuzYmdN/file.html replace chatoutput addEvent("RozpocznijSAPD",true) addEventHandler("RozpocznijSAPD",root,function(el) if isPlayerInPoliceFaction(el) then if not getElementData(el,'player:faction') then exports['psrpg-frakcja-ustawienia']:rozpocznijnaliczanie(el) setElementData(el,'player:faction','SAPD') local rank = exports['psrpg-frakcja-ustawienia']:getPlayerFactionRank(el,'SAPD') setElementData(el,"player:rank",rank) setPedStat(el,78,1000) setPedStat(el,70,1000) setElementData(el,"last:nick",getPlayerName(el)) setElementData(el,"last:color",tostring(getPlayerNametagColor(el))) setPlayerName(el,"#0000FF"..getPlayerName(el):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","")) outputChatBox ("✔ #FFFFFFRozpocząłeś/aś służbe we frakcji: #00c005SAPD #FFFFFF(#00c005San Andreas Police Department#FFFFFF)",el, 0, 255, 0, true) local desc = "[Służba] Gracz: "..getPlayerName(el):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." rozpoczął służbe we frakcji: SAPD" triggerEvent("admin:addText", resourceRoot, RGBToHex(0,87,110)..desc..RGBToHex(255,255,255),math.random(0,99)) triggerEvent("admin:logs", root, desc) outputServerLog(desc) exports["pystories-db"]:dbSet("UPDATE pystories_factions set actived=NOW() WHERE code=? AND sid=? LIMIT 1;", "SAPD", getElementData(el,"player:sid")) else exports["pystories-db"]:dbSet("insert into Logi_minuty_frakcja (uid,minuty,data) VALUES(?,?,NOW())", getElementData(el,"player:sid"), getElementData(el,"player:workinjob")) removeElementData(el,"player:workinjob69") takeAllWeapons(el) exports['psrpg-frakcja-ustawienia']:zatrzymajnaliczanie(el) setElementData(el, 'player:faction', false) setElementData(el,"player:rank",false) local skin=getElementData(el,"player:skin") setElementModel(el, skin) setPlayerName(el,getElementData(el,"last:nick")) outputChatBox ("✘ #FFFFFFZakończyłeś/aś służbe we frakcji: #00c005SAPD #FFFFFF(#00c005San Andreas Police Department#FFFFFF)",el, 255, 0, 0, true) local desc = "[Służba] Gracz: "..getPlayerName(el):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x","").." zakończył służbe we frakcji: SAPD" triggerEvent("admin:addText", resourceRoot, RGBToHex(0,87,110)..desc..RGBToHex(255,255,255),math.random(0,99)) triggerEvent("admin:logs", root, desc) outputServerLog(desc) end else outputChatBox ("✘ #FFFFFFNie jesteś zatrudniony/a we frakcji: #bf0101SAPD #FFFFFF(#bf0101San Andreas Police Department#FFFFFF)",el, 255, 0, 0, true) end end) In short, my point is to swap all outputs PutChatBox To message about custom chat. How to export cutom chat message? @The_GTA
  12. Now no errors, but when I click the F2 button, then I only see the cursor and the graphics do not appear.
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