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    AssasinS Crew | AC
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    Play mta
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    Have an account here to upload MTA reports

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  1. Hello my name was known as AC | Matrix, or just matrix, or Matrix, with symbols without symbols, nick colors etc. I know I already talked about this, but I hope that with this second attempt I can appeal my ban as I will speak as best and understandably as possible. Tut sent me here because he found out that they created an account in discord to impersonate him and leave me permanently banned on mta. Look at Dutchman101 if you read this honestly, I am sorry for what I did in the past, but let's continue. The person in charge of my global ban in this community was Takeshi, a person who is related to TK and are friends of them, or just acquaintances or colleagues, because of him his friends banned me from banning mta for the same reason as the prohibition. because they didn't like me and for Takeshi it was unbearable, but it's a shame that they have to expel me from mta for a reason that is not FAIR. Because I never in my life gave dice to a player, server or everything related to doing DDoS. Honestly, I do not know if you confused me, I am not a friend of TK, they just passed my ip and serial and the person responsible for passing that was Scary Server Owner '' Stealth New Era - | PvP - Masts - Treino - Latina - N3 | when i passed my ip and serial number, they changed the nickname to "TK ~ Matrix" after that, a player from El Salvador made a link and passed it through different servers, and that is why i ended up getting banned from mta, The reports are due to the same reason for the ban that was imposed on me. Honestly, I was never a TK in my life. And about Rebook, then they banned him in the same way in MTA making believe that he was TK when he never was. He is not my friend or anything like that, he is just a partner in the game who was banned for an unfair reason, in fact I have proof of my ban and where it is scary he admits that if he got carried away by takehi and I inform him to get a ban by MTA. I was unable to report the booking change because I had no proof of any of that, and it would have been useless to do so as no one would have believed me ... The only thing I will say and confirm is that I will never use the TK tag this year. I only used it in 2019 jokingly, also that does not mean that I stay with the ban, I just realized that in this year that for that simple label you can be banned, honestly no TK is so stupid as to enter with a TK label in mta, it would be very easy to ban them ... so in explanation I am not TK, I only used the tag jokingly 2 years ago .... that did not affect anyone, and never in my life did I deliver data to the servers and did not bring them down . If I got to play R9, it seemed like a good server, but then I found out that this server was manipulated by toxic and corrupt people like TK. The reason for this report is not that they remove the ban, only 2 people, me AND book again ... I will send you all the tests I have, as long as they are not the same, if you want to talk to me you can add me in my new discord. Supposedly the TK hacked me and they can see all my messages and they are inside my discord and supposedly they have my real life "RUT", and that they planned to expose me. He told me this was scary, but then I stopped talking to him because he was someone who wanted to manipulate me and because he was a liar. as if to get to the point of leaking all the information about him in real life for the simple fact of betraying them or transmitting things about which they do not want others to know. With all due respect and sincerity, I also ask that you censor the name of the person who gave me these photos that will be displayed here, plus I no longer have space to send the photos that are proof here ... this is the only thing What will I tell you, I hope you forgive me for all these problems. message written by: matrix O sea, yo le hice saber que se hicieron pasar por el en discord, aca dejare las evidencias:
  2. Hola, espero que no sea demasiado para mí presentarme, me presento, mi nombre conocido en MTA es '' AC | Matrix '', soy conocido como jugador en la comunidad de Multi Theft Auto San Andreas, me acabo de enterar que fui expulsado de la comunidad de este juego por personas tóxicas con malas intenciones. Me puse en contacto con Dutchman101 hace aproximadamente 2 años para denunciar a personas que me dio ddos, debo admitir y considerar que cometí errores al prohibir a esas personas sin pruebas suficientes para intentar abusar de ese informe en 2019, me dijiste una palabra '' tengo mis propias formas de separar la verdad de la acusación '', y vengo a hablar sobre un tema que te puede interesar. Admito que me emociono y utilizo el informe con algunas pruebas o un video donde fui DDoS de manera incorrecta y abusiva, pero más que todo el administrador de la MTA que podría haberme baneado, nunca considero que no distingo la verdad con la acusación, ¿Por que estoy seguro de lo que estoy diciendo? Es simple. Tengo pruebas de que el apodo '' TK ~ Matrix '' fue agregado por una conexión que hice a un servidor con un apodo que usé llamado '' mr.g0d '' o '' mr.god '', pero lo peor es que por el simple hecho de cambiar ese nombre a TK ~ Matrix, me prohibieron sin pruebas suficientes por la simple etiqueta de '' TK '', no vengo a criticarte ni a juzgarte por tus acciones, has estado en este comunidad por más años que yo y son mayores y hacen el trabajo mejor de lo que yo podría hacerlo y llego a admitir, antes era una rata sí, pero llego a arrepentirme de mis acciones en el pasado, Algo totalmente falso y sin pruebas con argumentos válidos, solo use el nombre de usuaria de una persona porque la consideraba una amiga a la que amaba con todo mi corazón,pero resultó que nunca fue nada de eso.Lo peor de todo es que las personas que están en ese grupo comenzaron a enviarme solicitudes de amistad para tratar de demostrar que estoy cerca de ese grupo para que me baneen. Bueno, ya di muchas charlas sobre este tema, y es hora de que presente la evidencia. Mi serie: 637C1C726EFFAFBF8973036C20CCB2C4 - AC | Matriz - Mi discordia: mercy # 0683 Vengo a agregar, que tengo otra captura (reciente), donde takeshi se cambia el nombre de usuario para disimular que nunca se puso '' TK CLAN '' images: https://imgur.com/a/S2PQiR7
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